From efadefd2d727da37d9560ce53a723a98b9723d2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jan Caron <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2020 20:02:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Some Fixes and QoL Updates: More documentations
 and more fine control over vector and skyrmion chirality and orientation.
 Also fixed create_vector_singularity. colors: Added a namespace for colormaps
 (instead of a dictionary) to ease access to the maps. CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT
 is therefore deprecated now! plot2d: significantly simplified the symmetric
 color map handling with DivergingNorm (which was built for exactly that).

 src/empyre/fields/       | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
 src/empyre/io/field_plugins/ |  5 +-
 src/empyre/vis/           | 35 +++++++----
 src/empyre/vis/       |  6 +-
 src/empyre/vis/           | 23 +++----
 src/empyre/vis/           | 11 +++-
 6 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/empyre/fields/ b/src/empyre/fields/
index 9d4305a..a865a11 100644
--- a/src/empyre/fields/
+++ b/src/empyre/fields/
@@ -51,9 +51,7 @@ def create_vector_homog(dim, phi=0, theta=None, scale=1.0):
     return Field(data=data, scale=scale, vector=True)
-def create_vector_vortex(dim, center=None, core_r=0, oop_r=None, axis=0, scale=1.0):
-    # TODO: oop and core_r documentation!!! General description!
+def create_vector_vortex(dim, center=None, phi_0=np.pi/2, oop_r=None, oop_sign=1, core_r=0, axis=0, scale=1.0):
     """Field subclass implementing a vortex vector field with 3 components in 2 or 3 dimensions.
@@ -66,7 +64,31 @@ def create_vector_vortex(dim, center=None, core_r=0, oop_r=None, axis=0, scale=1
         The vortex center should be between two pixels to avoid singularities.
     axis :  int, optional
         The orientation of the vortex axis. The default is 0 and corresponds to the z-axis. Is ignored if dim is
-        only 2D. To invert chirality, multiply the resulting Field object by -1.  # TODO: WRONG?
+        only 2D.
+    phi_0 : float, optional
+        Angular offset that allows all arrows to be rotated simultaneously. The default value is `pi/2` and corresponds
+        to an anti-clockwise rotation, while a value of `-pi/2` corresponds to a clockwise rotation. `0` and `pi` lead
+        to arrows that all point in/outward.
+    oop_r : float, optional
+        Radius of a potential out-of-plane ("oop") component in the vortex center. If `None`, the vortex is purely
+        in-plane, which is the default. Set this to a number (in pixels) that determines the the radius in which the
+        oop-component is tilted into the plane. A `0` leads to an immediate/sharp tilt (not visible without setting a
+        core radius, see `core_r`), while setting this to the radius of your vortex disc, will let it tilt smoothly
+        until reaching the edge.
+    oop_sign : {1, -1}, optional
+        Only used if `oop_r` is not None (i.e. there is an out-of-plane component). Can be `1` (default) or `-1` and
+        determines if the core (if it exists) is aligned parallel (`+1`) or antiparallel (`-1`) to the chosen symmetry
+        axis.
+    core_r : float, optional
+        Radius of a potential vortex core that's homogeneously oriented out-of-plane. Is not used when `oop_r` is not
+        set and defaults to `0`, which means the vortex core is infinitely sharp.
+    scale: tuple of float
+        Scaling along the dimensions of the underlying data.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    field : `~.Field` object
+        The resulting vector field.
     _log.debug('Calling create_vector_vortex')
@@ -89,15 +111,19 @@ def create_vector_vortex(dim, center=None, core_r=0, oop_r=None, axis=0, scale=1
     # Create vortex plane (2D):
     coords_uv = np.indices(dim_uv) + 0.5  # 0.5 to get to pixel/voxel center!
     coords_uv = coords_uv - np.asarray(center, dtype=float)[:, None, None]  # Shift by center!
-    phi = np.arctan2(coords_uv[0], coords_uv[1]) - np.pi / 2
+    phi = np.arctan2(coords_uv[0], coords_uv[1]) - phi_0
     rr = np.hypot(coords_uv[0], coords_uv[1])
     rr_clip = np.clip(rr - core_r, a_min=0, a_max=None)  # negative inside core_r (clipped to 0), positive outside!
+    # Check if a core should be constructed (oop_r != 0):
     if oop_r is None:
         w_comp = np.zeros(dim_uv)
-        w_comp = 1 - 2/np.pi * np.arcsin(np.tanh(np.pi*rr_clip/oop_r))  # orthogonal: 1 inside, towards 0 outside!
-    v_comp = np.ones(dim_uv) * np.sin(phi) * np.sqrt(1 - w_comp)
-    u_comp = np.ones(dim_uv) * np.cos(phi) * np.sqrt(1 - w_comp)
+        assert oop_r >= 0, 'oop_r has to be a positive number!'
+        assert oop_sign in (1, -1), 'Sign of the out-of-plane component has to be either +1 or -1!'
+        w_comp = 1 - 2/np.pi * np.arcsin(np.tanh(np.pi*rr_clip/(oop_r+1E-30)))  # orthogonal: 1 inside, to 0 outside!
+        w_comp *= oop_sign * w_comp
+    v_comp = np.ones(dim_uv) * np.sin(phi) * np.sqrt(1 - np.abs(w_comp))
+    u_comp = np.ones(dim_uv) * np.cos(phi) * np.sqrt(1 - np.abs(w_comp))
     if len(dim) == 3:  # Expand to 3D:
         w_comp = np.expand_dims(w_comp, axis=axis)
         v_comp = np.expand_dims(v_comp, axis=axis)
@@ -125,7 +151,7 @@ def create_vector_vortex(dim, center=None, core_r=0, oop_r=None, axis=0, scale=1
     return Field(data=data, scale=scale, vector=True)
-def create_vector_skyrmion(dim, center=None, phi_0=0, skyrm_d=None, wall_d=None, axis=0, scale=1.0):
+def create_vector_skyrmion(dim, center=None, phi_0=0, core_sign=1, skyrm_d=None, wall_d=None, axis=0, scale=1.0):
     """Create a 3-dimensional magnetic Bloch or Neel type skyrmion distribution.
@@ -139,20 +165,24 @@ def create_vector_skyrmion(dim, center=None, phi_0=0, skyrm_d=None, wall_d=None,
     phi_0 : float, optional
         Angular offset switching between Neel type (0 [default] or pi) or Bloch type (+/- pi/2)
+    core_sign : {1, -1}, optional
+        Can be `1` (default) or `-1` and determines if the skyrmion core is aligned parallel (`+1`) or antiparallel
+        (`-1`) to the chosen symmetry axis.
     skyrm_d : float, optional
         Diameter of the skyrmion. Defaults to half of the smaller dimension perpendicular to the
         skyrmion axis if not specified.
     wall_d : float, optional
         Diameter of the domain wall of the skyrmion. Defaults to `skyrm_d / 4` if not specified.
-    axis :  {'z', '-z', 'y', '-y', 'x', '-x'}, optional # TODO: NUMBERS!! See vortex
-        The orientation of the skyrmion axis. The default is 'z'. Negative values invert skyrmion
-        core direction.
+    axis :  int, optional
+        The orientation of the vortex axis. The default is 0 and corresponds to the z-axis. Is ignored if dim is
+        only 2D.
+    scale: tuple of float
+        Scaling along the dimensions of the underlying data.
-    amplitude : tuple (N=3) of :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3)
-        The magnetic distribution as a tuple of the 3 components in
-        `x`-, `y`- and `z`-direction on the 3-dimensional grid.
+    field : `~.Field` object
+        The resulting vector field.
@@ -161,9 +191,8 @@ def create_vector_skyrmion(dim, center=None, phi_0=0, skyrm_d=None, wall_d=None,
         coordinates (e.g. coordinate 1 lies between the first and the second pixel).
         Skyrmion wall width is dependant on exchange stiffness  A [J/m] and anisotropy K [J/m³]
-        The out-of-plane magnetization at the domain wall can be described as:
-        Mz = -Ms * tanh(x/w)  # TODO: Instead ROMER paper
-        w = sqrt(A/K)
+        The out-of-plane magnetization at the domain wall is described in a paper by Romming et al
+        (see DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.177203s)
@@ -176,6 +205,7 @@ def create_vector_skyrmion(dim, center=None, phi_0=0, skyrm_d=None, wall_d=None,
     _log.debug('Calling create_vector_skyrmion')
     assert len(dim) in (2, 3), 'Skyrmion can only be build in 2 or 3 dimensions!'
+    assert core_sign in (1, -1), 'Sign of the out-of-plane component has to be either +1 or -1!'
     # Find indices of the skyrmion plane axes:
     idx_uv = [0, 1, 2]
     if len(dim) == 3:  # 3D:
@@ -201,7 +231,7 @@ def create_vector_skyrmion(dim, center=None, phi_0=0, skyrm_d=None, wall_d=None,
     rr = np.hypot(coords_uv[0], coords_uv[1])
     phi = np.arctan2(coords_uv[0], coords_uv[1]) - phi_0
     theta = _theta(rr)
-    w_comp = np.cos(theta)
+    w_comp = core_sign * np.cos(theta)
     v_comp = np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
     u_comp = np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
     # Expansion to 3D if necessary and component shuffling:
@@ -243,16 +273,13 @@ def create_vector_singularity(dim, center=None, scale=1.0):
         The source center, given in 2D `(v, u)` or 3D `(z, y, x)`, where the perpendicular axis
         is discarded. Is set to the center of the field of view if not specified.
         The source center has to be between two pixels.
-    axis :  {'z', '-z', 'y', '-y', 'x', '-x'}, optional  # TODO: NUMBERS!
-        The orientation of the source axis. The default is 'z'. Negative values invert the source
-        to a sink.  # TODO: wat...?
-    # TODO: scale!
+    scale: tuple of float
+        Scaling along the dimensions of the underlying data.
-    amplitude : tuple (N=3) of :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3)
-        The magnetic distribution as a tuple of the 3 components in
-        `x`-, `y`- and `z`-direction on the 3-dimensional grid.
+    field : `~.Field` object
+        The resulting vector field.
@@ -260,7 +287,10 @@ def create_vector_singularity(dim, center=None, scale=1.0):
         reside at coordinates with _.5 at the end), i.e. integer values should be used as center
         coordinates (e.g. coordinate 1 lies between the first and the second pixel).
-    """  # TODO: What does negating do here? Senke / Quelle (YES IT DOES!)? swell and sink? ISSUE! INVITE PEOPLE!!!
+        Per default, all arrows point outwards, negate the resulting `Field` object with a minus after creation to let
+        them point inwards.
+    """
     _log.debug('Calling create_vector_singularity')
     # Find default values:
     if center is None:
@@ -268,10 +298,12 @@ def create_vector_singularity(dim, center=None, scale=1.0):
     assert len(dim) == len(center), f"Length of dim ({len(dim)}) and center ({len(center)}) don't match!"
     # Setup coordinates, shape is (c, z, y, x), if 3D, or (c, y, x), if 2D (c: components):
     coords = np.indices(dim) + 0.5  # 0.5 to get to pixel/voxel center!
-    center = np.asarray(center, dtype=float)
-    bc_shape = (len(dim,),) + (1,)*len(dim)  # Shape for broadcasting, (1,1,1,3) for 3D, (1,1,2) for 2D!
-    coords = coords - center.reshape(bc_shape)  # Shift by center (append 1s for broadcasting)!
+    bc_shape = (len(dim,),) + (1,)*len(dim)  # Shape for broadcasting, (3,1,1,1) for 3D, (2,1,1) for 2D!
+    coords = coords - np.reshape(center, bc_shape)  # Shift by center (append 1s for broadcasting)!
     rr = np.sqrt(np.sum([coords[i]**2 for i in range(len(dim))], axis=0))
-    data = coords / (rr + 1E-30)  # Normalise amplitude (keep direction), rr (z,y,x) is broadcasted to data (c,z,y,x)!
-    data = data.T  # (c,z,y,x) -> (x,y,z,c)
+    coords /= rr + 1E-30  # Normalise amplitude (keep direction), rr (z,y,x) is broadcasted to data (c,z,y,x)!
+    # coords has components listed in wrong order (z, y, x) in the first dimension, we need (x, y, z) in the last:
+    coords = np.flip(coords, axis=0)
+    # Finally, the data has the coordinate axis at the end, not at the front:
+    data = np.moveaxis(coords, 0, -1)  # (c,z,y,x) -> (z,y,x,c)
     return Field(data=data, scale=scale, vector=True)
diff --git a/src/empyre/io/field_plugins/ b/src/empyre/io/field_plugins/
index 1f91b7d..3be9a4a 100644
--- a/src/empyre/io/field_plugins/
+++ b/src/empyre/io/field_plugins/
@@ -118,7 +118,10 @@ def writer(filename, field, **kwargs):
         # Calculate colors:
         x_mag, y_mag, z_mag = field.comp
         magvec = np.asarray((,,
-        rgb = colors.CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT.rgb_from_vector(magvec)
+        cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', None)
+        if cmap is None:
+            cmap = colors.cmaps.cyclic_cubehelix
+        rgb = cmap.rgb_from_vector(magvec)
         point_colors = tvtk.UnsignedIntArray()
         point_colors.number_of_components = 3 = 'colors'
diff --git a/src/empyre/vis/ b/src/empyre/vis/
index 344a41f..6e71ecc 100644
--- a/src/empyre/vis/
+++ b/src/empyre/vis/
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
 """This module provides a number of custom colormaps, which also have capabilities for 3D plotting.
 If this is the case, the :class:`~.Colormap3D` colormap class is a parent class. In `cmaps`, a
-number of specialised colormaps is available for convenience. If the default for circular colormaps
-(used for 3D plotting) should be changed, set it via `CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT`.
+number of specialised colormaps is available for convenience.
 For general questions about colors see:
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ from .tools import use_style
 __all__ = ['Colormap3D', 'ColormapCubehelix', 'ColormapPerception', 'ColormapHLS', 'ColormapClassic',
-           'ColormapTransparent', 'cmaps', 'CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT', 'interpolate_color']
+           'ColormapTransparent', 'cmaps', 'interpolate_color']
 _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -498,14 +497,24 @@ def interpolate_color(fraction, start, end):
     return r1, r2, r3
-cmaps = {'cubehelix_standard': ColormapCubehelix(),
-         'cubehelix_reverse': ColormapCubehelix(reverse=True),
-         'cubehelix_circular': ColormapCubehelix(start=1, rot=1, minLight=0.5, maxLight=0.5, sat=2),
-         'perception_circular': ColormapPerception(),
-         'hls_circular': ColormapHLS(),
-         'classic_circular': ColormapClassic(),
-         'transparent_black': ColormapTransparent(0, 0, 0, [0, 1.]),
-         'transparent_white': ColormapTransparent(1, 1, 1, [0, 1.]),
-         'transparent_confidence': ColormapTransparent(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, [0.75, 0.])}
+class CMapNamespace(object):
-CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT = cmaps['cubehelix_circular']
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.cubehelix = ColormapCubehelix()
+        self.cubehelix_r = ColormapCubehelix(reverse=True)
+        self.cyclic_cubehelix = ColormapCubehelix(start=1, rot=1, minLight=0.5, maxLight=0.5, sat=2)
+        self.cyclic_perception = ColormapPerception()
+        self.cyclic_hls = ColormapHLS()
+        self.cyclic_classic = ColormapClassic()
+        self.transparent_black = ColormapTransparent(0, 0, 0, [0, 1.])
+        self.transparent_white = ColormapTransparent(1, 1, 1, [0, 1.])
+        self.transparent_confidence = ColormapTransparent(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, [0.75, 0.])
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self.__dict__[key]
+    def add_cmap_dict(self, **kwargs):
+        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+cmaps = CMapNamespace()
diff --git a/src/empyre/vis/ b/src/empyre/vis/
index aa30034..f61990e 100644
--- a/src/empyre/vis/
+++ b/src/empyre/vis/
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ def colorwheel(axis=None, cmap=None, ax_size='20%', loc='upper right', **kwargs)
     axis : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional
         Axis to which the colorwheel is added, by default None, which will pick the last used axis via `gca`.
     cmap : str or `matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional
-        The Colormap that should be used for the colorwheel, defaults to `None`, which chooses a map specified by
-        `.colors.CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT`. Needs to be a :class:`~.colors.Colormap3D`.
+        The Colormap that should be used for the colorwheel, defaults to `None`, which chooses the
+        `.colors.cmaps.cyclic_cubehelix` colormap. Needs to be a :class:`~.colors.Colormap3D` to work correctly.
     ax_size : str or float, optional
         String or float determining the size of the inset axis used, defaults to `20%`.
     loc : str or pair of floats, optional
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def colorwheel(axis=None, cmap=None, ax_size='20%', loc='upper right', **kwargs)
     ins_axes = inset_axes(axis, width=ax_size, height=ax_size, loc=loc)
     if cmap is None:
-        cmap = colors.CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT
+        cmap = colors.cmaps.cyclic_cubehelix  # Set focus back to parent axis!
     return cmap.plot_colorwheel(axis=ins_axes, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/empyre/vis/ b/src/empyre/vis/
index 3b9abf5..19563bb 100644
--- a/src/empyre/vis/
+++ b/src/empyre/vis/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import logging
 import numpy as np
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
+from matplotlib.colors import DivergingNorm
 from PIL import Image
 from . import colors
@@ -75,19 +75,7 @@ def imshow(field, axis=None, cmap=None, **kwargs):
     elif isinstance(cmap, str):  # make sure we have a Colormap object (and not a string):
         cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
     if'_r', '') in DIVERGING_CMAPS:  # 'replace' also matches reverted cmaps!
-        # Symmetric colormap only has zero at symmetry point if mappable has symmetric bounds (from - to + limit)!
-        vmin = kwargs.get('vmin',
-        vmax = kwargs.get('vmax',
-        vmin, vmax = np.min([vmin, 0]), np.max([0, vmax])  # Ensure zero is present!
-        kwargs.setdefault('vmin', vmin)
-        kwargs.setdefault('vmax', vmax)
-        limit = np.max(np.abs([vmin, vmax]))
-        # Calculate the subset of colors for the range vmin to vmax (often not full range of 2*limit):
-        start = 0.5 + vmin/(2*limit)  # 0 for symmetric bounds, >0: unused colors at lower end!
-        end = 0.5 + vmax/(2*limit)  # 1 for symmetric bounds, <1: unused colors at upper end!
-        cmap_colors = cmap(np.linspace(start, end, 256))  # New color indices with symmetry color at 0.5!
-        # Use calculated colors to create custom (asymmetric) colormap with symmetry color (often white) at zero:
-        cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom', cmap_colors)
+        kwargs.setdefault('norm', DivergingNorm(0))  # Diverging colormap should have zero at the symmetry point!
     # Set extent in data coordinates (left, right, bottom, top) to kwargs (if not set explicitely):
     dim_v, dim_u, s_v, s_u = *squeezed_field.dim, *squeezed_field.scale
     kwargs.setdefault('extent', (0, dim_u * s_u, 0, dim_v * s_v))
@@ -199,7 +187,10 @@ def colorvec(field, axis=None, **kwargs):
     y_comp = comp[1]
     z_comp = comp[2] if (squeezed_field.ncomp == 3) else np.zeros(squeezed_field.dim)
     # Calculate image with color encoded directions:
-    rgb = colors.CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT.rgb_from_vector(np.stack((x_comp, y_comp, z_comp), axis=0))
+    cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', None)
+    if cmap is None:
+        cmap = colors.cmaps.cyclic_cubehelix
+    rgb = cmap.rgb_from_vector(np.stack((x_comp, y_comp, z_comp), axis=0))
     # Set extent in data coordinates (left, right, bottom, top) to kwargs (if not set explicitely):
     dim_v, dim_u, s_v, s_u = *squeezed_field.dim, *squeezed_field.scale
     kwargs.setdefault('extent', (0, dim_u * s_u, 0, dim_v * s_v))
@@ -345,7 +336,7 @@ def quiver(field, axis=None, color_angles=False, cmap=None, n_bin='auto', bin_wi
     if color_angles:  # Color angles according to calculated RGB values (only with circular colormaps):
         _log.debug('Encoding angles')
         if cmap is None:
-            cmap = colors.CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT
+            cmap = colors.cmaps.cyclic_cubehelix
         rgb = cmap.rgb_from_vector(np.asarray((x_comp, y_comp, z_comp))) / 255
         rgba = np.concatenate((rgb, amplitude[..., None]), axis=-1)
         kwargs.setdefault('color', rgba.reshape(-1, 4))
diff --git a/src/empyre/vis/ b/src/empyre/vis/
index 54cda15..4afc9d0 100644
--- a/src/empyre/vis/
+++ b/src/empyre/vis/
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def mask3d(field, title='Mask', threshold=0, grid=True, labels=True,
     return cont
-def quiver3d(field, title='Vector Field', limit=None, cmap='jet', mode='2darrow',
+def quiver3d(field, title='Vector Field', limit=None, cmap=None, mode='2darrow',
              coloring='angle', ar_dens=1, opacity=1.0, grid=True, labels=True,
              orientation=True, size=(700, 750), new_fig=True, view='isometric',
              position=None, bgcolor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)):
@@ -122,7 +122,8 @@ def quiver3d(field, title='Vector Field', limit=None, cmap='jet', mode='2darrow'
     limit : float, optional
         Plotlimit for the vector field arrow length used to scale the colormap.
     cmap : string, optional
-        String describing the colormap which is used for amplitude encoding (default is 'jet').
+        String describing the colormap which is used for color encoding (uses `~.colors.cmaps.cyclic_cubehelix` if
+        left on the `None` default) or amplitude encoding (uses 'jet' if left on the `None` default).
     ar_dens: int, optional
         Number defining the arrow density which is plotted. A higher ar_dens number skips more
         arrows (a number of 2 plots every second arrow). Default is 1.
@@ -165,13 +166,17 @@ def quiver3d(field, title='Vector Field', limit=None, cmap='jet', mode='2darrow'
         vecs = mlab.quiver3d(xxx, yyy, zzz, x_mag, y_mag, z_mag, mode=mode, opacity=opacity,
                              scalars=np.arange(len(xxx)), line_width=2)
         vector = np.asarray((x_mag.ravel(), y_mag.ravel(), z_mag.ravel()))
-        rgb = colors.CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT.rgb_from_vector(vector)
+        if cmap is None:
+            cmap = colors.cmaps.cyclic_cubehelix
+        rgb = cmap.rgb_from_vector(vector)
         rgba = np.hstack((rgb, 255 * np.ones((len(xxx), 1), dtype=np.uint8)))
         vecs.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar'
         vecs.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = rgba
     elif coloring == 'amplitude':  # Encodes the amplitude of the arrows with the jet colormap:
         _log.debug('Encoding amplitude')
+        if cmap is None:
+            cmap = 'jet'
         vecs = mlab.quiver3d(xxx, yyy, zzz, x_mag, y_mag, z_mag,
                              mode=mode, colormap=cmap, opacity=opacity, line_width=2)