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Electron transport calculation code based on the real-space finite-difference formalism within the framework of the density functional theory
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Dmitrii Nabok / fleur-qsgw
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Nicolas Essing / Fortranlib
MIT LicenseA collection of some useful Fortran modules on general purposes. Implementation of some common datastructures and algorithms, tools for common tasks, that kind of stuff.
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Matthias Redies / uBench
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Henning Janssen / fleur
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Reiner Zorn / UNIFIT
MIT LicenseUNIFIT is a highly flexible program for fitting theories to experimental data.
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kkr / jukkr
MIT LicenseThe Jülich KKR codes containing: voronoi construction, bulk crystals and interfaces, impurities, magnetic susceptibilities, Fermi surface, impurity scattering, Boltzmann transport
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Anoop Chandran / fleur
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Gideon Müller / f2ch
MIT LicenseConvert Fortran modules to C-headers. Taken over from https://github.com/sharifmarat/fortran_to_c_headers