Replace homebrewed convolution/image filtering with OpenCV
This MR replaces the proprietary FFT convolvers with OpenCV's image filtering methods. This has several consequences:
- Reproduciblity should be much better for peak finders because the boundary conditions for the convolvers was generally undefined.
- Access to OpenCV's mature image processing algorithms. This should have performance implications in the long run.
- Access to improvements in image processing. For example, we now use a simple binary thresholding, which can be replaced using e.g. Otsu's method, which is implemented in OpenCV.
- The project is now architecturally much simpler. The convolvers added a huge amount of complexity and redundant functionality (box, delta convolvers never used).
- Python scripting/testing is now much easier. Convolver classes introduced a lot of low level memory management to the python interface.
Resolves #474 (closed)