diff --git a/pyramid/kernel.py b/pyramid/kernel.py
index 7bb72410d3b30f16150cbd885e13f8efc6774207..accd876e5e5f96dbbfbce9de129210da5d9270c5 100644
--- a/pyramid/kernel.py
+++ b/pyramid/kernel.py
@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ from jutil import fft
 __all__ = ['Kernel', 'PHI_0']
 PHI_0 = 2067.83  # magnetic flux in T*nm²
+H_BAR = 6.626E-34  # Planck constant in J*s
+M_E = 9.109E-31  # electron mass in kg
+Q_E = 1.602E-19  # electron charge in C
+C = 2.998E8  # speed of light in m/s
+EPS_0 = 8.8542E-12  # electrical field constant
 class Kernel(object):
@@ -163,3 +168,130 @@ class Kernel(object):
         print('Grid spacing        : {} nm'.format(self.a))
         print('Geometry            :', self.geometry)
         print('PRW vector          : {} T'.format(self.prw_vec))
+class KernelCharge(object):
+    """Class for calculating kernel matrices for the phase calculation.
+    Represents the phase of a single charged pixel, which can be accessed via the corresponding attributes.
+    During the construction, a few attributes are calculated that are used in
+    the convolution during phase calculation in the different :class:`~Phasemapper` classes.
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    a : float
+        The grid spacing in nm.
+    v_acc : float, optional
+            The acceleration voltage of the electron microscope in V. The default is 300000.
+    electrode_vec : tuple of float (N=2)
+        The norm vector of the counter electrode, (elec_a,elec_b), and the distance to the origin is
+        the norm of (elec_a,elec_b).
+    dim_uv : tuple of int (N=2), optional
+        Dimensions of the 2-dimensional electrostatic charge grid from which the phase should
+        be calculated.
+    dim_kern : tuple of int (N=2)
+        Dimensions of the kernel, which is ``2N-1`` for both axes compared to `dim_uv`.
+    dim_pad : tuple of int (N=2)
+        Dimensions of the padded FOV, which is ``2N`` (if FFTW is used) or the next highest power
+        of 2 (for numpy-FFT).
+    dim_fft : tuple of int (N=2)
+        Dimensions of the grid, which is used for the FFT, taking into account that a RFFT should
+        be used (one axis is halved in comparison to `dim_pad`).
+    kc : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3)
+        The phase contribution of one charged pixel.
+    kc_fft : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3)
+        The real FFT of the phase contribution of one charged pixel.
+    slice_phase : tuple (N=2) of :class:`slice`
+        A tuple of :class:`slice` objects to extract the original FOV from the increased one with
+        size `dim_pad` for the elementary kernel phase. The kernel is shifted, thus the center is
+        not at (0, 0), which also shifts the slicing compared to `slice_mag`.
+    slice_mag : tuple (N=2) of :class:`slice`
+        A tuple of :class:`slice` objects to extract the original FOV from the increased one with
+        size `dim_pad` for the projected charge distribution.
+    prw_vec: tuple of 2 int, optional
+        A two-component vector describing the displacement of the reference wave to include
+        perturbation of this reference by the object itself (via fringing fields), (y, x).
+    dtype: numpy dtype, optional
+        Data type of the kernel. Default is np.float32.
+    """
+    _log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.KernelCharge')
+    def __init__(self, a, dim_uv, electrode_vec, v_acc=300000., prw_vec=None, dtype=np.float32):
+        self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
+        # Set basic properties:
+        self.prw_vec = prw_vec
+        self.dim_uv = dim_uv  # Dimensions of the FOV
+        self.dim_kern = tuple(2 * np.array(dim_uv) - 1)  # Dimensions of the kernel
+        self.a = a
+        self.electrode_vec = electrode_vec
+        self.v_acc = v_acc
+        lam = H_BAR / np.sqrt(2 * M_E * Q_E * v_acc * (1 + Q_E * v_acc / (2 * M_E * C ** 2)))
+        c_e = 2 * np.pi * Q_E / lam * (Q_E * v_acc + M_E * C ** 2) / (
+            Q_E * v_acc * (Q_E * v_acc + 2 * M_E * C ** 2))
+        # Set up FFT:
+        if fft.HAVE_FFTW:
+            self.dim_pad = tuple(2 * np.array(dim_uv))  # is at least even (not nec. power of 2)
+        else:
+            self.dim_pad = tuple(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(2 * np.array(dim_uv))).astype(int))  # pow(2)
+        self.dim_fft = (self.dim_pad[0], self.dim_pad[1] // 2 + 1)  # last axis is real
+        self.slice_phase = (slice(dim_uv[0] - 1, self.dim_kern[0]),  # Shift because kernel center
+                            slice(dim_uv[1] - 1, self.dim_kern[1]))  # is not at (0, 0)!
+        self.slice_mag = (slice(0, dim_uv[0]),  # Magnetization is padded on the far end!
+                          slice(0, dim_uv[1]))  # (Phase cutout is shifted as listed above)
+        # Calculate kernel (single pixel phase):
+        coeff = c_e * Q_E / (4 * np.pi * EPS_0)  # Minus is gone because of negative z-direction
+        v_dim, u_dim = dim_uv
+        u = np.linspace(-(u_dim - 1), u_dim - 1, num=2 * u_dim - 1)
+        v = np.linspace(-(v_dim - 1), v_dim - 1, num=2 * v_dim - 1)
+        uu, vv = np.meshgrid(u, v)
+        self.kc = np.empty(self.dim_kern, dtype=dtype)
+        self.kc[...] = coeff * self._get_elementary_phase(electrode_vec, uu, vv, a)
+        # Include perturbed reference wave:
+        if prw_vec is not None:
+            uu += prw_vec[1]
+            vv += prw_vec[0]
+            self.kc[...] -= coeff * self._get_elementary_phase(electrode_vec, uu, vv, a)
+        # Calculate Fourier transform of kernel:
+        self.kc_fft = fft.rfftn(self.kc, self.dim_pad)
+        self._log.debug('Created ' + str(self))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        self._log.debug('Calling __repr__')
+        return '%s(a=%r, dim_uv=%r, electrode_vec=%r,prw_vec=%r)' % \
+               (self.__class__, self.a, self.dim_uv, self.electrode_vec, self.prw_vec)
+    def __str__(self):
+        self._log.debug('Calling __str__')
+        return 'Kernel(a=%s, dim_uv=%s, electrode_vec=%s, prw_vec=%s,)' % \
+               (self.a, self.dim_uv, self.electrode_vec, self.prw_vec)
+    def _get_elementary_phase(self, electrode_vec, n, m, a):
+        self._log.debug('Calling _get_elementary_phase')
+        elec_a, elec_b = electrode_vec
+        n_img = 2 * elec_a
+        m_img = 2 * elec_b
+        in_or_out1 = ~ np.logical_and(n == 0, m == 0)
+        in_or_out2 = ~ np.logical_and((n - n_img) == 0, (m - m_img) == 0)
+        return (1. / np.sqrt(a ** 2 * (n ** 2 + m ** 2 + 1E-30))) * in_or_out1 - \
+               (1. / np.sqrt(a ** 2 * ((n - n_img) ** 2 + (m - m_img) ** 2 + 1E-30))) * in_or_out2
+    def print_info(self):
+        """Print information about the kernel.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        None
+        """
+        self._log.debug('Calling log_info')
+        print('Shape of the FOV    :', self.dim_uv)
+        print('Shape of the Kernel :', self.dim_kern)
+        print('Zero-padded shape   :', self.dim_pad)
+        print('Shape of the FFT    :', self.dim_fft)
+        print('Slice for the phase :', self.slice_phase)
+        print('Slice for the magn. :', self.slice_mag)
+        print('Grid spacing        : {} nm'.format(self.a))
+        print('PRW vector          : {} T'.format(self.prw_vec))
+        print('Electrode vector    : {} T'.format(self.electrode_vec))
diff --git a/pyramid/kernelcharge.py b/pyramid/kernelcharge.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5625c2dfe489d036f35352672d52f05ae2311c7a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pyramid/kernelcharge.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2014 by Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
-# Author: J. Caron
-"""This module provides the :class:`~.KernelCharge` class, representing the phase contribution of one
-single Charged pixel."""
-import logging
-import numpy as np
-from jutil import fft
-__all__ = ['Kernel', 'PHI_0'] # TODO rewrite!
-# PHI_0 = 2067.83  # magnetic flux in T*nm²
-H_BAR = 6.626E-34  # Planck constant in J*s
-M_E = 9.109E-31  # electron mass in kg
-Q_E = 1.602E-19  # electron charge in C
-C = 2.998E8  # speed of light in m/s
-EPS_0 = 8.8542E-12  # electrical field constant
-class KernelCharge(object):
-    """Class for calculating kernel matrices for the phase calculation.
-    Represents the phase of a single charged pixel, which can be accessed via the corresponding attributes.
-    During the construction, a few attributes are calculated that are used in
-    the convolution during phase calculation in the different :class:`~Phasemapper` classes.
-    Attributes
-    ----------
-    a : float
-        The grid spacing in nm.
-    v_acc : float, optional
-            The acceleration voltage of the electron microscope in V. The default is 300000.
-    electrode_vec : tuple of float (N=2)
-        The norm vector of the counter electrode, (elec_a,elec_b), and the distance to the origin is
-        the norm of (elec_a,elec_b).
-    dim_uv : tuple of int (N=2), optional
-        Dimensions of the 2-dimensional projected magnetization grid from which the phase should
-        be calculated.
-    dim_kern : tuple of int (N=2)
-        Dimensions of the kernel, which is ``2N-1`` for both axes compared to `dim_uv`.
-    dim_pad : tuple of int (N=2)
-        Dimensions of the padded FOV, which is ``2N`` (if FFTW is used) or the next highest power
-        of 2 (for numpy-FFT).
-    dim_fft : tuple of int (N=2)
-        Dimensions of the grid, which is used for the FFT, taking into account that a RFFT should
-        be used (one axis is halved in comparison to `dim_pad`).
-    kc : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3)
-        The phase contribution of one charged pixel.
-    kc_fft : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3)
-        The real FFT of the phase contribution of one charged pixel.
-    slice_phase : tuple (N=2) of :class:`slice`
-        A tuple of :class:`slice` objects to extract the original FOV from the increased one with
-        size `dim_pad` for the elementary kernel phase. The kernel is shifted, thus the center is
-        not at (0, 0), which also shifts the slicing compared to `slice_mag`.
-    slice_mag : tuple (N=2) of :class:`slice`
-        A tuple of :class:`slice` objects to extract the original FOV from the increased one with
-        size `dim_pad` for the projected magnetization distribution.
-    prw_vec: tuple of 2 int, optional
-        A two-component vector describing the displacement of the reference wave to include
-        perturbation of this reference by the object itself (via fringing fields), (y, x).
-    dtype: numpy dtype, optional
-        Data type of the kernel. Default is np.float32.
-    """
-    _log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.Kernel')  # TODO 'KernelCharge'
-    def __init__(self, a, dim_uv, electrode_vec, v_acc=300000., prw_vec=None, dtype=np.float32):
-        self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
-        # Set basic properties:
-        self.prw_vec = prw_vec
-        self.dim_uv = dim_uv  # Dimensions of the FOV
-        self.dim_kern = tuple(2 * np.array(dim_uv) - 1)  # Dimensions of the kernel
-        self.a = a
-        self.electrode_vec = electrode_vec
-        self.v_acc = v_acc
-        lam = H_BAR / np.sqrt(2 * M_E * Q_E * v_acc * (1 + Q_E * v_acc / (2 * M_E * C ** 2)))
-        c_e = 2 * np.pi * Q_E / lam * (Q_E * v_acc + M_E * C ** 2) / (
-            Q_E * v_acc * (Q_E * v_acc + 2 * M_E * C ** 2))
-        # Set up FFT:
-        if fft.HAVE_FFTW:
-            self.dim_pad = tuple(2 * np.array(dim_uv))  # is at least even (not nec. power of 2)
-        else:
-            self.dim_pad = tuple(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(2 * np.array(dim_uv))).astype(int))  # pow(2)
-        self.dim_fft = (self.dim_pad[0], self.dim_pad[1] // 2 + 1)  # last axis is real
-        self.slice_phase = (slice(dim_uv[0] - 1, self.dim_kern[0]),  # Shift because kernel center
-                            slice(dim_uv[1] - 1, self.dim_kern[1]))  # is not at (0, 0)!
-        self.slice_mag = (slice(0, dim_uv[0]),  # Magnetization is padded on the far end!
-                          slice(0, dim_uv[1]))  # (Phase cutout is shifted as listed above)
-        # Calculate kernel (single pixel phase):
-        coeff = c_e * Q_E / (4 * np.pi * EPS_0)  # Minus is gone because of negative z-direction
-        v_dim, u_dim = dim_uv
-        u = np.linspace(-(u_dim - 1), u_dim - 1, num=2 * u_dim - 1)
-        v = np.linspace(-(v_dim - 1), v_dim - 1, num=2 * v_dim - 1)
-        uu, vv = np.meshgrid(u, v)
-        self.kc = np.empty(self.dim_kern, dtype=dtype)
-        self.kc[...] = coeff * self._get_elementary_phase(electrode_vec, uu, vv, a)
-        # Include perturbed reference wave:
-        if prw_vec is not None:
-            uu += prw_vec[1]
-            vv += prw_vec[0]
-            self.kc[...] -= coeff * self._get_elementary_phase(electrode_vec, uu, vv, a)
-        # Calculate Fourier transform of kernel:
-        self.kc_fft = fft.rfftn(self.kc, self.dim_pad)
-        self._log.debug('Created ' + str(self))
-    def __repr__(self):
-        self._log.debug('Calling __repr__')
-        return '%s(a=%r, dim_uv=%r, electrode_vec=%r,prw_vec=%r)' % \
-               (self.__class__, self.a, self.dim_uv, self.electrode_vec, self.prw_vec)
-    def __str__(self):
-        self._log.debug('Calling __str__')
-        return 'Kernel(a=%s, dim_uv=%s, electrode_vec=%s, prw_vec=%s,)' % \
-               (self.a, self.dim_uv, self.electrode_vec, self.prw_vec)
-    def _get_elementary_phase(self, electrode_vec, n, m, a):
-        self._log.debug('Calling _get_elementary_phase')
-        elec_a, elec_b = electrode_vec
-        n_img = 2 * elec_a
-        m_img = 2 * elec_b
-        in_or_out1 = ~ np.logical_and(n == 0, m == 0)
-        in_or_out2 = ~ np.logical_and((n - n_img) == 0, (m - m_img) == 0)
-        return (1. / np.sqrt(a ** 2 * (n ** 2 + m ** 2 + 1E-30))) * in_or_out1 - \
-               (1. / np.sqrt(a ** 2 * ((n - n_img) ** 2 + (m - m_img) ** 2 + 1E-30))) * in_or_out2
-    def print_info(self):
-        """Print information about the kernel.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        None
-        """
-        self._log.debug('Calling log_info')
-        print('Shape of the FOV    :', self.dim_uv)
-        print('Shape of the Kernel :', self.dim_kern)
-        print('Zero-padded shape   :', self.dim_pad)
-        print('Shape of the FFT    :', self.dim_fft)
-        print('Slice for the phase :', self.slice_phase)
-        print('Slice for the magn. :', self.slice_mag)
-        print('Grid spacing        : {} nm'.format(self.a))
-        print('PRW vector          : {} T'.format(self.prw_vec))
-        print('Electrode vector    : {} T'.format(self.electrode_vec))
diff --git a/pyramid/phasemapper.py b/pyramid/phasemapper.py
index 27d1a6751818cdeddc7e953e174613653bc6b04f..a8852a8e8b60848644aaabd5b6974c0bf39fbac8 100644
--- a/pyramid/phasemapper.py
+++ b/pyramid/phasemapper.py
@@ -434,6 +434,7 @@ class PhaseMapperCharge(PhaseMapper):
         Size of the input space.
+    _log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.PhaseMapperCharge')
     def __init__(self, a, dim_uv, electrode_vec, v_acc=300000):
         self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
diff --git a/pyramid/tests/.DS_Store b/pyramid/tests/.DS_Store
deleted file mode 100644
index 5008ddfcf53c02e82d7eee2e57c38e5672ef89f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/pyramid/tests/.DS_Store and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/pyramid/tests/test_kernelcharge.py b/pyramid/tests/test_kernelcharge.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b36bb96456f602ebcb4ef020b988029a7221df8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pyramid/tests/test_kernelcharge.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Testcase for the magdata module."""
-import os
-import unittest
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
-from pyramid.kernelcharge import KernelCharge
-class TestCaseKernelCharge(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'test_kernelcharge')
-        self.kernel = KernelCharge(1., dim_uv=(8, 8), electrode_vec=(3, 3))
-    def tearDown(self):
-        self.path = None
-        self.kernel = None
-    def test_kernelcharge(self):
-        ref_kc = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_kc.npy'))
-        ref_kc_fft = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_kc_fft.npy'))
-        assert_allclose(self.kernel.kc, ref_kc, err_msg='Unexpected behavior in kc')
-        assert_allclose(self.kernel.kc_fft, ref_kc_fft, atol=1E-7,
-                        err_msg='Unexpected behavior in kc_fft')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_kernel.py b/tests/test_kernel.py
index b4273e5651d9198f7ba250a8ea153bc947a2fb18..4fdd2daca705bed85e130c8a153f455a59f492ec 100644
--- a/tests/test_kernel.py
+++ b/tests/test_kernel.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import unittest
 import numpy as np
 from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
-from pyramid.kernel import Kernel
+from pyramid.kernel import Kernel, KernelCharge
 class TestCaseKernel(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -30,3 +30,20 @@ class TestCaseKernel(unittest.TestCase):
                         err_msg='Unexpected behavior in u_fft')
         assert_allclose(self.kernel.v_fft, ref_v_fft, atol=1E-7,
                         err_msg='Unexpected behavior in v_fft')
+class TestCaseKernelCharge(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'test_kernel')
+        self.kernel = KernelCharge(1., dim_uv=(8, 8), electrode_vec=(3, 3))
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.path = None
+        self.kernel = None
+    def test_kernelcharge(self):
+        ref_kc = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_kc.npy'))
+        ref_kc_fft = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_kc_fft.npy'))
+        assert_allclose(self.kernel.kc, ref_kc, err_msg='Unexpected behavior in kc')
+        assert_allclose(self.kernel.kc_fft, ref_kc_fft, atol=1E-7,
+                        err_msg='Unexpected behavior in kc_fft')
diff --git a/pyramid/tests/test_kernelcharge/ref_kc.npy b/tests/test_kernel/ref_kc.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from pyramid/tests/test_kernelcharge/ref_kc.npy
rename to tests/test_kernel/ref_kc.npy
diff --git a/pyramid/tests/test_kernelcharge/ref_kc_fft.npy b/tests/test_kernel/ref_kc_fft.npy
similarity index 100%
rename from pyramid/tests/test_kernelcharge/ref_kc_fft.npy
rename to tests/test_kernel/ref_kc_fft.npy