diff --git a/pyramid/colors.py b/pyramid/colors.py
index a2fc3821b54bf6bd9d3d5af9e503d074dcc2b186..35a6ad75a9b30d7c3cc6f368fbd7c4fe8f18326c 100644
--- a/pyramid/colors.py
+++ b/pyramid/colors.py
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import abc
 from . import plottools
+# TODO: categorize colormaps as sequential, divergent, or cyclic!
 __all__ = ['Colormap3D', 'ColormapCubehelix', 'ColormapPerception', 'ColormapHLS',
            'ColormapClassic', 'ColormapTransparent', 'cmaps', 'CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT',
diff --git a/pyramid/costfunction.py b/pyramid/costfunction.py
index c74c0c5d42eac51cf7483b696d9bc2d1e4bbca9e..e92d3c3d28937502082c901e3cca5f75da502b2f 100644
--- a/pyramid/costfunction.py
+++ b/pyramid/costfunction.py
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class Costfunction(object):
     _log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.Costfunction')
-    def __init__(self, fwd_model, regularisator=None):
+    def __init__(self, fwd_model, regularisator=None, track_cost_iterations=10):
         self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
         self.fwd_model = fwd_model
         if regularisator is None:
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ class Costfunction(object):
         self.n = self.fwd_model.n
         self.m = self.fwd_model.m
         self.Se_inv = self.fwd_model.Se_inv
+        self.chisq_m = []
+        self.chisq_a = []
+        self.track_cost_iterations = track_cost_iterations
+        self.cnt_hess_dot = 0
         self._log.debug('Created ' + str(self))
     def __repr__(self):
@@ -72,13 +76,19 @@ class Costfunction(object):
                (self.fwd_model, self.fwd_model, self.regularisator)
     def __call__(self, x):
-        delta_y = self.fwd_model(x) - self.y
-        self.chisq_m = delta_y.dot(self.Se_inv.dot(delta_y))
-        self.chisq_a = self.regularisator(x)
-        self.chisq = self.chisq_m + self.chisq_a
+        self.calculate_costs(x)
+        self.chisq = self.chisq_m[-1] + self.chisq_a[-1]
         return self.chisq
+    def calculate_costs(self, x):
+        # TODO: Docstring!
+        delta_y = self.fwd_model(x) - self.y
+        self.chisq_m.append(delta_y.dot(self.Se_inv.dot(delta_y)))
+        self.chisq_a.append(self.regularisator(x))
     def init(self, x):
+        # TODO: Ask Jörn, why this exists!
         """Initialise the costfunction by calculating the different cost terms.
@@ -131,10 +141,16 @@ class Costfunction(object):
             Product of the input `vector` with the Hessian matrix of the costfunction.
+        # TODO: Tracking better as decorator function? Useful for other things?
+        self.cnt_hess_dot += 1  # TODO: Ask Jörn if this belongs here or in CountingCostFunction!
+        if self.track_cost_iterations > 0 and self.cnt_hess_dot % self.track_cost_iterations == 0:
+            self.calculate_costs(vector)
+            #print(self.cnt_hess_dot, len(self.chisq_a)) # TODO:!!!
         return (2 * self.fwd_model.jac_T_dot(x, self.Se_inv.dot(self.fwd_model.jac_dot(x, vector)))
                 + self.regularisator.hess_dot(x, vector))
     def hess_diag(self, _):
+        # TODO: needed for preconditioner?
         """ Return the diagonal of the Hessian.
diff --git a/pyramid/diagnostics.py b/pyramid/diagnostics.py
index 047b45aff795205733770f68c59f246dfae28d04..25531dbda7b8acc86ae489f14f01c00613e7cb53 100644
--- a/pyramid/diagnostics.py
+++ b/pyramid/diagnostics.py
@@ -5,21 +5,30 @@
 """This module provides the :class:`~.Diagnostics` class for the calculation of diagnostics of a
 specified costfunction for a fixed magnetization distribution."""
+import os
 import logging
+from pyramid.forwardmodel import ForwardModel
+from pyramid.costfunction import Costfunction
+from pyramid.regularisator import FirstOrderRegularisator
 from pyramid.fielddata import VectorData
 from pyramid.phasemap import PhaseMap
+from pyramid import reconstruction
+from pyramid import plottools
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from matplotlib import patches
 from matplotlib import patheffects
 from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
+from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
 import numpy as np
 import jutil
-__all__ = ['Diagnostics', 'get_vector_field_errors']
+__all__ = ['Diagnostics', 'LCurve','get_vector_field_errors']
+# TODO: should be subpackage, distribute methods and classes to separate modules!
 class Diagnostics(object):
     """Class for calculating diagnostic properties of a specified costfunction.
@@ -464,6 +473,120 @@ class Diagnostics(object):
         return plottools.format_axis(axis, hideaxes=True, scalebar=False)
+class LCurve(object):
+    # TODO: Docstring!
+    # TODO: save magdata_rec!
+    _log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.FieldData')
+    def __init__(self, fwd_model, max_iter=0, verbose=False, save_dir=None):
+        self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
+        assert isinstance(fwd_model, ForwardModel), 'Input has to be a costfunction'
+        self.fwd_model = fwd_model
+        self.max_iter = max_iter
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        self.lams = []
+        self.chisq_a = []
+        self.chisq_m = []
+        if save_dir is not None:
+            assert os.path.isdir(save_dir), 'save_dir has to be None or a valid directory!'
+        self.save_dir = save_dir
+        self._log.debug('Created ' + str(self))
+    def calculate(self, lam):
+        # TODO: Docstring!
+        if lam not in self.lams:
+            # Create new regularisator: # TODO: Not hardcoding FirstOrderRegularisator!
+            reg = FirstOrderRegularisator(self.fwd_model.data_set.mask, lam,
+                                          add_params=self.fwd_model.ramp.n)
+            cost = Costfunction(fwd_model=self.fwd_model, regularisator=reg)
+            # Reconstruct:
+            magdata_rec = reconstruction.optimize_linear(cost, max_iter=self.max_iter,
+                                                         verbose=self.verbose)
+            # Save magdata_rec if necessary:
+            if self.save_dir is not None:
+                filename = 'magdata_rec_lam{:.0e}.hdf5'.format(lam)
+                magdata_rec.save(os.path.join(self.save_dir, filename), overwrite=True)
+            # Append new values:
+            self.lams.append(lam)
+            chisq_m, chisq_a = cost.chisq_m[-1], cost.chisq_a[-1]  # TODO: is chisq_m list or not?
+            self.chisq_m.append(chisq_m)
+            self.chisq_a.append(chisq_a / lam)  # TODO: lambda out of regularisator?
+            # Sort lists according to lambdas:
+            tuples = zip(*sorted(zip(self.lams, self.chisq_m, self.chisq_a)))
+            self.lams, self.chisq_m, self.chisq_a = (list(l) for l in tuples)
+            self._log.info(lam, ' -->  m:', chisq_m, '  a:', chisq_a / lam)
+            return chisq_m, chisq_a / lam
+        # TODO: Implement else, return saved values!
+        # TODO: Make this work with batch, sort lambdas at the end!
+        # TODO: After sorting, calculate the CURVATURE for each lambda! (needs 3 points?)
+        # TODO: Use finite difference methods (forward/backward/central, depending on location)!
+        # TODO: Investigate points around highest curvature further.
+        # TODO: Make sure to update ALL curvatures and search for new best EVERYWHERE!
+        # TODO: Distinguish regions of the L-Curve.
+    def calculate_auto(self, lam_start=1E-18, lam_end=1E5, online_axis=False):
+        # TODO: Docstring!
+        # Calculate new cost terms:
+        log_m_s, log_a_s = np.log10(self.calculate(lam_start))
+        log_m_e, log_a_e = np.log10(self.calculate(lam_end))
+        # Calculate new lambda:
+        log_lam_s, log_lam_e = np.log10(lam_start), np.log10(lam_end)
+        log_lam_new = np.mean((log_lam_s, log_lam_e))  # logarithmic mean to find middle on L!
+        sign_exp = np.floor(log_lam_new)
+        last_sign_digit = np.round(10 ** (log_lam_new - sign_exp))
+        lam_new = last_sign_digit * 10 ** sign_exp
+        # Calculate cost terms for new lambda:
+        log_m_new, log_a_new = np.log10(self.calculate(lam_new))
+        if online_axis:  # Update plot if necessary:
+            self.plot(axis=online_axis)
+            from IPython import display
+            display.clear_output(wait=True)
+            display.display(plt.gcf())
+        # TODO: slope has to be normalised, scale of axes is not equal!!!
+        # TODO: get rid of right flank (do Not use right points with slope steeper than -45°
+        # Calculate distances from origin and find new interval:
+        dist_s, dist_e = np.hypot(log_m_s, log_a_s), np.hypot(log_m_e, log_a_e)
+        dist_new = np.hypot(log_m_new, log_a_new)
+        print(lam_start, lam_end, lam_new)
+        print(dist_s, dist_e, dist_new)
+        #if dist_new
+    def plot(self, axis=None, figsize=None):
+        # TODO: Docstring!
+        if figsize is None:
+            figsize = plottools.FIGSIZE_DEFAULT
+        if axis is None:
+            self._log.debug('axis is None')
+            fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
+            axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+        axis.set_yscale("log", nonposx='clip')
+        axis.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip')
+        axis.plot(self.chisq_m, self.chisq_a, 'k-', linewidth=3, zorder=1)
+        sc = axis.scatter(x=self.chisq_m, y=self.chisq_a, c=self.lams, marker='o', s=100,
+                          zorder=2, cmap='nipy_spectral', norm=LogNorm())
+        plt.colorbar(mappable=sc, label='regularisation parameter $\lambda$')
+        #plottools.add_cbar(axis, mappable=sc, label='regularisation parameter $\lambda$')
+        #axis.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().labelOnlyBase = False
+        axis.set_xlabel(
+            r'$\Vert\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{x})-\mathbf{y}\Vert_{\mathbf{S}_{\epsilon}^{-1}}^{2}$',
+            fontsize=22, labelpad=-5)
+        axis.set_ylabel(r'$\frac{1}{\lambda}\Vert\mathbf{x}\Vert_{\mathbf{S}_{a}^{-1}}^{2}$',
+                        fontsize=22)
+        #axis.set_xlim(3E3, 2E5)
+        #axis.set_ylim(1E2, 1E9)
+        axis.xaxis.label.set_color('firebrick')
+        axis.yaxis.label.set_color('seagreen')
+        axis.tick_params(axis='both', which='major')
+        axis.grid()
+        # TODO: Don't plot the steep part on the right...
 def get_vector_field_errors(vector_data, vector_data_ref):
     """After Kemp et. al.: Analysis of noise-induced errors in vector-field electron tomography"""
     v, vr = vector_data.field, vector_data_ref.field
@@ -479,3 +602,55 @@ def get_vector_field_errors(vector_data, vector_data_ref):
     rms_mag = np.sqrt(np.nansum((va - vra)**2) / np.nansum(vra**2))
     # Return results as tuple:
     return rms_tot, rms_dir, rms_mag
+# TODO: SVD as function for magnetic distributions!
+# TODO: Plot only singular vectors, nullspace, or both!
+# TODO: Jörn fragen, warum der Nullraum nur mit Maske eingeht!!
+# from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
+# n = 32
+# dim_uv = (n, n)
+# mapper = pr.PhaseMapperRDFC(kernel=pr.Kernel(a=1, dim_uv=dim_uv))
+# mat = np.asarray([mapper.jac_dot(np.eye(1, 2*n**2, k=k).T) for k in range(2*n**2)]).T
+# u, s, vh = sp.linalg.svd(mat, full_matrices=True)
+# mag_hal = pr.magcreator.examples.smooth_vortex_disc(dim=(1,n,n))
+# phasemap = pr.utils.pm(mag_hal)
+# #phasemap.mask = np.ones_like(phasemap.phase, dtype=bool)
+# mag_hal_null, cost = pr.utils.reconstruction_2d_from_phasemap(phasemap, max_iter=5000, lam=1E-30)
+# mag_hal_null.plot_quiver_field(scalebar=False, hideaxes=True, b_0=1)
+# (mag_hal_null-mag_hal).plot_quiver_field(scalebar=False, hideaxes=True, b_0=1)
+# pr.utils.pm(mag_hal_null).plot_phase()
+# mag_hal_vec = mag_hal_null.field_vec[:2*n**2]  # Discard z
+# coeffs = vh.dot(mag_hal_vec)
+# fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1)
+# axis.plot(range(1, len(coeffs)+1), coeffs, 'bo', markersize=4)
+# axis.axvline(x=n**2, color='k', linestyle='--')
+# axis.set_xlim(0, 2*n**2)
+# axis.set_ylim(-1.5, 2.6)
+# axis.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(base=512))
+# axis.set_ylabel('Coefficient')
+# axis.set_xlabel('Index of column vector')
+# plt.text(200, 2.35, 'singular vectors', fontdict={'fontsize':18})
+# plt.text(200+n**2, 2.35, 'null space basis', fontdict={'fontsize':18})
+# coeffs_new = np.copy(coeffs)
+# coeffs_new[:n**2] = 0
+# mag_hal_new = vh.T.dot(coeffs_new)
+# mag_hal_range = mag_hal.copy()
+# mag_hal_range.set_vector(np.concatenate((mag_hal_new, np.zeros(n**2))))
+# mag_hal_range.plot_quiver_field(b_0=1)
+# pr.utils.pm(mag_hal_range).plot_phase()
+# fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1)
+# axis.plot(range(1, len(coeffs)+1), coeffs_new, 'bo', markersize=4)
+# axis.axvline(x=n**2, color='k', linestyle='--')
+# axis.set_xlim(0, 2*n**2)
+# axis.set_ylim(-1.5, 2.6)
+# axis.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(base=512))
+# axis.set_ylabel('Coefficient')
+# axis.set_xlabel('Index of column vector')
+# plt.text(200, 2.35, 'singular vectors', fontdict={'fontsize':18})
+# plt.text(200+n**2, 2.35, 'null space basis', fontdict={'fontsize':18})
diff --git a/pyramid/fielddata.py b/pyramid/fielddata.py
index 22fc4be5298dbc53482a25874f6b27322644d8f1..d9db4e9e116deed9e48c3b2e895b7628ab18d936 100644
--- a/pyramid/fielddata.py
+++ b/pyramid/fielddata.py
@@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ import numpy as np
 from PIL import Image
 from matplotlib import patheffects
 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
-from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
+from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap
 from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom
+import cmocean
 from . import colors
 from . import plottools
@@ -86,7 +88,18 @@ class FieldData(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
         if len(self.shape) == 4:
             return np.sqrt(np.sum(self.field ** 2, axis=0))
-            return self.field
+            return np.abs(self.field)
+    @property
+    def field_vec(self):
+        """Vector containing the vector field distribution."""
+        return np.reshape(self.field, -1)
+    @field_vec.setter
+    def field_vec(self, mag_vec):
+        assert np.size(mag_vec) == np.prod(self.shape), \
+            'Vector has to match field shape! {} {}'.format(mag_vec.shape, np.prod(self.shape))
+        self.field = mag_vec.reshape((3,) + self.dim)
     def __init__(self, a, field):
         self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
@@ -839,7 +852,7 @@ class VectorData(FieldData):
         if figsize is None:
             figsize = plottools.FIGSIZE_DEFAULT
         assert proj_axis == 'z' or proj_axis == 'y' or proj_axis == 'x', \
-            'Axis has to be x, y or z (as string).'
+            "Axis has to be 'x', 'y' or 'z'."
         if ax_slice is None:
             ax_slice = self.dim[{'z': 0, 'y': 1, 'x': 2}[proj_axis]] // 2
         # Extract slice and mask:
@@ -986,7 +999,7 @@ class VectorData(FieldData):
         if figsize is None:
             figsize = plottools.FIGSIZE_DEFAULT
         assert proj_axis == 'z' or proj_axis == 'y' or proj_axis == 'x', \
-            'Axis has to be x, y or z (as string).'
+            "Axis has to be 'x', 'y' or 'z'."
         if ax_slice is None:
             ax_slice = self.dim[{'z': 0, 'y': 1, 'x': 2}[proj_axis]] // 2
         # Extract slice and mask:
@@ -1306,17 +1319,6 @@ class VectorData(FieldData):
         kwargs.setdefault('hideaxes', True)
         return plottools.format_axis(axis, hideaxes=True, scalebar=False)
-    @property
-    def field_vec(self):
-        """Vector containing the vector field distribution."""
-        return np.reshape(self.field, -1)
-    @field_vec.setter
-    def field_vec(self, mag_vec):
-        assert np.size(mag_vec) == np.prod(self.shape), \
-            'Vector has to match field shape! {} {}'.format(mag_vec.shape, np.prod(self.shape))
-        self.field = mag_vec.reshape((3,) + self.dim)
 class ScalarData(FieldData):
     """Class for storing scalar field data.
@@ -1339,6 +1341,17 @@ class ScalarData(FieldData):
     _log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.ScalarData')
+    @property
+    def field_vec(self):
+        """Vector containing the scalar field distribution."""
+        return np.reshape(self.field, -1)
+    @field_vec.setter
+    def field_vec(self, c_vec):
+        assert np.size(c_vec) == np.prod(self.shape), \
+            'Vector has to match field shape! {} {}'.format(c_vec.shape, np.prod(self.shape))
+        self.field = c_vec.reshape(self.dim)
     def scale_down(self, n=1):
         """Scale down the field distribution by averaging over two pixels along each axis.
@@ -1513,15 +1526,124 @@ class ScalarData(FieldData):
         from .file_io.io_scalardata import save_scalardata
         save_scalardata(self, filename, **kwargs)
-    @property
-    def field_vec(self):
-        """Vector containing the scalar field distribution."""
-        return np.reshape(self.field, -1)
+    def get_slice(self, ax_slice=None, proj_axis='z'):
+        # TODO: Docstring!
+        """Extract a slice from the :class:`~.VectorData` object.
-    @field_vec.setter
-    def field_vec(self, c_vec):
-        assert np.size(c_vec) == np.prod(self.shape), \
-            'Vector has to match field shape! {} {}'.format(c_vec.shape, np.prod(self.shape))
-        self.field = c_vec.reshape(self.dim)
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        proj_axis : {'z', 'y', 'x'}, optional
+            The axis, from which the slice is taken. The default is 'z'.
+        ax_slice : None or int, optional
+            The slice-index of the axis specified in `proj_axis`. Defaults to the center slice.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        u_mag, v_mag, w_mag, submask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=2)
+            The extracted vector field components in plane perpendicular to the `proj_axis` and
+            the perpendicular component.
+        """
+        self._log.debug('Calling get_slice')
+        # Find slice:
+        assert proj_axis == 'z' or proj_axis == 'y' or proj_axis == 'x', \
+            'Axis has to be x, y or z (as string).'
+        if ax_slice is None:
+            ax_slice = self.dim[{'z': 0, 'y': 1, 'x': 2}[proj_axis]] // 2
+        if proj_axis == 'z':  # Slice of the xy-plane with z = ax_slice
+            self._log.debug('proj_axis == z')
+            scalar_slice = np.copy(self.field[ax_slice, ...])
+        elif proj_axis == 'y':  # Slice of the xz-plane with y = ax_slice
+            self._log.debug('proj_axis == y')
+            scalar_slice = np.copy(self.field[:, ax_slice, :])
+        elif proj_axis == 'x':  # Slice of the zy-plane with x = ax_slice
+            self._log.debug('proj_axis == x')
+            scalar_slice = np.copy(self.field[..., ax_slice])
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('{} is not a valid argument (use x, y or z)'.format(proj_axis))
+        return scalar_slice
+    def plot_field(self, proj_axis='z', ax_slice=None, show_mask=True, bgcolor=None, axis=None,
+                   figsize=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, symmetric=False, cmap=None, cbar=True,
+                   **kwargs):
+        # TODO: Docstring!
+        """Plot a slice of the scalar field as an imshow plot.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        proj_axis : {'z', 'y', 'x'}, optional
+            The axis, from which a slice is plotted. The default is 'z'.
+        ax_slice : int, optional
+            The slice-index of the axis specified in `proj_axis`. Is set to the center of
+            `proj_axis` if not specified.
+        show_mask: boolean
+            Default is True. Shows the outlines of the mask slice if available.
+        bgcolor: {'white', 'black'}, optional
+            Determines the background color of the plot.
+        axis : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot`, optional
+            Axis on which the graph is plotted. Creates a new figure if none is specified.
+        figsize : tuple of floats (N=2)
+            Size of the plot figure.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        axis: :class:`~matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot`
+            The axis on which the graph is plotted.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        Uses :func:`~.plottools.format_axis` at the end. According keywords can also be given here.
+        """
+        self._log.debug('Calling plot_field')
+        a = self.a
+        if figsize is None:
+            figsize = plottools.FIGSIZE_DEFAULT
+        assert proj_axis == 'z' or proj_axis == 'y' or proj_axis == 'x', \
+            "Axis has to be 'x', 'y' or 'z'."
+        if ax_slice is None:
+            ax_slice = self.dim[{'z': 0, 'y': 1, 'x': 2}[proj_axis]] // 2
+        # Extract slice and mask:
+        field_slice = self.get_slice(ax_slice, proj_axis)
+        submask = np.where(np.abs(field_slice) > 0, True, False)
+        dim_uv = field_slice.shape
+        # If no axis is specified, a new figure is created:
+        if axis is None:
+            self._log.debug('axis is None')
+            fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
+            axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+            tight = True
+        else:
+            tight = False
+        axis.set_aspect('equal')
+        # Configure colormap and fix center to zero if colormap is symmetric:
+        if cmap is None:
+            cmap = cmocean.cm.thermal
+        elif isinstance(cmap, str):  # Get colormap if given as string:
+            cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
+        if symmetric:  # TODO: symmetric should be called divergent (see cmocean)!
+            vmin, vmax = np.min([vmin, -0]), np.max([0, vmax])  # Ensure zero is present!
+            limit = np.max(np.abs([vmin, vmax]))
+            start = (vmin + limit) / (2 * limit)
+            end = (vmax + limit) / (2 * limit)
+            cmap_colors = cmap(np.linspace(start, end, 256))
+            cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('Symmetric', cmap_colors)
+        # Plot the field:
+        im = axis.imshow(field_slice, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower',
+                         interpolation='none', extent=(0, dim_uv[1], 0, dim_uv[0]))
+        if show_mask and not np.all(submask):  # Plot mask if desired and not trivial!
+            vv, uu = np.indices(dim_uv) + 0.5
+            axis.contour(uu, vv, submask, levels=[0.5], colors='k',
+                         linestyles='dotted', linewidths=2)
+        if bgcolor is not None:
+            pass#axis.set_facecolor(bgcolor)  # TODO: Activate for matplotlib 2.0!
+        # Determine colorbar title:
+        cbar_mappable = None
+        if cbar:
+            cbar_mappable = im
+        # Return formatted axis:
+        return plottools.format_axis(axis, sampling=a, cbar_mappable=cbar_mappable,
+                                     tight_layout=tight, **kwargs)
 # TODO: Histogram plots for magnetisation (see thesis!)
diff --git a/pyramid/forwardmodel.py b/pyramid/forwardmodel.py
index 529160ce3c854dd98e55b777306424f4c54eef34..bbb2e2579e4d13826863ea2cd7361f647dfd9f8a 100644
--- a/pyramid/forwardmodel.py
+++ b/pyramid/forwardmodel.py
@@ -21,6 +21,19 @@ __all__ = ['ForwardModel', 'ForwardModelCharge', 'DistributedForwardModel']
 # TODO: Ramp should be a forward model itself! Instead of hookpoints, each ForwardModel should
 # TODO: keep track of start and end in vector x (defaults: 0 and -1)!
 # TODO: Write CombinedForwardModel class!
+# TODO: DataSet should be an argument, but should ONLY contain phasemaps!
+# TODO: Maybe a list of PhaseMaps is even better and no DataSet class is needed?
+# TODO: But what about the convenience functions?
+# TODO: PhaseMaps should contain info about their projection direction!
+# TODO: The ForwardModel should then setup the projectors accordingly from this info!
+# TODO: Se_inv should be a class of its own and should be constructed by the ForwardModel init!
+# TODO: Same goes for the mask! Se_inv and mask should contain all constructers and functions!
+# TODO: This way, everything is set up and given AFTER all data are collected, because
+# TODO: Se_inv and mask can't be set up before...
+# TODO: Hook points belong to the forward models (or better the CombinedForwardModel)
+# TODO: Maybe have one ForwardModel per image? (maybe not a good idea...?)
+# TODO: Build factory convenience functions for constructing CombinedForwardModels!
+# TODO: DistributedForwardModel and CombinedForwardModel could be the same thing?!
 class ForwardModel(object):
     """Class for mapping 3D magnetic distributions to 2D phase maps.
@@ -82,6 +95,8 @@ class ForwardModel(object):
         return 'ForwardModel(data_set=%s)' % self.data_set
     def __call__(self, x):
+        # TODO: Have an extra forward model without the projector part?
+        # TODO: Which also corrects for the thickness? Would be nice!
         # Extract ramp parameters if necessary (x will be shortened!):
         x = self.ramp.extract_ramp_params(x)
         # Reset magdata and fill with vector:
diff --git a/pyramid/kernel.py b/pyramid/kernel.py
index dd6ef5a0d759b2cee8631d8f1bb22f1282d0cea9..d0a04aed3ce86bc32412f08584bf14d3ae61a6a7 100644
--- a/pyramid/kernel.py
+++ b/pyramid/kernel.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import numpy as np
 from jutil import fft
-__all__ = ['Kernel', 'PHI_0']
+__all__ = ['Kernel', 'PHI_0', 'KernelCharge']
 PHI_0 = 2067.83  # magnetic flux in T*nm²
 H_BAR = 6.626E-34  # Planck constant in J*s
diff --git a/pyramid/magcreator/magcreator.py b/pyramid/magcreator/magcreator.py
index d74da1aa9c93ab68223d84811e5d9ee5e402d2c5..cd165040d34c2f7f2ba8d0940a0605f6d02f89ad 100644
--- a/pyramid/magcreator/magcreator.py
+++ b/pyramid/magcreator/magcreator.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ __all__ = ['create_mag_dist_homog', 'create_mag_dist_vortex', 'create_mag_dist_s
 _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# TODO: generalise for scalar data? rename to fieldcreator? have subclasses vector, scalar?
 def create_mag_dist_homog(mag_shape, phi, theta=pi / 2):
     """Create a 3-dimensional magnetic distribution of a homogeneously magnetized object.
diff --git a/pyramid/phasemap.py b/pyramid/phasemap.py
index c666f4850584b9424241cdaaefa884a689b55960..72665d7ebb7c590ae772e27b00cee38821154b8a 100644
--- a/pyramid/phasemap.py
+++ b/pyramid/phasemap.py
@@ -659,14 +659,14 @@ class PhaseMap(object):
                 vmin = np.min(phase_lim)
             if vmax is None:
                 vmax = np.max(phase_lim)
-        # Configure colormap, to fix white to zero if colormap is symmetric:
+        # Configure colormap and fix white to zero if colormap is symmetric:
+        if cmap is None:
+            cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdBu')  # TODO: use cmocean.cm.balance (flipped colours!)
+            # TODO: get default from "colors" or "plots" package
+            # TODO: make flexible, cmocean and matplotlib...
+        elif isinstance(cmap, str):  # Get colormap if given as string:
+            cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
         if symmetric:
-            if cmap is None:
-                cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdBu')  # TODO: use cmocean.cm.balance (flipped colours!)
-                # TODO: get default from "colors" or "plots" package
-                # TODO: make flexible, cmocean and matplotlib...
-            elif isinstance(cmap, str):  # Get colormap if given as string:
-                cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
             vmin, vmax = np.min([vmin, -0]), np.max([0, vmax])  # Ensure zero is present!
             limit = np.max(np.abs([vmin, vmax]))
             start = (vmin + limit) / (2 * limit)
diff --git a/pyramid/utils/pm.py b/pyramid/utils/pm.py
index e438125cfcb6e669bde3d8c10d073497f321aa5b..c29379da6424b59ecd72b0b781db7a01f505ab18 100644
--- a/pyramid/utils/pm.py
+++ b/pyramid/utils/pm.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from ..projector import RotTiltProjector, XTiltProjector, YTiltProjector, Simple
 __all__ = ['pm']
 _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# TODO: rename magdata to vecdata everywhere!
 def pm(magdata, mode='z', b_0=1, mapper='RDFC', **kwargs):
     """Convenience function for fast magnetic phase mapping.