# REQUIREMENTS FOR PYRAMID # Use "pip install -f requirements.txt" to install with pip! # If you want to install basic dependencies according to setup.py use "pip install -e .['all']"! # # OR (recommended): # # Create environment with "conda create -n pyramid -f requirements.txt"! # Add necessary channels: # - "conda-forge" --> hyperspy (win-32/64, linux-64, osx-64), pyFFTW (linux-64, osx-64) # - "ccpi" --> pyFFTW (win-64) # with one of these options: # - add them as a parameter to "conda create -n pyramid -f requirements.txt -c CHANNELS" # - add them to ~/.condarc with "conda config --append channels CHANNEL" (one by one) # The jutil package from "https://iffgit.fz-juelich.de/unger/jutil" has to be installed manually! # Basic: python==3.5 # TODO: upgrade to 3.6! numpy==1.11 scipy==0.19 tqdm==4.14 scikit-image==0.13 # Fast computation: pyfftw==0.10 # File IO: hyperspy==1.3 hyperspy-gui-ipywidgets==1.0 hyperspy-gui-traitsui==1.0 # TODO: Optional! Delete when mayavi is gone! h5py==2.7 # Plotting and colors: # TODO: Shift to plotting package? matplotlib==2.0 Pillow==4.1 cmocean==1.1 qt==4.8 # TODO: Necessary because of traits in mayavi. Delete when mayavi is gone! mayavi==4.5 # TODO: Get rid of! #colorspacious # TODO: NOT USED? #visvis # TODO: NOT USED? # Testing: pytest==3.1 pytest-cov==2.5 pytest-flake8==0.8 pytest-runner==2.11 coverage==4.4 # IPython and notebooks: ipython==5.3 jupyter==1.0 # TODO: Add documentation stuff like sphinx! # TODO: Add back GUI dependencies! # TODO: Get Jutil from gitlab (currently doesn't work, git and cygwin don't play nice,... # TODO: ...because one is Unix, ond is Windows). # - pip=9.0 # - pip: # # ALSO NEEDS JUTIL! # - "git+ssh://gitlab@iffgit.fz-juelich.de/unger/jutil.git" # # # FOLLOWING NOT USED ANYMORE, CONDA WORKS, TOO (with appropriate channels): # # Install pyFFTW=0.10 from wheel: # - http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/pyFFTW‑0.10.4‑cp35‑cp35m‑win_amd64.whl # # Install mayavi=4.5 and VTK from wheel: # - http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/mayavi‑4.5.0+vtk71‑cp35‑cp35m‑win_amd64.whl