image: "python:3.5" before_script: # Check and print Python version - python --version # Create SSH configuration directory if necessary (also parents with -p, mode: read/write/exec): - mkdir -p --mode=700 ~/.ssh/ # Add SSH key for jutil: - echo "$ID_RSA_JUTIL_PRIVATE" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa_jutil # Provide read access to owner (octal value code: 400) to jutil key and known_hosts with chmod: - chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa_jutil # Configure SSH to use ~/.ssh/jutil_key for (-e allows \n): - echo -e "Host\n\tIdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_jutil\n" > ~/.ssh/config # Add to known_hosts (not the same key as Jutil!): - echo, "$ID_RSA_IFFGIT_PUBLIC" > ~/.ssh/known_hosts # Provide read access to owner (octal value code: 400) to known_hosts with chmod: - chmod 400 ~/.ssh/known_hosts # Install jutil via secure ssh connection: - pip install git+ssh:// ## Used for #- pip install pytest pytest-cov stages: - test test: stage: test script: # TODO: Different jobs with custom develop arguments? extra_requires (hyperspy, plotting)? # TODO: Use pip install -e .[hyperspy], etc. # Install requirements (-e: editable, like python develop, but pip, not easy_install): - pip install -e .['tests'] # Also installs everything for tests! - python test - coverage html artifacts: paths: - htmlcov/