diff --git a/pyramid/diagnostics.py b/pyramid/diagnostics.py
index 8acfcf840fcb6258a9f77f718ea42bb4d019e405..1e84c3f7da5e338a4793dbd8b26a5124831e1387 100644
--- a/pyramid/diagnostics.py
+++ b/pyramid/diagnostics.py
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import os
 import logging
+import pickle
 from pyramid.forwardmodel import ForwardModel
 from pyramid.costfunction import Costfunction
 from pyramid.regularisator import FirstOrderRegularisator
@@ -26,6 +28,14 @@ import numpy as np
 import jutil
+    if type(get_ipython()).__name__ == 'ZMQInteractiveShell':  # IPython Notebook!
+        from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
+    else:  # IPython, but not a Notebook (e.g. terminal)
+        from tqdm import tqdm
+except NameError:
+    from tqdm import tqdm
 __all__ = ['Diagnostics', 'LCurve','get_vector_field_errors']
 # TODO: should be subpackage, distribute methods and classes to separate modules!
@@ -143,7 +153,7 @@ class Diagnostics(object):
             self._updated_avrg_kern_row = False
             self._updated_measure_contribution = False
-    def __init__(self, magdata, cost, max_iter=1000, verbose=False):
+    def __init__(self, magdata, cost, max_iter=1000, verbose=False):  # TODO: verbose True default
         self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
         self.magdata = magdata
         self.cost = cost
@@ -390,7 +400,7 @@ class Diagnostics(object):
         artist = axis.add_patch(patches.Ellipse(xy, width, height, fill=False, edgecolor='w',
                                                 linewidth=2, alpha=0.5))
         artist.set_path_effects([patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=4, foreground='k', alpha=0.5)])
+        # TODO: Return axis on every plot?
     def plot_avrg_kern_field3d(self, pos=None, mask=True, ellipsoid=True, **kwargs):
         avrg_kern_field = self.get_avrg_kern_field(pos)
@@ -481,84 +491,101 @@ class LCurve(object):
     _log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.FieldData')
-    def __init__(self, fwd_model, max_iter=0, verbose=False, save_dir=None):
+    def __init__(self, fwd_model, max_iter=0, verbose=True, save_dir='lcurve'):
         self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
         assert isinstance(fwd_model, ForwardModel), 'Input has to be a costfunction'
         self.fwd_model = fwd_model
         self.max_iter = max_iter
         self.verbose = verbose
-        self.lams = []
-        self.chisq_a = []
-        self.chisq_m = []
-        if save_dir is not None:
-            assert os.path.isdir(save_dir), 'save_dir has to be None or a valid directory!'
-        self.save_dir = save_dir  # TODO: Use save_dir!!!
+        self.l_dict = {}
+        self.save_dir = save_dir
+        if self.save_dir is not None:
+            if not os.path.isdir(self.save_dir):  # Create directory if it does not exist:
+                os.makedirs(self.save_dir)
+            if os.path.isfile('{}/lcurve.pkl'.format(self.save_dir)):  # Load file if it exists:
+                self._load()
+            else:  # Create file:
+                self._save()
         self._log.debug('Created ' + str(self))
-    def calculate(self, lam):
+    # TODO: Methods for saving and loading l_dict's!!!
+    def _save(self):
+        with open('{}/lcurve.pkl'.format(self.save_dir), 'wb') as f:
+            pickle.dump(self.l_dict, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+    def _load(self):
+        with open('{}/lcurve.pkl'.format(self.save_dir), 'rb') as f:
+            self.l_dict = pickle.load(f)
+    def calculate(self, lambdas, overwrite=False):
         # TODO: Docstring!
-        if lam not in self.lams:
-            # Create new regularisator: # TODO: Not hardcoding FirstOrderRegularisator!
-            reg = FirstOrderRegularisator(self.fwd_model.data_set.mask, lam,
-                                          add_params=self.fwd_model.ramp.n)
-            cost = Costfunction(fwd_model=self.fwd_model, regularisator=reg)
-            # Reconstruct:
-            magdata_rec = reconstruction.optimize_linear(cost, max_iter=self.max_iter,
-                                                         verbose=self.verbose)
-            # Save magdata_rec if necessary:
-            if self.save_dir is not None:
-                filename = 'magdata_rec_lam{:.0e}.hdf5'.format(lam)
-                magdata_rec.save(os.path.join(self.save_dir, filename), overwrite=True)
-            # Append new values:
-            self.lams.append(lam)
-            chisq_m, chisq_a = cost.chisq_m[-1], cost.chisq_a[-1]  # TODO: is chisq_m list or not?
-            self.chisq_m.append(chisq_m)
-            self.chisq_a.append(chisq_a / lam)  # TODO: lambda out of regularisator?
-            # Sort lists according to lambdas:
-            tuples = zip(*sorted(zip(self.lams, self.chisq_m, self.chisq_a)))
-            self.lams, self.chisq_m, self.chisq_a = (list(l) for l in tuples)
-            self._log.info(lam, ' -->  m:', chisq_m, '  a:', chisq_a / lam)
-            return chisq_m, chisq_a / lam
+        lams = np.atleast_1d(lambdas)
+        for lam in tqdm(lams, disable=not self.verbose):
+            if lam not in self.l_dict.keys() or overwrite:
+                # Create new regularisator and costfunction: # TODO: Not hardcoding FirstOrder!
+                # TODO: Not necessary if lambda can be extracted from regularisator? self.cost?
+                reg = FirstOrderRegularisator(self.fwd_model.data_set.mask, lam,
+                                              add_params=self.fwd_model.ramp.n)
+                cost = Costfunction(fwd_model=self.fwd_model, regularisator=reg)
+                # Reconstruct:
+                magdata_rec = reconstruction.optimize_linear(cost, max_iter=self.max_iter,
+                                                             verbose=self.verbose)
+                # Add new values to dictionary:
+                chisq_m, chisq_a = cost.chisq_m[-1], cost.chisq_a[-1]  # TODO: chisq_m list or not?
+                self.l_dict[lam] = (chisq_m, chisq_a)
+                self._log.info(lam, ' -->  m:', chisq_m, '  a:', chisq_a)
+                # Save magdata_rec and dictionary if necessary:
+                if self.save_dir is not None:
+                    filename = 'magdata_rec_lam{:.0e}.hdf5'.format(lam)
+                    magdata_rec.save(os.path.join(self.save_dir, filename), overwrite=True)
+                    self._save()
+    def calculate_auto(self, lam_start=1E-18, lam_end=1E5, online_axis=False):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+        # TODO: Docstring!
+        # TODO: IMPLEMENT!!!
+        # # Calculate new cost terms:
+        # log_m_s, log_a_s = np.log10(self.calculate(lam_start))
+        # log_m_e, log_a_e = np.log10(self.calculate(lam_end))
+        # # Calculate new lambda:
+        # log_lam_s, log_lam_e = np.log10(lam_start), np.log10(lam_end)
+        # log_lam_new = np.mean((log_lam_s, log_lam_e))  # logarithmic mean to find middle on L!
+        # sign_exp = np.floor(log_lam_new)
+        # last_sign_digit = np.round(10 ** (log_lam_new - sign_exp))
+        # lam_new = last_sign_digit * 10 ** sign_exp
+        # # Calculate cost terms for new lambda:
+        # log_m_new, log_a_new = np.log10(self.calculate(lam_new))
+        # if online_axis:  # Update plot if necessary:
+        #     self.plot(axis=online_axis)
+        #     from IPython import display
+        #     display.clear_output(wait=True)
+        #     display.display(plt.gcf())
+        # # Calculate distances from origin and find new interval:
+        # dist_s, dist_e = np.hypot(log_m_s, log_a_s), np.hypot(log_m_e, log_a_e)
+        # dist_new = np.hypot(log_m_new, log_a_new)
+        # print(lam_start, lam_end, lam_new)
+        # print(dist_s, dist_e, dist_new)
+        # # if dist_new
+        # TODO: slope has to be normalised, scale of axes is not equal!!!
+        # TODO: get rid of right flank (do Not use right points with slope steeper than -45°
         # TODO: Implement else, return saved values!
         # TODO: Make this work with batch, sort lambdas at the end!
         # TODO: After sorting, calculate the CURVATURE for each lambda! (needs 3 points?)
-        # TODO: Use finite difference methods (forward/backward/central, depending on location)!
+        # TODO: Use finite difference methods (forward/backward/central, depends on location)!
         # TODO: Investigate points around highest curvature further.
         # TODO: Make sure to update ALL curvatures and search for new best EVERYWHERE!
         # TODO: Distinguish regions of the L-Curve.
-    def calculate_auto(self, lam_start=1E-18, lam_end=1E5, online_axis=False):
-        # TODO: Docstring!
-        # Calculate new cost terms:
-        log_m_s, log_a_s = np.log10(self.calculate(lam_start))
-        log_m_e, log_a_e = np.log10(self.calculate(lam_end))
-        # Calculate new lambda:
-        log_lam_s, log_lam_e = np.log10(lam_start), np.log10(lam_end)
-        log_lam_new = np.mean((log_lam_s, log_lam_e))  # logarithmic mean to find middle on L!
-        sign_exp = np.floor(log_lam_new)
-        last_sign_digit = np.round(10 ** (log_lam_new - sign_exp))
-        lam_new = last_sign_digit * 10 ** sign_exp
-        # Calculate cost terms for new lambda:
-        log_m_new, log_a_new = np.log10(self.calculate(lam_new))
-        if online_axis:  # Update plot if necessary:
-            self.plot(axis=online_axis)
-            from IPython import display
-            display.clear_output(wait=True)
-            display.display(plt.gcf())
-        # TODO: slope has to be normalised, scale of axes is not equal!!!
-        # TODO: get rid of right flank (do Not use right points with slope steeper than -45°
-        # Calculate distances from origin and find new interval:
-        dist_s, dist_e = np.hypot(log_m_s, log_a_s), np.hypot(log_m_e, log_a_e)
-        dist_new = np.hypot(log_m_new, log_a_new)
-        print(lam_start, lam_end, lam_new)
-        print(dist_s, dist_e, dist_new)
-        #if dist_new
-    def plot(self, axis=None, figsize=None):
+    def plot(self, lambdas=None, axis=None, figsize=None):
         # TODO: Docstring!
+        # Sort lists according to lambdas:
+        if lambdas is None:
+            lambdas = sorted(self.l_dict.keys())
+        x, y = [], []
+        for lam in lambdas:
+            x.append(self.l_dict[lam][0])
+            y.append(self.l_dict[lam][1] / lam)
         if figsize is None:
             figsize = plottools.FIGSIZE_DEFAULT
         if axis is None:
@@ -567,23 +594,20 @@ class LCurve(object):
             axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
         axis.set_yscale("log", nonposx='clip')
         axis.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip')
-        axis.plot(self.chisq_m, self.chisq_a, 'k-', linewidth=3, zorder=1)
-        sc = axis.scatter(x=self.chisq_m, y=self.chisq_a, c=self.lams, marker='o', s=100,
-                          zorder=2, cmap='nipy_spectral', norm=LogNorm())
+        axis.plot(x, y, 'k-', linewidth=3, zorder=1)
+        sc = axis.scatter(x, y, c=lambdas, marker='o', s=100, zorder=2,
+                          cmap='nipy_spectral', norm=LogNorm())
         plt.colorbar(mappable=sc, label='regularisation parameter $\lambda$')
-        #plottools.add_cbar(axis, mappable=sc, label='regularisation parameter $\lambda$')
-        #axis.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().labelOnlyBase = False
             fontsize=22, labelpad=-5)
-        #axis.set_xlim(3E3, 2E5)
-        #axis.set_ylim(1E2, 1E9)
         axis.tick_params(axis='both', which='major')
+        return axis
         # TODO: Don't plot the steep part on the right...
diff --git a/pyramid/fielddata.py b/pyramid/fielddata.py
index 7fa4e1eb9165cfc7ace1e75fdf83d69826316419..22cb378ab91260adb71237153ca98264ab76bbfb 100644
--- a/pyramid/fielddata.py
+++ b/pyramid/fielddata.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import abc
 import logging
 import os
 import tempfile
+from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate
 from numbers import Number
 import numpy as np
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ import cmocean
 from . import colors
 from . import plottools
+from .quaternion import Quaternion
 __all__ = ['VectorData', 'ScalarData']
@@ -323,7 +325,8 @@ class FieldData(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
         Only possible, if each axis length is a power of 2!
-        pass
+        pass  # TODO: NotImplementedError instead? See that all classes have the same interface!
+        # TODO: This means that all common functions of Scalar and Vector have to be abstract here!
     def scale_up(self, n, order):
@@ -467,6 +470,56 @@ class VectorData(FieldData):
     def __getitem__(self, item):
         return self.__class__(self.a, self.field[item])
+    def get_vector(self, mask):
+        """Returns the vector field components arranged in a vector, specified by a mask.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        mask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3, boolean)
+            Masks the pixels from which the components should be taken.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        vector : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=1)
+            The vector containing vector field components of the specified pixels.
+            Order is: first all `x`-, then all `y`-, then all `z`-components.
+        """
+        self._log.debug('Calling get_vector')
+        if mask is not None:
+            return np.reshape([self.field[0][mask],
+                               self.field[1][mask],
+                               self.field[2][mask]], -1)
+        else:
+            return self.field_vec
+    def set_vector(self, vector, mask=None):
+        """Set the field components of the masked pixels to the values specified by `vector`.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        mask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3, boolean), optional
+            Masks the pixels from which the components should be taken.
+        vector : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=1)
+            The vector containing vector field components of the specified pixels.
+            Order is: first all `x`-, then all `y-, then all `z`-components.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        None
+        """
+        self._log.debug('Calling set_vector')
+        assert np.size(vector) % 3 == 0, 'Vector has to contain all 3 components for every pixel!'
+        count = np.size(vector) // 3
+        if mask is not None:
+            self.field[0][mask] = vector[:count]  # x-component
+            self.field[1][mask] = vector[count:2 * count]  # y-component
+            self.field[2][mask] = vector[2 * count:]  # z-component
+        else:
+            self.field_vec = vector
+    # TODO: scale_down and scale_up should not work in place (also in ScalarData)!
     def scale_down(self, n=1):
         """Scale down the field distribution by averaging over two pixels along each axis.
@@ -487,16 +540,18 @@ class VectorData(FieldData):
         self._log.debug('Calling scale_down')
         assert n > 0 and isinstance(n, int), 'n must be a positive integer!'
-        self.a *= 2 ** n
+        a_new = self.a * 2 ** n
+        field_new = self.field
         for t in range(n):
             # Pad if necessary:
-            pz, py, px = self.dim[0] % 2, self.dim[1] % 2, self.dim[2] % 2
+            dim = field_new.shape[1:]
+            pz, py, px = dim[0] % 2, dim[1] % 2, dim[2] % 2
             if pz != 0 or py != 0 or px != 0:
-                self.field = np.pad(self.field, ((0, 0), (0, pz), (0, py), (0, px)),
-                                    mode='constant')
+                field_new = np.pad(field_new, ((0, 0), (0, pz), (0, py), (0, px)), mode='constant')
             # Create coarser grid for the vector field:
-            shape_4d = (3, self.dim[0] // 2, 2, self.dim[1] // 2, 2, self.dim[2] // 2, 2)
-            self.field = self.field.reshape(shape_4d).mean(axis=(6, 4, 2))
+            shape_4d = (3, dim[0] // 2, 2, dim[1] // 2, 2, dim[2] // 2, 2)
+            field_new = field_new.reshape(shape_4d).mean(axis=(6, 4, 2))
+        return VectorData(a_new, field_new)
     def scale_up(self, n=1, order=0):
         """Scale up the field distribution using spline interpolation of the requested order.
@@ -522,10 +577,11 @@ class VectorData(FieldData):
         assert n > 0 and isinstance(n, int), 'n must be a positive integer!'
         assert 5 > order >= 0 and isinstance(order, int), \
             'order must be a positive integer between 0 and 5!'
-        self.a /= 2 ** n
-        self.field = np.array((zoom(self.field[0], zoom=2 ** n, order=order),
-                               zoom(self.field[1], zoom=2 ** n, order=order),
-                               zoom(self.field[2], zoom=2 ** n, order=order)))
+        a_new = self.a / 2 ** n
+        field_new = np.array((zoom(self.field[0], zoom=2 ** n, order=order),
+                              zoom(self.field[1], zoom=2 ** n, order=order),
+                              zoom(self.field[2], zoom=2 ** n, order=order)))
+        return VectorData(a_new, field_new)
     def pad(self, pad_values):
         """Pad the current field distribution with zeros for each individual axis.
@@ -551,8 +607,9 @@ class VectorData(FieldData):
         for i, values in enumerate(pad_values):
             assert np.shape(values) in [(), (2,)], 'Only one or two values per axis can be given!'
             pv[2 * i:2 * (i + 1)] = values
-        self.field = np.pad(self.field, ((0, 0), (pv[0], pv[1]), (pv[2], pv[3]), (pv[4], pv[5])),
-                            mode='constant')
+        field_pad = np.pad(self.field, ((0, 0), (pv[0], pv[1]), (pv[2], pv[3]), (pv[4], pv[5])),
+                           mode='constant')
+        return VectorData(self.a, field_pad)
     def crop(self, crop_values):  # TODO: bad copy&paste from pad?
         """Crop the current field distribution with zeros for each individual axis.
@@ -580,56 +637,8 @@ class VectorData(FieldData):
             cv[2 * i:2 * (i + 1)] = values
         cv *= np.resize([1, -1], len(cv))
         cv = np.where(cv == 0, None, cv)
-        self.field = self.field[:, cv[0]:cv[1], cv[2]:cv[3], cv[4]:cv[5]]
-    def get_vector(self, mask):
-        """Returns the vector field components arranged in a vector, specified by a mask.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        mask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3, boolean)
-            Masks the pixels from which the components should be taken.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        vector : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=1)
-            The vector containing vector field components of the specified pixels.
-            Order is: first all `x`-, then all `y`-, then all `z`-components.
-        """
-        self._log.debug('Calling get_vector')
-        if mask is not None:
-            return np.reshape([self.field[0][mask],
-                               self.field[1][mask],
-                               self.field[2][mask]], -1)
-        else:
-            return self.field_vec
-    def set_vector(self, vector, mask=None):
-        """Set the field components of the masked pixels to the values specified by `vector`.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        mask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3, boolean), optional
-            Masks the pixels from which the components should be taken.
-        vector : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=1)
-            The vector containing vector field components of the specified pixels.
-            Order is: first all `x`-, then all `y-, then all `z`-components.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        None
-        """
-        self._log.debug('Calling set_vector')
-        assert np.size(vector) % 3 == 0, 'Vector has to contain all 3 components for every pixel!'
-        count = np.size(vector) // 3
-        if mask is not None:
-            self.field[0][mask] = vector[:count]  # x-component
-            self.field[1][mask] = vector[count:2 * count]  # y-component
-            self.field[2][mask] = vector[2 * count:]  # z-component
-        else:
-            self.field_vec = vector
+        field_crop = self.field[:, cv[0]:cv[1], cv[2]:cv[3], cv[4]:cv[5]]
+        return VectorData(self.a, field_crop)
     def flip(self, axis='x'):
         """Flip/mirror the vector field around the specified axis.
@@ -659,6 +668,17 @@ class VectorData(FieldData):
             raise ValueError("Wrong input! 'x', 'y', 'z' allowed!")
         return VectorData(self.a, field_flip)
+    def rotate(self, angle, axis='z', reshape=False, **kwargs):
+        # TODO: Docstring!
+        # Define axes of rotation plane (axis 0 for vector component!) and rotate coord. system:
+        axes = {'x': (1, 2), 'y': (1, 3), 'z': (2, 3)}[axis]
+        field_coord_rot = rotate(self.field, angle, axes=axes, reshape=reshape, **kwargs)
+        # Rotate vectors inside the voxels (- signs determined by scipy rotate axes in firt step):
+        vec_dict = {'x': (-1, 0, 0), 'y': (0, 1, 0), 'z': (0, 0, -1)}
+        quat = Quaternion.from_axisangle(vec_dict[axis], np.deg2rad(angle))
+        field_rot = quat.matrix.dot(field_coord_rot.reshape(3, -1)).reshape(field_coord_rot.shape)
+        return VectorData(self.a, field_rot)
     def rot90(self, axis='x'):
         """Rotate the vector field 90° around the specified axis (right hand rotation).
@@ -674,28 +694,65 @@ class VectorData(FieldData):
         self._log.debug('Calling rot90')
-        if axis == 'x':
+        if axis == 'x':  # RotMatrix for 90°: [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]]
             field_rot = np.zeros((3, self.dim[1], self.dim[0], self.dim[2]))
             for i in range(self.dim[2]):
                 mag_x, mag_y, mag_z = self.field[:, :, :, i]
-                mag_xrot, mag_yrot, mag_zrot = np.rot90(mag_x), np.rot90(mag_y), np.rot90(mag_z)
-                field_rot[:, :, :, i] = np.array((mag_xrot, mag_zrot, -mag_yrot))
-        elif axis == 'y':
+                mag_xrot = np.rot90(mag_x)
+                mag_yrot = np.rot90(mag_z)
+                mag_zrot = -np.rot90(mag_y)
+                field_rot[:, :, :, i] = np.array((mag_xrot, mag_yrot, mag_zrot))
+        elif axis == 'y':  # RotMatrix for 90°: [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]]
             field_rot = np.zeros((3, self.dim[2], self.dim[1], self.dim[0]))
             for i in range(self.dim[1]):
                 mag_x, mag_y, mag_z = self.field[:, :, i, :]
-                mag_xrot, mag_yrot, mag_zrot = np.rot90(mag_x), np.rot90(mag_y), np.rot90(mag_z)
-                field_rot[:, :, i, :] = np.array((mag_zrot, mag_yrot, -mag_xrot))
-        elif axis == 'z':
+                mag_xrot = np.rot90(mag_z)
+                mag_yrot = np.rot90(mag_y)
+                mag_zrot = -np.rot90(mag_x)
+                field_rot[:, :, i, :] = np.array((mag_xrot, mag_yrot, mag_zrot))
+        elif axis == 'z':  # RotMatrix for 90°: [[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
             field_rot = np.zeros((3, self.dim[0], self.dim[2], self.dim[1]))
             for i in range(self.dim[0]):
                 mag_x, mag_y, mag_z = self.field[:, i, :, :]
-                mag_xrot, mag_yrot, mag_zrot = np.rot90(mag_x), np.rot90(mag_y), np.rot90(mag_z)
-                field_rot[:, i, :, :] = np.array((mag_yrot, -mag_xrot, mag_zrot))
+                mag_xrot = np.rot90(mag_y)
+                mag_yrot = -np.rot90(mag_x)
+                mag_zrot = np.rot90(mag_z)
+                field_rot[:, i, :, :] = np.array((mag_xrot, mag_yrot, mag_zrot))
             raise ValueError("Wrong input! 'x', 'y', 'z' allowed!")
         return VectorData(self.a, field_rot)
+    def roll(self, shift, axis='x'):  # TODO: Make sure both classes have all manipulator methods!
+        """Rotate the scalar field 90° around the specified axis (right hand rotation).
+                Parameters
+                ----------
+                axis: {'x', 'y', 'z'}, optional
+                    The axis around which the vector field is rotated.
+                Returns
+                -------
+                scalardata_rot: :class:`~.ScalarData`
+                   A rotated copy of the :class:`~.ScalarData` object.
+                """
+        self._log.debug('Calling roll')
+        ax = {'x': 2, 'y': 1, 'z': 0}[axis]
+        mag_x_roll = np.roll(self.field[0, ...], shift, ax)
+        mag_y_roll = np.roll(self.field[1, ...], shift, ax)
+        mag_z_roll = np.roll(self.field[2, ...], shift, ax)
+        return VectorData(self.a, np.asarray((mag_x_roll, mag_y_roll, mag_z_roll)))
+    def clip_amp(self, threshold):
+        # TODO: Docstring!
+        # TODO: 'mag' should be 'vec' everywhere!!!
+        mag_x, mag_y, mag_z = self.field
+        scaling = np.where(self.field_amp > threshold, threshold/self.field_amp, 1)
+        mag_x = mag_x * scaling
+        mag_y = mag_y * scaling
+        mag_z = mag_z * scaling
+        return VectorData(self.a, np.asarray((mag_x, mag_y, mag_z)))
     def get_slice(self, ax_slice=None, proj_axis='z'):
         # TODO: return x y z instead of u v w (to color fields consistent with xyz!)
         """Extract a slice from the :class:`~.VectorData` object.
@@ -1363,6 +1420,47 @@ class ScalarData(FieldData):
             'Vector has to match field shape! {} {}'.format(c_vec.shape, np.prod(self.shape))
         self.field = c_vec.reshape(self.dim)
+    def get_vector(self, mask):
+        """Returns the field as a vector, specified by a mask.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        mask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3, boolean)
+            Masks the pixels from which the components should be taken.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        vector : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=1)
+            The vector containing the field of the specified pixels.
+        """
+        self._log.debug('Calling get_vector')
+        if mask is not None:
+            return np.reshape(self.field[mask], -1)
+        else:
+            return self.field_vec
+    def set_vector(self, vector, mask=None):
+        """Set the field components of the masked pixels to the values specified by `vector`.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        mask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3, boolean), optional
+            Masks the pixels from which the components should be taken.
+        vector : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=1)
+            The vector containing the field of the specified pixels.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        None
+        """
+        self._log.debug('Calling set_vector')
+        if mask is not None:
+            self.field[mask] = vector
+        else:
+            self.field_vec = vector
     def scale_down(self, n=1):
         """Scale down the field distribution by averaging over two pixels along each axis.
@@ -1383,15 +1481,18 @@ class ScalarData(FieldData):
         self._log.debug('Calling scale_down')
         assert n > 0 and isinstance(n, int), 'n must be a positive integer!'
-        self.a *= 2 ** n
+        a_new = self.a * 2 ** n
+        field_new = self.field
         for t in range(n):
             # Pad if necessary:
-            pz, py, px = self.dim[0] % 2, self.dim[1] % 2, self.dim[2] % 2
+            dim = field_new.shape
+            pz, py, px = dim[0] % 2, dim[1] % 2, dim[2] % 2
             if pz != 0 or py != 0 or px != 0:
-                self.field = np.pad(self.field, ((0, pz), (0, py), (0, px)), mode='constant')
+                field_new = np.pad(field_new, ((0, pz), (0, py), (0, px)), mode='constant')
             # Create coarser grid for the field:
-            shape_4d = (self.dim[0] // 2, 2, self.dim[1] // 2, 2, self.dim[2] // 2, 2)
-            self.field = self.field.reshape(shape_4d).mean(axis=(5, 3, 1))
+            shape_3d = (dim[0] // 2, 2, dim[1] // 2, 2, dim[2] // 2, 2)
+            field_new = field_new.reshape(shape_3d).mean(axis=(5, 3, 1))
+        return ScalarData(a_new, field_new)
     def scale_up(self, n=1, order=0):
         """Scale up the field distribution using spline interpolation of the requested order.
@@ -1417,49 +1518,17 @@ class ScalarData(FieldData):
         assert n > 0 and isinstance(n, int), 'n must be a positive integer!'
         assert 5 > order >= 0 and isinstance(order, int), \
             'order must be a positive integer between 0 and 5!'
-        self.a /= 2 ** n
-        self.field = zoom(self.field, zoom=2 ** n, order=order)
+        a_new = self.a / 2 ** n
+        field_new = zoom(self.field, zoom=2 ** n, order=order)
+        return ScalarData(a_new, field_new)
-    def get_vector(self, mask):
-        """Returns the field as a vector, specified by a mask.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        mask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3, boolean)
-            Masks the pixels from which the components should be taken.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        vector : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=1)
-            The vector containing the field of the specified pixels.
-        """
-        self._log.debug('Calling get_vector')
-        if mask is not None:
-            return np.reshape(self.field[mask], -1)
-        else:
-            return self.field_vec
-    def set_vector(self, vector, mask=None):
-        """Set the field components of the masked pixels to the values specified by `vector`.
+    # TODO: flip!
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        mask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3, boolean), optional
-            Masks the pixels from which the components should be taken.
-        vector : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=1)
-            The vector containing the field of the specified pixels.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        None
-        """
-        self._log.debug('Calling set_vector')
-        if mask is not None:
-            self.field[mask] = vector
-        else:
-            self.field_vec = vector
+    def rotate(self, angle, axis='z', reshape=False, **kwargs):
+        # TODO: Docstring!
+        axes = {'x': (0, 1), 'y': (0, 2), 'z': (1, 2)}[axis]  # Defines axes of plane of rotation!
+        field_rot = rotate(self.field[...], angle, axes=axes, reshape=reshape, **kwargs)
+        return ScalarData(self.a, field_rot)
     def rot90(self, axis='x'):
         """Rotate the scalar field 90° around the specified axis (right hand rotation).
@@ -1492,6 +1561,24 @@ class ScalarData(FieldData):
             raise ValueError("Wrong input! 'x', 'y', 'z' allowed!")
         return ScalarData(self.a, field_rot)
+    def roll(self, shift, axis='x'):  # TODO: Make sure both classes have all manipulator methods!
+        """Rotate the scalar field 90° around the specified axis (right hand rotation).
+                Parameters
+                ----------
+                axis: {'x', 'y', 'z'}, optional
+                    The axis around which the vector field is rotated.
+                Returns
+                -------
+                scalardata_rot: :class:`~.ScalarData`
+                   A rotated copy of the :class:`~.ScalarData` object.
+                """
+        self._log.debug('Calling roll')
+        ax = {'x': 2, 'y': 1, 'z': 0}[axis]
+        return ScalarData(self.a, np.roll(self.field, shift, ax))
     def to_signal(self):
         """Convert :class:`~.ScalarData` data into a HyperSpy signal.
diff --git a/pyramid/phasemap.py b/pyramid/phasemap.py
index 0beb4f1db98d45ef18c3650159d3065d112a8640..f799f40c029d4ac70d2b8e0bbe6576804a1e31ee 100644
--- a/pyramid/phasemap.py
+++ b/pyramid/phasemap.py
@@ -262,6 +262,8 @@ class PhaseMap(object):
         return PhaseMap(self.a, self.phase.copy(), self.mask.copy(),
     def scale_down(self, n=1):
         """Scale down the phase map by averaging over two pixels along each axis.
@@ -671,10 +673,14 @@ class PhaseMap(object):
         if symmetric:
             vmin, vmax = np.min([vmin, -0]), np.max([0, vmax])  # Ensure zero is present!
             limit = np.max(np.abs([vmin, vmax]))
-            start = (vmin + limit) / (2 * limit)
-            end = (vmax + limit) / (2 * limit)
+            # A symmetric colormap only has zero at white (the symmetry point) if the values
+            # of the corresponding mappable go from -limit to +limit (symmetric bounds)!
+            # Calculate the colors of this symmetric colormap for the range vmin to vmax:
+            start = 0.5 + vmin/(2*limit)  # 0 for symmetric bounds, >0: unused colors at lower end!
+            end = 0.5 + vmax/(2*limit)  # 1 for symmetric bounds, <1: unused colors at upper end!
             cmap_colors = cmap(np.linspace(start, end, 256))
-            cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('Symmetric', cmap_colors)
+            # Use calculated colors to create custom (asymmetric) colormap with white at zero:
+            cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom', cmap_colors)
         # If no axis is specified, a new figure is created:
         if axis is None:
             fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
@@ -878,11 +884,14 @@ class PhaseMap(object):
         # Plot histogram:
         hist_axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
         vec = self.phase_vec * self.UNITDICT[unit]  # Take units into consideration:
+        # TODO: This is bad! Discard low confidence values completely instead! Otherwise peak at 0!
+        # TODO: Set to nan and then discard with np.isnan()?
         vec *= np.where(self.confidence > 0.5, 1, 0).ravel()  # Discard low confidence points!
         hist_axis.hist(vec, bins=bins, histtype='stepfilled', color='g')
         # Format histogram:
         x0, x1 = hist_axis.get_xlim()
         y0, y1 = hist_axis.get_ylim()
+        # TODO: Why the next line? Seems bad if you want to change things later´!
         hist_axis.set(aspect=np.abs(x1 - x0) / np.abs(y1 - y0) * 0.94)  # Last value because cbar!
         fontsize = kwargs.get('fontsize', 16)
         hist_axis.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=fontsize)
diff --git a/pyramid/projector.py b/pyramid/projector.py
index ae0bd98c072307a3dfec8f7ed3b124869d13c89b..99ff190ce9d2f52f3db64a669a6dae22a18f0ca7 100644
--- a/pyramid/projector.py
+++ b/pyramid/projector.py
@@ -411,6 +411,12 @@ class RotTiltProjector(Projector):
         self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
         self.rotation = rotation
         self.tilt = tilt
+        # Create tilt, rotation and combined quaternion, careful: Quaternion(w,x,y,z), not (z,y,x):
+        quat_z_n = Quaternion.from_axisangle((0, 0, 1), -rotation)  # Rotate around z-axis
+        quat_x = Quaternion.from_axisangle((1, 0, 0), tilt)  # Tilt around x-axis
+        quat_z_p = Quaternion.from_axisangle((0, 0, 1), rotation)  # Rotate around z-axis
+        # Combined quaternion (first rotate around z, then tilt around x, rotate back around z):
+        quat = quat_z_n * quat_x * quat_z_p  # p: positive rotation, m: negative rotation
         # Determine dimensions:
         dim_z, dim_y, dim_x = dim
         center = (dim_z / 2., dim_y / 2., dim_x / 2.)
@@ -421,18 +427,17 @@ class RotTiltProjector(Projector):
         dim_v, dim_u = dim_uv
         # Creating coordinate list of all voxels:
         voxels = list(itertools.product(range(dim_z), range(dim_y), range(dim_x)))
-        # Calculate vectors to voxels relative to rotation center:
-        voxel_vecs = (np.asarray(voxels) + 0.5 - np.asarray(center)).T
-        # Create tilt, rotation and combined quaternion, careful: Quaternion(w,x,y,z), not (z,y,x):
-        quat_z_n = Quaternion.from_axisangle((0, 0, 1), -rotation)  # Rotate around z-axis
-        quat_x = Quaternion.from_axisangle((1, 0, 0), tilt)  # Tilt around x-axis
-        quat_z_p = Quaternion.from_axisangle((0, 0, 1), rotation)  # Rotate around z-axis
-        # Combined quaternion (first rotate around z, then tilt around x, rotate back around z):
-        quat = quat_z_n * quat_x * quat_z_p  # p: positive rotation, m: negative rotation
-        # Calculate impact positions on the projected pixel coordinate grid (flip because quat.):
-        impacts = np.flipud(quat.matrix[:2, :].dot(np.flipud(voxel_vecs)))  # only care for x/y
-        impacts[1, :] += dim_u / 2.  # Shift back to normal indices
-        impacts[0, :] += dim_v / 2.  # Shift back to normal indices
+        # Calculate vectors to voxels relative to rotation center (each row contains (z, y, x)):
+        voxel_vecs = np.asarray(voxels) + 0.5 - np.asarray(center)
+        # Change to coordinate order of quaternions (x, y, z) instead of (z, y, x):
+        voxel_vecs = np.fliplr(voxel_vecs)
+        # Calculate impact positions (x, y) on the projected pixel coordinate grid (z is dropped):
+        impacts = quat.matrix[:2, :].dot(voxel_vecs.T).T  # Only x and y row of matrix is used!
+        # Reverse transpose and change back coordinate order from (x, y) to (y, x)/(v, u):
+        impacts = np.fliplr(impacts.T)  # Now contains rows with (v, u) entries as desired!
+        # First index: voxel, second index: 0 -> v, 1 -> u!
+        impacts[:, 1] += dim_u / 2.  # Shift back to normal indices
+        impacts[:, 0] += dim_v / 2.  # Shift back to normal indices
         # Calculate equivalence radius:
         R = (3 / (4 * np.pi)) ** (1 / 3.)
         # Prepare weight matrix calculation:
@@ -446,7 +451,7 @@ class RotTiltProjector(Projector):
         for i, voxel in enumerate(tqdm(voxels, disable=disable, leave=False,
                                        desc='Set up projector')):
             column_index = voxel[0] * dim_y * dim_x + voxel[1] * dim_x + voxel[2]
-            remainder, impact = np.modf(impacts[:, i])  # split index of impact and remainder!
+            remainder, impact = np.modf(impacts[i, :])  # split index of impact and remainder!
             sub_pixel = (remainder * subcount).astype(dtype=np.int)  # sub_pixel inside impact px.
             # Go over all influenced pixels (impact and neighbours, indices are [0, 1, 2]!):
             for px_ind in list(itertools.product(range(3), range(3))):
diff --git a/pyramid/quaternion.py b/pyramid/quaternion.py
index 568e2676af8bf7c117729f3e4a801fadec3d55cd..7aeb79574e7c579e7b527470440eff912f00c1ed 100644
--- a/pyramid/quaternion.py
+++ b/pyramid/quaternion.py
@@ -64,11 +64,18 @@ class Quaternion(object):
         self._log.debug('Calling __mul__')
         if isinstance(other, Quaternion):  # Quaternion multiplication
             return self.dot_quat(self, other)
-        elif len(other) == 3:  # vector multiplication
+        elif len(other) == 3:  # vector multiplication (Caution: normalises!)
             q_vec = Quaternion((0,) + tuple(other))
             q = self.dot_quat(self.dot_quat(self, q_vec), self.conj)
             return q.values[1:]
+    def _normalize(self):
+        self._log.debug('Calling _normalize')
+        mag2 = np.sum(n ** 2 for n in self.values)
+        if abs(mag2 - 1.0) > self.NORM_TOLERANCE:
+            mag = np.sqrt(mag2)
+            self.values = tuple(n / mag for n in self.values)
     def dot_quat(self, q1, q2):
         """Multiply two :class:`~.Quaternion` objects to create a new one (always normalized).
@@ -92,13 +99,6 @@ class Quaternion(object):
         z = w1 * z2 + z1 * w2 + x1 * y2 - y1 * x2
         return Quaternion((w, x, y, z))
-    def _normalize(self):
-        self._log.debug('Calling _normalize')
-        mag2 = np.sum(n ** 2 for n in self.values)
-        if abs(mag2 - 1.0) > self.NORM_TOLERANCE:
-            mag = np.sqrt(mag2)
-            self.values = tuple(n / mag for n in self.values)
     def from_axisangle(cls, vector, theta):
         """Create a quaternion from an axis-angle representation
diff --git a/pyramid/utils/lorentz.py b/pyramid/utils/lorentz.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22a2b7e230d70e9fa79df298a5d54f198d8afe57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyramid/utils/lorentz.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+from scipy import constants
+import numpy as np
+def electron_wavelength(ht):
+    """
+    Returns electron wavelenght in nm.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    ht : float
+        High tension in kV.
+    """
+    momentum = 2 * constants.m_e * constants.elementary_charge * ht * 1000 * (
+    1 + constants.elementary_charge * ht * 1000 / (2 * constants.m_e * constants.c ** 2))
+    wavelength = constants.h / np.sqrt(momentum) * 1e9  # in nm
+    return wavelength
+def aberration_function(w, aber_dict, v_acc):
+    # TODO: Taken from Florian! Use dictionary!
+    w_cc = np.conjugate(w)
+    chi_i = {'C1': aber_dict['C1'] * w * w_cc / 2}
+    chi_sum = np.zeros_like(w)
+    for key in aber_dict.keys():
+        chi_sum += chi_i[key]
+    return (2 * np.pi / electron_wavelength(v_acc)) * np.real(chi_sum)
+def apply_aberrations(phasemap, aber_dict, v_acc):
+    # Define complex scattering angle w
+    f_freq_v = np.fft.fftfreq(phasemap.dim_uv[0], phasemap.a)
+    f_freq_u = np.fft.fftfreq(phasemap.dim_uv[1], phasemap.a)
+    f_freq_mesh = np.meshgrid(f_freq_u, f_freq_v)
+    w = f_freq_mesh[0] + 1j * f_freq_mesh[1]
+    w *= electron_wavelength(v_acc)
+    chi = aberration_function(w, aber_dict, v_acc)
+    wave = np.exp(1j * phasemap.phase)
+    wave_fft = np.fft.fftn(wave) / np.prod(phasemap.dim_uv)
+    wave_fft *= np.exp(-1j * chi)
+    wave = np.fft.ifftn(wave_fft) * np.prod(phasemap.dim_uv)
+    return wave, chi
diff --git a/tests/test_fielddata.py b/tests/test_fielddata.py
index 8ca3b77443ec3bcd548b17bd5a036befc229c8f3..c68e614915743f2b950852e0d9404d2b08f4fddd 100644
--- a/tests/test_fielddata.py
+++ b/tests/test_fielddata.py
@@ -29,20 +29,20 @@ class TestCaseVectorData(unittest.TestCase):
         assert magdata_copy != self.magdata, 'Unexpected behaviour in copy()!'
     def test_scale_down(self):
-        self.magdata.scale_down()
+        magdata_test = self.magdata.scale_down()
         reference = 1 / 8. * np.ones((3, 2, 2, 2))
-        assert_allclose(self.magdata.field, reference,
+        assert_allclose(magdata_test.field, reference,
                         err_msg='Unexpected behavior in scale_down()!')
-        assert_allclose(self.magdata.a, 20,
+        assert_allclose(magdata_test.a, 20,
                         err_msg='Unexpected behavior in scale_down()!')
     def test_scale_up(self):
-        self.magdata.scale_up()
+        magdata_test = self.magdata.scale_up()
         reference = np.zeros((3, 8, 8, 8))
         reference[:, 2:6, 2:6, 2:6] = 1
-        assert_allclose(self.magdata.field, reference,
+        assert_allclose(magdata_test.field, reference,
                         err_msg='Unexpected behavior in scale_down()!')
-        assert_allclose(self.magdata.a, 5,
+        assert_allclose(magdata_test.a, 5,
                         err_msg='Unexpected behavior in scale_down()!')
     def test_pad(self):