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  • Karl Sturm's avatar
    Added prototypic implementation of Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) for system model coupling · 525ba2f2
    Karl Sturm authored and Stephan Kelm's avatar Stephan Kelm committed
    * An interface to the FMIlibrary v2.4.1 is implemented within the systemCoupling library to enable co-simulation of Functional Mockup Units (FMU) representing the dynamic behavior of technical systems. Such FMU can be generated and packaged using e.g. OpenModelica, but in principle from any existing code.
    * A semi-implicit coupling scheme employing Gauss Seidel waveform relaxation is used and integrated in the PIMPLE loop convergence control. Subcycling of the FMUs is supported. The state of each FMU is stored in the time folders and to enable restarts.
    * As of now, only a domain decomposition approach for code coupling is supported.
    * For further information refer to the documentation as well as the testCases.