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  • phd-project-wasmer/presentations/2025-02-26-how-to-research-visit
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#+TITLE: how-to-research-visit-talk-notes
#+DATE: <2025-02-25 Tue>
# #+DATE: \today
#+OPTIONS: auto-id:t
* [[file:../][Up]]
:CUSTOM_ID: h-B8D7FDE1-0612-4D1D-AA3B-72B6D771B869
* Table of Contents :TOC_2_gh:noexport:
:CUSTOM_ID: h-C35B4F49-8DE8-40F9-A38C-6BF8E4C39FE6
- [[#up][Up]]
- [[#project-management][Project management]]
- [[#event-info][Event info]]
- [[#workflow][Workflow]]
- [[#checklists-00][Checklists]]
- [[#slides][Slides]]
- [[#brainstorming][Brainstorming]]
- [[#outline][Outline]]
- [[#journal][Journal]]
- [[#research][Research]]
* Project management
:CUSTOM_ID: h-8DE24BEF-547D-48AA-8197-A70081D8C6F6
** Event info
:CUSTOM_ID: h-AFC740B9-EC82-47D7-9269-20FD38BDC000
- Talk time: ca. 5-10 minutes, 5-10 minutes discussion
- Audience size: HDS-LEE doctoral researchers, ca. 2-10
- Audience type: doctoral researchers
** Workflow
:CUSTOM_ID: h-CF18F4D5-6F96-41A7-9FC8-D7A4FC2EF131
Only 2-3 hours time to prepare. Wing it.
* Checklists [0/0]
:CUSTOM_ID: h-4B9A664F-8DDE-4709-ADBC-CF2F53DAF5D1
* Slides
:CUSTOM_ID: h-D41F7C3E-5685-4F38-BF64-4F7E55D25B73
General ideas of slide arrangement per section. Intro to group and reason of
collaboration, magnetic TIs and database, intro to KKR method, development of
| No | Section | Title | Intent |
| -2 | frontmatter | titlepage | |
| -1 | frontmatter | slides repo | |
| 0 | frontmatter | outline | |
| | introduction | My research organization | Helmholtz, FZJ |
| | introduction | My research group | QTM, Mat4QIT, JuDFT |
| | | | |
| | discussion | | |
* Brainstorming
:CUSTOM_ID: h-828F3A41-E7BE-4935-8A96-3FA9006B7C69
* Outline
:CUSTOM_ID: h-969962A8-F61A-4B31-8F2E-A18812E65F69
* Journal
:CUSTOM_ID: h-2C780197-6F23-4F86-B9F7-E5EA2205489B
* Research
:CUSTOM_ID: h-5B868391-36F3-4ED1-A47F-CC8F88F41D44
#+OPTIONS: auto-id:t
* [[file:../][Up]]
:CUSTOM_ID: h-39D10D35-DBCE-4C23-8D37-3BAA130E9493
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% % reference
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%% ================================================================================
% Slides with speaking notes compilation
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%% ================================================================================
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% concrete use case:
% beamer input too wide tikz figure.
% reference:
% increase beamer footer font size (default: {5}, or {5}{7} (dunno what the 2nd
% arg does.))
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% language
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%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% graphics, colors
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% unfortunately, doesn't always work correctly
% = unreliable.
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% package caption: for adding captions to includegraphics figures via minipage
% reference:
\usepackage[font=scriptsize,labelfont=it]{caption} % Required for specifying captions
% figure captions in beamer: remove the prefix 'Figure' for captions.
\usepackage{tikz} % well, it's tikz. here currently used for:
% putting custom highlights on top of other
% things with absolute positioning (see
% user_macros -> hilibox).
% pgf and tikz configuration and sub-package loading
% tikz setup config from jsc gsp18 presentation
\usetikzlibrary{graphs, graphs.standard}
% \tikzsetnextfilename{#1}%
visible on/.style={alt={#1{}{invisible}}},
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% make \href / \url commands use linebreak for long links.
% reference:
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% hyperref config
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\def\FileSubject{Master colloquium}
\def\FileKeyWords{density functional theory, machine learning, exchange interaction}
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unicode, % enable Umlaute in pdf hyperlinks and the pdf toc
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% example threeparttable:
% \begin{alertblock}{}
% \begin{table}
% \begin{threeparttable}[b]
% % \caption{example table}
% \begin{tabular}{ll}
% \toprule
% column A & column B \\
% \midrule
% first datapoint\tnote{1} & datapoint two \\
% datapoint three & datapoint four \\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% \begin{tablenotes}
% \item[1] Note one
% \end{tablenotes}
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% settings for the design of tables
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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% % note: commented out bm cause suddenly and without any changes in the
% offending document, led to error 'Too many math alphabets used in version
% normal' in a tikz picture which did not use bm, after having added some math
% in another inputted tex file. could not make the error go away without
% commenting out bm. for now, use \boldsymbol{} instead when needed.
% \usepackage{bm} % rec. way to write bold greek, eg \(f(\bm{x})=y\)
% tell bm to limit its alphabet use, to avoid error 'Too many math alphabets
% used in version normal'.
% % reference:
% \renewcommand\hmmax{0}
% \renewcommand\bmmax{0}
\usepackage{siunitx} % scientific notation, SI units
\sisetup{output-exponent-marker=\ensuremath{\mathrm{e}}} % print 1e6 as 1e6, not
% 1 x 10^6
% \usepackage{physics}
\usepackage{braket} % Dirac notation
% commented out package braket, because ceriotti's cosmo/dirac-rep.tex for
% structural representations uses the physics package whose dirac not. syntax
% clashes with the one from braket. otherwise the braket package is preferred!
% if switching braket <-> physics, the code has to be updated.
% braket \braket{a|b} = physics \bra{a}\ket{b}
% braket \braket{a|O|a} = physics \expval{O}{a}
% etc.
% %%%
\usepackage{mhchem} % chemical formulae with \ce{H2O}
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% lists
\usepackage{enumitem} % control spacing in lists. reference:
% not used: beamer and enumitem don't mix. reference:
% instead, do it locally, like this:
% Or this:
% --------------------------------------------------
% make itemize items evenly spaced and spread across page.
% Note: this is only applied to item lists at the top level of a frame,
% not if they are in another environment, e.g. columns. for that, use the
% manual solutions above.
% reference:
\ifnum \@itemdepth >2\relax\@toodeep\else
\beamer@computepref\@itemdepth% sets \beameritemnestingprefix
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{\usebeamertemplate{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}}
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\usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}##1}}%
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% --------------------------------------------------
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% listings / code
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% \usepackage{listings} % in presentation, prefer minted
% \lstset{
% basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize,
% breaklines=true}
\usepackage{minted} % code listings with syntax highlighting
% (requires python)
% bibliography
\usepackage[citestyle=authoryear, bibstyle=authoryear,backend=biber]{biblatex}
% \addbibresource{../bibliography/bibliography.bib}
% turn off '(visited on ...)' string in cited references (biblatex command)
% reduce footcite size.
% (note: this reduces all footnote sizes. but in beamer, this is okay. web says
% that alternative (ifffootnote) is discouraged, leads to redefinition conflicts.
% Reference: b
% %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% % jupyter notebook TeX output config
% % not used since too many changes. instead use minted for [In] and Verbatim
% % env for output.
% \input{config_jupyter-notebook}
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% programming in TeX / LaTeX
% package ifthen: LateX version of TeX control structures
% (TeX: \if, \ifx, etc.; ifthen: \newboolean, \setbooleans, \ifthenelse, etc.)
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Other packages / Miscellaneous
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\usepackage{pdfpages} % for inserting external PDF slides
% reference
%% ================================================================================
%% Other settings
%% ================================================================================
% toc: adjust beamer toc line spacing (tableofcontents).
% description: patches the sectionintoc command: replace default with other value.
% reason: default spacing was too large.
% note: requires package etoolbox.
% note: tried several solutions, this only one that worked.
% reference:
% % toc: make toc appear only at begininng
% \begin{frame}
% \frametitle{Overview}
% \tableofcontents
% \end{frame}
% toc: make toc appear between each section, make noncurrent entries transparent
% toc: decrease transparency for noncurrent else too invisible
% reference:
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc shaded}[default][60]
\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc shaded}[default][60]
% footnotes: reset counter on every frame
% reference:
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "../presentation"
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "english"
%%% End:
%% ================================================================================
%% User macros
%% ================================================================================
% load text-embedded logos
% C++, Cpp
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% \def\CC{{C\nolinebreak[4]\hspace{-.05em}\raisebox{.4ex}{\tiny\bf ++}}}
% in text, render subpackages in resp. namespace's colorbox, just as in class
% diagrams graphics. example: \codeJutools{aiida\}.
% \newcommand{\codeMasci}[1]{\fcolorbox{fzjblack}{fzjlightblue}{\textcolor{fzjblack}{\texttt{#1}}}}
% highlight box to put over any kind of content, using tikz absolute positioning.
% by default the highlight box
% has green border and transparent yellow fill color.
% Parameters: width,height,xposition,yposition (0,0 = page center).
% examples:
% \hilibox{12em}{1.2em}{14em}{4.7em} % draw flat box in upper right corner
% \only<2->{\hilibox{1.2em} above...} % as above, but with overlay
\tikzset{highlightbox/.style = {rectangle,draw=fzjgreen,fill=fzjyellow,fill
opacity=0.3,very thick}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\tikzset{hbsize/.style = {minimum width=#1,minimum height=#2}}
\node[highlightbox,hbsize,draw] {};%
% LinAlg
\newcommand*{\myvec}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathbf{#1}}} % vec
\newcommand*{\myveci}[2]{\ensuremath{\mathbf{#1}_{#2}}} % vec w. idx. TODO repl.
% with optional ifthenelse
\newcommand*{\mydir}[1]{\ensuremath{\hat{\myvec{#1}}}} % direction
\newcommand*{\vecr}{\ensuremath{\mathbf{r}}} % vec r
\newcommand*{\lenr}{\ensuremath{r}} % length r
\newcommand*{\dirr}{\ensuremath{\hat{\mathbf{r}}}} % direction r
\newcommand*{\vecR}{\ensuremath{\mathbf{R}}} % vec R
\newcommand*{\veck}{\ensuremath{\mathbf{k}}} % vec k
\newcommand*{\TODO}[1]{{\color{red} \textbf{TODO} #1}} % in-text TODO
% Phys
\newcommand*{\dens}{\ensuremath{\rho}} % el density
\newcommand*{\Ham}{\ensuremath{\mathcal{H}}} % el Hamiltonian
\newcommand*{\GF}{\ensuremath{\mathcal{G}}} % Green Function
\newcommand*{\SGM}{\ensuremath{\mathbf{G}}} % structural GF, matrix notation
\newcommand*{\DeltaTM}{\ensuremath{\mathbf{\Delta\!t}}} % Delta t matrix
% Other
% vertical bar / pipe / midrule in text
% arguments: [vertical lift]{width}{height}
% reference:
% \newcommand{\lpipe}{\rule[-0.4ex]{0.41pt}{2.3ex}}
% problem with this: without smash, affects line height.
% with smash, is not centered to line anchored to line bottom.
% alternative: use math env:
% \(\vert\) or \(\mid\)
% \(\bm{\vert}\) for bold
% beamer block with adjustable size
% reference:
\usebeamertemplate{block begin}}
\usebeamertemplate{block end}%
% beamer block with adjustable size, centered
% reference:
\usebeamertemplate{block begin}}
\usebeamertemplate{block end}
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "../presentation"
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "english"
%%% End:
% Slide slides repo % section frontmatter
% \frametitle{Slides metadata}
Talk held in HDS-LEE coffee break \href{}{HDSLEE}
coffee break.
Latest version of slides are
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "../presentation"
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "english"
%%% End:
% Slide titlepage % Section frontmatter
% \vspace{3em}
% \includegraphics[scale=0.4, width=\paperwidth]{../fig/aiida-kkr-ml/dg/plots/step4_completion_matrix_converged.png}
% \includegraphics[scale=0.4, trim={0em 0em 0em 0em}, clip]{../fig/aiida-kkr-ml/dg/plots/step4_completion_matrix_converged.png}
% \fzjset{title page=text}
\title{How to Research Visit}
\subtitle{{\normalsize (And How Not To)}}
\author{Johannes Wasmer} % put your name here
\institute[PGI-1]{PGI-1 Quantum Theory of Materials, FZ Jülich} % use your home
% university
% Two authors with different affiliations
\author{\textbf{Johannes Wasmer}\inst{1}}
\institute{\inst{1} PGI-1 Quantum Theory of Materials, Forschungszentrum Jülich}
% affiliations without linebreak, reference
\date{\today} % should be fine. I will compile the talks on the day of the presentation
% only use \maketitle to set your titlepage
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "../presentation"
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "english"
%%% End:
% Slide my research organization % Section introduction
\frametitle{My research organization}
% \framesubtitle{DAEMON, HDSLEE}
% left side. Helmholtz.
\textbf{\color{fzjblue}{Helmholtz Association}}
\item Largest of the four big non-university research organizations in
Germany, 45k employees
\item Basic \& applied research
\item Large facilities, accelerators, supercomputing, etc.
{\normalsize \href{}{}}
% right side. FZJ.
\textbf{\color{fzjblue}{Julich Research Centre}}
\item One of the largest in Europe, 7.5k employees
\item Helmholtz Research Fields: \textbf{\color{fzjblue}{{\footnotesize\faPlay{}}
Information}}, Energy, Earth \& Environment, Matter.
\item Site of first exascale computer in Europe (2025)
{\normalsize \href{}{}}
% Slide funding % Section introduction
\frametitle{My funding}
% \framesubtitle{HIDA, HDSLEE, AIDAS, DAEMON}
\textbf{\color{fzjblue}{This research visit}}
{\small HIDA Trainee Network}
% \hspace*{-2em}\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{../resources/fig/logos/hds-lee/adapted/HDS_LEE_Logo_Solo_RGB_cropped.pdf}\vspace*{1em}
% \hspace*{-2em}\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{../resources/fig/logos/hds-lee/adapted/HDS_LEE_Logo_Text_RGB_cropped.pdf}
\textbf{\color{fzjblue}{My PhD}}
{\small HIDA Grad School HDSLEE \&}
{\small EU Joint Virtual Lab}
% {\color{fzjblue}{on Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Scalable Simulation}}
% left side. DAEMON Network
% \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{../resources/fig/github/best-of-aml-thumbnail-2023-09-05.png}%
Join via \\\large{\href{}{}}
\emph{European network for data-driven materials science}\vspace*{1em}
% \setlength\itemsep{1em}
\item[\textbf{\faPlay{} WG1:}] Community standards: data, workflows and codes for materials design.
\item[\textbf{\faPlay{} WG2:}] Representations and algorithms for materials design for “single-modality” use.
\item[\textbf{WG3:}] Multi-modal machine learning methods for advanced materials design.
\item[\textbf{WG4:}] Process-structure-property relationships in materials. Novel insights and applications.
\item[\textbf{WG5:}] Training, Dissemination, Exploitation, Outreach
% Slide my research group % Section introduction
\frametitle{My research group}
% \framesubtitle{Research group}
% left side. QTM, Bluegel
{\small \textbf{\color{fzjblue}{Division \enquote{Quantum Theory of
\href{}{Stefan Blügel}%
\href{}{\logoOrcidId{}} \href{}{\logoGoogleScholar{}} \href{\%C3\%BCgel-4b448b177/}{\faLinkedin{}}
\textit{PhD advisor}
\textbf{Expertise} DFT, Quantum magnetism, Spintronics
% \vrule{}\hspace*{0em}
% right side. Mat4QIT, Ruessmann
{\scriptsize \color{fzjblue}{\faPlay{}}} {\small \textbf{\color{fzjblue}{Group \enquote{Materials for Quantum
Information Technology}}}}
\href{}{Philipp Rüßmann}
\href{}{\logoOrcidId{}} \href{}{\logoGoogleScholar{}}
\href{}{\faGithub{}} \href{}{\faLinkedin{}}
\textbf{Expertise} DFT, Superconductivity, Topological materials
% bottom. JuDFT codes
{\small \textbf{\color{fzjblue}{Code development}}}
{\large \href{}{} \quad \textbf{//} \quad \faGithub{} \href{}{JuDFTteam}}
% {\large \faGithub{} \href{}{JuDFTteam}}
% Slide all-electron DFT % Section phd-project
\frametitle{JuDFT codes accuracy}
% frametitle notes: PhD project flowchart
FLEUR and JuKKR are all-electron, full-potential open-source codes.
% Slide AiiDA engine % Section introduction
% \frametitle{{\small AiiDA}}
% \caption[AiiDA type hierarchy]{The simplified AiiDA process type (left) and
% database node type hierarchies (right). The lowest level shows example
% concrete types of the AiiDA-KKR plugin. Arrows indicate
% generalization (abstract base classes). Diamonds indicate aggregation: a
% \texttt{Process} creates a \texttt{ProcessNode}, a
% \texttt{KkrImpCalculation} acquires a \texttt{Code} object to locate its
% JuKKR binaries for execution.}%
\textcolor{fzjgray50}{\faCogs{} Engine}
\textcolor{fzjgray50}{\faDatabase{} Database}
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "../presentation"
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "english"
%%% End:
\section{Photo album}
% Slides Dublin
% \frametitle{}
% \framesubtitle{}
Dublin, Trinity College Campus
Dublin, research group
Dublin, my partner {\color{red}\faHeart}
Dublin, friends
Dublin, Cliffs of Moher
% Slides Görlitz
% \frametitle{}
% \framesubtitle{}
Görlitz, Old Town
Görlitz, colleagues
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "../presentation"
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "english"
%%% End:
% input packages to load, custom user macros
%% ================================================================================
%% Compilation
%% ================================================================================
% Remark: For compilation with speaking notes, 1) see
% ./notes/speaking/ > Presentation notes setup.
% 2) To switch, see PDF Compilation options below.
%% ================================================================================
%% References
%% ================================================================================
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Basics
% beamertheme-juelich tutorial
% texdoc -s juelich
% Figures and graphics in beamer
% Overlays in beamer
% beamer slides design tips
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Code listings in beamer.
% There are two package options: listings (traditional) and minted (modern).
% Here, we use minted because we think it looks more like what we are used to
% from our IDE.
% General references:
% -
% -
% Some general notes on getting minted to work.
% minted use the pygment Python library, so Python has to be installed with that
% library. When LaTeX compiler is called, it has to be called with the
% -shell-escape option. If you use Emacs AucTeX, see wasmer's init.el file for how to
% do this.
% When using minted with beamer, frames with minted listings in them must be
% declared fragile. Fragile frames can't have overlays. There exist some
% workarounds for that:
% -
% -
% -
% -
%% ================================================================================
%% Troubleshooting
%% ================================================================================
% % move wide figure to the left on the slide:
% option 1): with hspace*
% % put a line \hspace* above the \includegraphics. example:
% \begin{center}
% \hspace*{-0.45cm}
% \includegraphics<1>[width=1.05\textwidth]{fig/mybigfig1.pdf}%
% \includegraphics<2-3>[width=1.05\textwidth]{fig/mybigfig2}%
% \end{center}
% option 2): with changepage package.
% if hspace doesn't work, try this (see texdoc -s changepage for MWE)
% \begin{adjustwidth*}{-1em}{-1em} ...
% Correct figure positioning with overlays:
% terminate each includegraphics with a '%'.
% Correct figure positioning with figure plus text overlays:
% Wrap the text in an overprint env. This works like itemize, where \item is
% replaced by \onslide commands:
% \begin{overprint}
% \onslide<1>
% Some text.
% \onslide<2>
% Some text. \\ But multiline.
% \end{overprint}
% % some figure
% The example above will make the text appear one after the other in the same place.
% Absolute positioning
% one option is to use the textpos package (for all kind of content).
% another is to use one of these tikz snippets
% e.g. used below for creating custom macro: highlight boxes for all kind of
% content. a simpler implementation for that (but only for on top of graphics)
% is here:
% short format citations / references on slide in footnote
% in preamble: \usepackage[citestyle=authoryear,bibstyle=authortitle,backend=biber]{biblatex}
% in document: \footcite{myref}.
% reference:
% more tips on citations / using biblatex in beamer:
% % yt > Federico Tartarini > Beamer LaTeX course > References and bibliography
% % wikibooks > latex/presentations > references
% % reduce fontsize of \footcite{}
% % get rid of 'visited on' text in printed bibliography
% % examples of biblatex styles
% biblatex cheatsheet
% tikz input error:
% ERROR: Package PGF Math Error: Unknown operator `o' or `of' (in '2em of dim').
% Adapted tikz figure from class diag figures in jsc gsp18 presentation.
% for figures \input{../fig/presentation/classification-of-atomistic-ml*.tikz.
% When inputting more than one, got the weird error above.
% Error disappeared when put here (header = global config) the config from gsp
% config.d/pgf-tikz.tex (header: search 'tikz setup config from jsc gsp18
% presentation'). Possible cause: says
% that should have used the positioning library cause that provides the 'of'
% keyword. But I do that already in the local figure setup. so it must be
% something else in there.
% Selective \usetikzlibrary commenting revealed that missing import of the library
% 'chains' in the document preamble is responsible instead, not 'positioning'.
% If 'chains' is only imported in the local figure setups, the error remains.
%% ================================================================================
%% Document
%% ================================================================================
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% slide outline % Section frontmatter
\AtBeginSection[]{} % prevent TOC being printed before every section (default)
% this effectively disables the outline
% % Manual outline at start of talk, optional
% \begin{frame}[t]
% \frametitle{Outline}
% \tableofcontents
% \end{frame}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \input{mainmatter/introduction}
% \input{mainmatter/kkr-theory}
% \input{mainmatter/kkr-jlcdm}
% \input{mainmatter/jij-prediction}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \input{backmatter/discussion}
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End: