# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016 by Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH # Author: J. Caron # """Package for the creation and reconstruction of magnetic distributions and resulting phase maps. Modules ------- magcreator Create simple magnetic distributions. magdata Class for the storage of magnetization data. projector Class for projecting given magnetization distributions. kernel Class for the kernel matrix representing one magnetized pixel. phasemapper Create magnetic and electric phase maps from magnetization data. phasemap Class for the storage of phase data. analytic Create phase maps for magnetic distributions with analytic solutions. dataset Class for collecting pairs of phase maps and corresponding projectors. forwardmodel Class which represents a phase mapping strategy. costfunction Class for the evaluation of the cost of a function. reconstruction Reconstruct magnetic distributions from given phasemaps. regularisator Class to instantiate different regularisation strategies. ramp Class which is used to add polynomial ramps to phasemaps. diagnostics Class to calculate diagnostics quaternion Class which is used for easy rotations in the Projector classes. colormap Class which implements a custom direction encoding colormap. """ from . import analytic from . import reconstruction from . import fieldconverter from . import magcreator from . import colors from . import plottools from . import utils from .costfunction import * from .dataset import * from .diagnostics import * from .fielddata import * from .forwardmodel import * from .kernel import * from .phasemap import * from .phasemapper import * from .projector import * from .regularisator import * from .ramp import * from .quaternion import * from .file_io import * from .version import version as __version__ from .version import hg_revision as __hg_revision__ import logging _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _log.info("Starting Pyramid V{} HG{}".format(__version__, __hg_revision__)) del logging __all__ = ['analytic', 'magcreator', 'reconstruction', 'fieldconverter', 'load_phasemap', 'load_vectordata', 'load_scalardata', 'load_projector', 'load_dataset', 'colors', 'utils'] __all__.extend(costfunction.__all__) __all__.extend(dataset.__all__) __all__.extend(diagnostics.__all__) __all__.extend(forwardmodel.__all__) __all__.extend(kernel.__all__) __all__.extend(fielddata.__all__) __all__.extend(phasemap.__all__) __all__.extend(phasemapper.__all__) __all__.extend(projector.__all__) __all__.extend(regularisator.__all__) __all__.extend(ramp.__all__) __all__.extend(quaternion.__all__) __all__.extend(file_io.__all__) # TODO: Test for different systems!