From ca2abe6af3ab44ff875f020428ec82b99761521c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: johannes wasmer <>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 14:06:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] add notes

---                      |  2 +-
 notes/ | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 notes/        | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 notes/
 create mode 100644 notes/

diff --git a/ b/
index f0f25f0..5357554 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ Design ([[][URL]]) group's group meeting, abou
 [[file:notes/][Speaking notes]].
-[[file:notes/][Development notes]].
+[[file:notes/][Development notes]].
diff --git a/notes/ b/notes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21c5181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#+TITLE: hzdr-casus-talk-notes
+#+DATE: <2025-02-12 Wed>
+# #+DATE: \today
+#+OPTIONS: auto-id:t
+* [[file:../][Up]]
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-C12524E0-E382-424C-82A8-32A0BF35515F
+* Table of Contents                                                     :TOC_2_gh:noexport:
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-DD4E3FD2-8C0E-45B7-906C-40BFA2009380
+- [[#up][Up]]
+- [[#project-management][Project management]]
+  - [[#event-info][Event info]]
+  - [[#workflow][Workflow]]
+- [[#checklists-77][Checklists]]
+- [[#slides][Slides]]
+- [[#brainstorming][Brainstorming]]
+- [[#outline][Outline]]
+- [[#journal][Journal]]
+- [[#research][Research]]
+* Project management
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-8F42795C-CEC0-4CC8-A990-029071871CCE
+** Event info
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-E109AFE0-6D92-4F82-91C6-C2EC775FFE31
+- Talk time: ca. 15-40 minutes, 15-20 minutes discussion
+- Audience size: hzdr-casus mlmd group, ca. 5
+- Audience type: atomistic ML & DFT experts
+** Workflow
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-6C82D1B6-ADE3-4498-B959-0663407621BD
+Only 20 hours time to prepare. Wing it.
+* Checklists [7/7]
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-91D149C8-B1AF-4103-A829-CF9AA92A88D5
+* Slides
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-71C56994-C3B6-4CB8-8034-DD47190F5F79
+General ideas of slide arrangement per section. Intro to group and reason of
+collaboration, magnetic TIs and database, intro to KKR method, development of
+| No | Section      | Title                    | Intent              |
+| -2 | frontmatter  | titlepage                |                     |
+| -1 | frontmatter  | slides repo              |                     |
+|  0 | frontmatter  | outline                  |                     |
+|    | introduction | My research organization | Helmholtz, FZJ      |
+|    | introduction | My research group        | QTM, Mat4QIT, JuDFT |
+|    |              |                          |                     |
+|    | discussion   |                          |                     |
+* Brainstorming
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-A8352650-DB37-4D7C-BD2E-54368A0369D7
+- Idea. Stitch together from talks 2024-07-22-talk-tcd-spincomp and
+  2025-02-03-talk-daemon.
+* Outline
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-C6BB914A-B2B7-44AA-A44D-60FFD7D9A34A
+* Journal
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-8F8D35DA-1C8B-40AD-A9C5-1B854DF69004
+* Research
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-766FE7B8-FDF7-4492-832D-5FE5FC98D35E
diff --git a/notes/ b/notes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..659229c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#+OPTIONS: auto-id:t
+* [[file:../][Up]]
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-626FBDAB-68CA-4981-9C1F-2E10BEDCD14A
+* Introduction
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-307B86F4-24F4-4387-9AE8-FE8D8E2FDAFA
+* KKR introduction
+:CUSTOM_ID: h-9E5F59BA-9F97-45B5-BEB8-F52226157FAC
+- master-thesis speaking notes for this slide
+  - [[file:~/src/][4 KKR-GF]]
+- KKR SCF cycle
+  - [[file:~/Desktop/Studium/Kurse_RWTH/DensityFunctionalTheory/20W/Lecture 17-20 Electronic Struct___eudopotential, PAW, FLAPW, KKR/Lecture20_KKRGF-Method.pdf][dft20 lecture 20 KKR]]
+    - p. 18
+      - 1) potential V -> solutions R, H
+        - from [[][iffMD KKRimp tutorial]]: this is the single-site problem
+        - from dft20 p.27: secular equation: local solution of TISE in each cell
+          with basis RL YL
+        - from [[][iffMD KKRimp tutorial]]: t = V + V G0 t = \int_V \sum_L J V R
+      - 2) Algebraic Dyson equation -> structural GF
+        - the ADE IS the SGF
+        - the SGF contains all possible scattering paths btw any two cells
+        - Sol found by Fourier transform (k-space), matrix inv, back-transform
+          (otherwise infinite sum)
+        - from msc2a. for KKRimp, one gets the impurity region block GII from
+          impurity SGF inversion in real space and discarding all blocks GRI,
+          GIR, GRR. Host G0 enters as a boundary condition but does not change.
+      - 3) GF = SiSca + Musca(structural GF)
+- From lit-rev -
+  - [[file:~/src/][blugelDensityFunctionalTheory2006 - 6 The Green function method of Korringa, Kohn and Rostoker]]
+  #+begin_quote
+  In order to solve the Schrödinger equation, the scattering properties of each
+  scattering center (atom) are determined in a first step and described by a
+  scattering matrix, while the multiple-scattering by all atoms in the lattice
+  is determined in a second step by demanding that the incident wave at each
+  center is the sum of the outgoing waves from all other centers. In this way, a
+  separation between the potential and geometric properties is achieved.
+  A further significant development of the KKR scheme came when it was
+  reformulated as a KKR Green function method [75, 76]. By separating the
+  single-site scattering problem from the multiple-scattering effects, the
+  method is able to produce the crystal Green function efficiently by relating
+  it to the Green function of free space via the Dyson equation. In a second
+  step the crystal Green function can be used as a reference in order to
+  calculate the Green function of an impurity in the crystal [77], again via a
+  Dyson equation. This way of solving the impurity problem is extremely
+  efficient, avoiding the construction of huge supercells which are needed in
+  wavefunction methods.
+  #+end_quote
+- Observables and electron density
+  - from lit-rev -
+    #+begin_quote
+    [...] charge density \(n(\bm{r})\) can be directly expressed by an energy integral
+    over the imaginary part of the Green function
+    #+end_quote
+  - from msc2a_theory
+    #+begin_quote
+    The integral sums over all occupied states up to the Fermi energy \(E_F\) at
+    zero absolute temperature
+    #+end_quote
+  - expensive energy integrals are calculated efficiently via contour integration
+    (less E points)
+- Some KKR applications besides impurity embeddings
+  - surfaces, layered systems, transport and spectroscopic properties,
+    linear-scaling DFT with accurate long-range interactions (KKRnano),
+    disordered systems (CPA), conventional superconductivity (BdG-DFT), etc.