# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Create and display a phase map from magnetization data."""

import numpy as np
import numcore
import time

# Physical constants
PHI_0 = -2067.83    # magnetic flux in T*nm²
H_BAR = 6.626E-34  # Planck constant in J*s
M_E = 9.109E-31    # electron mass in kg
Q_E = 1.602E-19    # electron charge in C
C = 2.998E8        # speed of light in m/s

def phase_mag_fourier(res, projection, b_0=1, padding=0):
    '''Calculate phasemap from magnetization data (Fourier space approach).
        res        - the resolution of the grid (grid spacing) in nm
        projection - projection of a magnetic distribution (created with pyramid.projector)
        b_0        - magnetic induction corresponding to a magnetization Mo in T (default: 1)
        padding    - factor for zero padding, the default is 0 (no padding), for a factor of n the
                     number of pixels is increase by (1+n)**2, padded zeros are cropped at the end
        the phasemap as a 2 dimensional array

    v_dim, u_dim = np.shape(projection[0])
    v_mag, u_mag = projection
    # Create zero padded matrices:
    u_pad = u_dim/2 * padding
    v_pad = v_dim/2 * padding
    u_mag_big = np.zeros(((1 + padding) * v_dim, (1 + padding) * u_dim))
    v_mag_big = np.zeros(((1 + padding) * v_dim, (1 + padding) * u_dim))
    u_mag_big[v_pad:v_pad+v_dim, u_pad:u_pad+u_dim] = u_mag
    v_mag_big[v_pad:v_pad+v_dim, u_pad:u_pad+u_dim] = v_mag
    # Fourier transform of the two components:
    u_mag_fft = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.rfft2(u_mag_big), axes=0)
    v_mag_fft = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.rfft2(v_mag_big), axes=0)
    # Calculate the Fourier transform of the phase:
    nyq = 1 / res  # nyquist frequency
    f_u = np.linspace(0, nyq/2, u_mag_fft.shape[1])
    f_v = np.linspace(-nyq/2, nyq/2, u_mag_fft.shape[0], endpoint=False)
    f_uu, f_vv = np.meshgrid(f_u, f_v)
    coeff = (1j*b_0) / (2*PHI_0)
    phase_fft = coeff * res * (u_mag_fft*f_vv - v_mag_fft*f_uu) / (f_uu**2 + f_vv**2 + 1e-30)
    # Transform to real space and revert padding:
    phase_big = np.fft.irfft2(np.fft.ifftshift(phase_fft, axes=0))
    phase = phase_big[v_pad:v_pad+v_dim, u_pad:u_pad+u_dim]
    return phase

def phase_mag_real(res, projection, method, b_0=1, jacobi=None):
    '''Calculate phasemap from magnetization data (real space approach).
        res        - the resolution of the grid (grid spacing) in nm
        projection - projection of a magnetic distribution (created with pyramid.projector)
        method     - String, describing the method to use for the pixel field ('slab' or 'disc')
        b_0        - magnetic induction corresponding to a magnetization Mo in T (default: 1)
        jacobi     - matrix in which to save the jacobi matrix (default: None, faster computation)
        the phasemap as a 2 dimensional array

    # Function for creating the lookup-tables:
    def phi_lookup(method, n, m, res, b_0):
        if method == 'slab':
            def F_h(n, m):
                a = np.log(res**2 * (n**2 + m**2))
                b = np.arctan(n / m)
                return n*a - 2*n + 2*m*b
            return coeff * 0.5 * (F_h(n-0.5, m-0.5) - F_h(n+0.5, m-0.5)
                                - F_h(n-0.5, m+0.5) + F_h(n+0.5, m+0.5))
        elif method == 'disc':
            in_or_out = np.logical_not(np.logical_and(n == 0, m == 0))
            return coeff * m / (n**2 + m**2 + 1E-30) * in_or_out
    # Process input parameters:
    v_dim, u_dim = np.shape(projection[0])
    v_mag, u_mag = projection
    coeff = -b_0 * res**2 / (2*PHI_0)
    # Create lookup-tables for the phase of one pixel:
    u = np.linspace(-(u_dim-1), u_dim-1, num=2*u_dim-1)
    v = np.linspace(-(v_dim-1), v_dim-1, num=2*v_dim-1)
    uu, vv = np.meshgrid(u, v)
    phi_u = phi_lookup(method, uu, vv, res, b_0)
    phi_v = phi_lookup(method, vv, uu, res, b_0)
    # Calculation of the phase:
    phase = np.zeros((v_dim, u_dim))
    threshold = 0
    if jacobi is not None:  # With Jacobian matrix (slower)
        jacobi[:] = 0  # Jacobi matrix --> zeros
        ############################### TODO: NUMERICAL CORE  #####################################
        for j in range(v_dim):
            for i in range(u_dim):
                phase_u = phi_u[v_dim-1-j:(2*v_dim-1)-j, u_dim-1-i:(2*u_dim-1)-i]
                jacobi[:, i+u_dim*j] = phase_u.reshape(-1)
                if abs(u_mag[j, i]) > threshold:
                    phase += u_mag[j, i] * phase_u
                phase_v = phi_v[v_dim-1-j:(2*v_dim-1)-j, u_dim-1-i:(2*u_dim-1)-i]
                jacobi[:, u_dim*v_dim+i+u_dim*j] = -phase_v.reshape(-1)
                if abs(v_mag[j, i]) > threshold:
                    phase -= v_mag[j, i] * phase_v
        ############################### TODO: NUMERICAL CORE  #####################################
    else:  # Without Jacobi matrix (faster)
##        phasecopy = phase.copy()
##        start_time = time.time()
##        numcore.phase_mag_real_helper_1(v_dim, u_dim, phi_u, phi_v, u_mag, v_mag, phasecopy, threshold)
##        print time.time() - start_time
##        start_time = time.time()
        for j in range(v_dim):
            for i in range(u_dim):
                if abs(u_mag[j, i]) > threshold:
                    phase += u_mag[j, i] * phi_u[v_dim-1-j:(2*v_dim-1)-j, u_dim-1-i:(2*u_dim-1)-i]
                if abs(v_mag[j, i]) > threshold:
                    phase -= v_mag[j, i] * phi_v[v_dim-1-j:(2*v_dim-1)-j, u_dim-1-i:(2*u_dim-1)-i]
##        print time.time() - start_time
##        print ((phase - phasecopy) ** 2).sum()
    # Return the phase:
    return phase

def phase_mag_real_alt(res, projection, method, b_0=1, jacobi=None):  # TODO: Modify
    '''Calculate phasemap from magnetization data (real space approach).
        res        - the resolution of the grid (grid spacing) in nm
        projection - projection of a magnetic distribution (created with pyramid.projector)
        method     - String, describing the method to use for the pixel field ('slab' or 'disc')
        b_0        - magnetic induction corresponding to a magnetization Mo in T (default: 1)
        jacobi     - matrix in which to save the jacobi matrix (default: None, faster computation)
        the phasemap as a 2 dimensional array

    # Function for creating the lookup-tables:
    def phi_lookup(method, n, m, res, b_0):
        if method == 'slab':
            def F_h(n, m):
                a = np.log(res**2 * (n**2 + m**2))
                b = np.arctan(n / m)
                return n*a - 2*n + 2*m*b
            return coeff * 0.5 * (F_h(n-0.5, m-0.5) - F_h(n+0.5, m-0.5)
                                - F_h(n-0.5, m+0.5) + F_h(n+0.5, m+0.5))
        elif method == 'disc':
            in_or_out = np.logical_not(np.logical_and(n == 0, m == 0))
            return coeff * m / (n**2 + m**2 + 1E-30) * in_or_out

    # Function for the phase contribution of one pixel:
    def phi_mag(i, j):
        return (np.cos(beta[j, i]) * phi_u[v_dim-1-j:(2*v_dim-1)-j, u_dim-1-i:(2*u_dim-1)-i]
              - np.sin(beta[j, i]) * phi_v[v_dim-1-j:(2*v_dim-1)-j, u_dim-1-i:(2*u_dim-1)-i])

    # Function for the derivative of the phase contribution of one pixel:
    def phi_mag_deriv(i, j):
        return -(np.sin(beta[j, i]) * phi_u[v_dim-1-j:(2*v_dim-1)-j, u_dim-1-i:(2*u_dim-1)-i]
               + np.cos(beta[j, i]) * phi_v[v_dim-1-j:(2*v_dim-1)-j, u_dim-1-i:(2*u_dim-1)-i])

    # Process input parameters:
    v_dim, u_dim = np.shape(projection[0])
    v_mag, u_mag = projection
    beta = np.arctan2(v_mag, u_mag)
    mag = np.hypot(u_mag, v_mag)
    coeff = -b_0 * res**2 / (2*PHI_0)
    # Create lookup-tables for the phase of one pixel:
    u = np.linspace(-(u_dim-1), u_dim-1, num=2*u_dim-1)
    v = np.linspace(-(v_dim-1), v_dim-1, num=2*v_dim-1)
    uu, vv = np.meshgrid(u, v)
    phi_u = phi_lookup(method, uu, vv, res, b_0)
    phi_v = phi_lookup(method, vv, uu, res, b_0)
    # Calculation of the phase:
    phase = np.zeros((v_dim, u_dim))
    threshold = 0
    if jacobi is not None:  # With Jacobian matrix (slower)
        jacobi[:] = 0  # Jacobi matrix --> zeros
        ############################### TODO: NUMERICAL CORE  #####################################
        for j in range(v_dim):
            for i in range(u_dim):
                phase_cache = phi_mag(i, j)
                jacobi[:, i+u_dim*j] = phase_cache.reshape(-1)
                if mag[j, i] > threshold:
                    phase += mag[j, i]*phase_cache
                    jacobi[:, u_dim*v_dim+i+u_dim*j] = (mag[j, i]*phi_mag_deriv(i, j)).reshape(-1)
        ############################### TODO: NUMERICAL CORE  #####################################
    else:  # Without Jacobi matrix (faster)
        for j in range(v_dim):
            for i in range(u_dim):
                if abs(mag[j, i]) > threshold:
                    phase += mag[j, i] * phi_mag(i, j)
    # Return the phase:
    return phase

#def phase_elec(mag_data, v_0=0, v_acc=30000):
#    # TODO: Docstring
#    res  = mag_data.res
#    z_dim, y_dim, x_dim = mag_data.dim
#    z_mag, y_mag, x_mag = mag_data.magnitude
#    phase = np.logical_or(x_mag, y_mag, z_mag)
#    lam = H_BAR / np.sqrt(2 * M_E * v_acc * (1 + Q_E*v_acc / (2*M_E*C**2)))
#    Ce = (2*pi*Q_E/lam * (Q_E*v_acc +   M_E*C**2) /
#            (Q_E*v_acc * (Q_E*v_acc + 2*M_E*C**2)))
#    phase *= res * v_0 * Ce
#    return phase