before_script: # Install requirements for pyramid: - conda env create -q # -q: quiet/ no progressbar, because it spams the log! - source activate pyramid - conda info --envs # Install jutil via deploy token access: - pip install git+https://pyramid:"$JUTIL_DEPLOY_TOKEN" stages: - test - deploy # TODO: add stage later, upload docs, coverage and such, shift artifacts here? test_style: image: continuumio/miniconda3:latest stage: test script: # -m: only run tests marked with "flake8" - python test --addopts "--flake8 -m flake8" test_function: image: continuumio/miniconda3:latest stage: test artifacts: paths: - .coverage expire_in: 1 week script: # Execute all tests and also check coverage with --cov: - python test --addopts "--cov" test_docs: image: continuumio/miniconda3:latest stage: test script: # -f: Force overwriting of any existing generated files. # -e: Put documentation for each module on its own page. # -o: Directory to place the output files. If it does not exist, it is created. # last parameter: module path - sphinx-apidoc -f -e -o docs/api pyramid # Build the documentation from 'docs' and put into 'build/sphinx': - sphinx-build docs build/sphinx artifacts: paths: - build/sphinx expire_in: 1 week