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Improve RejectionFlag handling during reintegration

Zamaan Raza requested to merge integration-rejection into main
  • Peak3D::_integration_flag is a different instance of RejectionFlag in Peak3D
  • _integration_flag stores reason for rejection only during integration
  • On reintegration, _integration_flag is reset, since integration bounds have a decisive effect on whether a peak is rejected
  • Peak3D::_rejection_flag remains and is in principle immutable once set
  • Number of rejected flags will no longer decrease the more times a PeakCollection is reintegrated (manifested as decreasing completeness)
  • Rejection of overlapping peaks and masked peaks is now done during integration, and is reflected via Peak3D::_integration_flag, and can thus be reset
  • Added titles to most anonymous dialogue boxes.

Resolves #585 (closed), #586 (closed)

Merge request reports
