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  • phd-project-wasmer/presentations/2025-02-26-how-to-research-visit
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# # put this line in comment when presentation is finished
# # (no need to clutter repo history with intermediate slides PDFs)
# **/presentation.pdf
# emacs gitignore (_region_: auctex preview files)
% Slide my research organization % Section introduction
\frametitle{My research organization}
% \framesubtitle{DAEMON, HDSLEE}
% left side. Helmholtz.
\textbf{\color{fzjblue}{Helmholtz Association}}
\item Largest of the four big non-university research organizations in
Germany, 45k employees
\item Basic \& applied research
\item Large facilities, accelerators, supercomputing, etc.
{\normalsize \href{}{}}
% right side. FZJ.
\textbf{\color{fzjblue}{Julich Research Centre}}
\item One of the largest in Europe, 7.5k employees
\item Helmholtz Research Fields: \textbf{\color{fzjblue}{{\footnotesize\faPlay{}}
Information}}, Energy, Earth \& Environment, Matter.
\item Site of first exascale computer in Europe (2025)
{\normalsize \href{}{}}
% Slide funding % Section introduction
\frametitle{My funding}
% \framesubtitle{HIDA, HDSLEE, AIDAS, DAEMON}
\textbf{\color{fzjblue}{This research visit}}
{\small HIDA Trainee Network}
% \hspace*{-2em}\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{../resources/fig/logos/hds-lee/adapted/HDS_LEE_Logo_Solo_RGB_cropped.pdf}\vspace*{1em}
% \hspace*{-2em}\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{../resources/fig/logos/hds-lee/adapted/HDS_LEE_Logo_Text_RGB_cropped.pdf}
\textbf{\color{fzjblue}{My PhD}}
{\small HIDA Grad School HDSLEE \&}
{\small EU Joint Virtual Lab}
% {\color{fzjblue}{on Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Scalable Simulation}}
% left side. DAEMON Network
% \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{../resources/fig/github/best-of-aml-thumbnail-2023-09-05.png}%
Join via \\\large{\href{}{}}
\emph{European network for data-driven materials science}\vspace*{1em}
% \setlength\itemsep{1em}
\item[\textbf{\faPlay{} WG1:}] Community standards: data, workflows and codes for materials design.
\item[\textbf{\faPlay{} WG2:}] Representations and algorithms for materials design for “single-modality” use.
\item[\textbf{WG3:}] Multi-modal machine learning methods for advanced materials design.
\item[\textbf{WG4:}] Process-structure-property relationships in materials. Novel insights and applications.
\item[\textbf{WG5:}] Training, Dissemination, Exploitation, Outreach
% Slide my research group % Section introduction
\frametitle{My research group}
......@@ -230,69 +111,141 @@
% Slide all-electron DFT % Section phd-project
\frametitle{JuDFT codes accuracy}
% frametitle notes: PhD project flowchart
FLEUR and JuKKR are all-electron, full-potential open-source codes.
% Slide My PhD project
\frametitle{My PhD project}
\framesubtitle{ML surrogates for all-electron electronic structure methods}
% \framesubtitle{\href{}{}}
% Slide AiiDA engine % Section introduction
% \frametitle{{\small AiiDA}}
Smart \enquote{initial guess}
for fast SCF convergence
Magnetic property prediction
for spin dynamics simulation
% Slide My research visits
\frametitle{My research visits}
% \framesubtitle{}
% \textbf{\color{fzjblue}{Research group}}
% \caption[AiiDA type hierarchy]{The simplified AiiDA process type (left) and
% database node type hierarchies (right). The lowest level shows example
% concrete types of the AiiDA-KKR plugin. Arrows indicate
% generalization (abstract base classes). Diamonds indicate aggregation: a
% \texttt{Process} creates a \texttt{ProcessNode}, a
% \texttt{KkrImpCalculation} acquires a \texttt{Code} object to locate its
% JuKKR binaries for execution.}%
\textcolor{fzjgray50}{\faCogs{} Engine}
% wrap graphic in minipage to make footcite appear directly underneath
% otherwise footcite may mess up column / center env formatting
{\small Internal (50/50)\\3 months}
\textcolor{fzjgray50}{\faDatabase{} Database}
STSM}\\1 month}
Network}\\3 months}
% \vrule{} % vertical separator line
\textbf{\color{fzjblue}{Host Jul-Oct 2024}}\vspace*{1em}
% use two minipages to vertically center-align the side-by-side images
\vspace*{0.5em}Prof. Dr. Stefano Sanvito\\Computational Spintronics Group
% \vspace*{1em}
% \hrule{} % horizontal separator line
\textbf{\color{fzjblue}{Host Feb-May 2025}}\vspace*{1em}
% use two minipages to vertically center-align the side-by-side images
\vspace*{0.5em}Dr. Attila Cangi\\Machine Learning for Materials Design Group
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "../presentation"
\section{Photo album}
% Slide Photo album opener
% \frametitle{My research visits notes}
% \framesubtitle{}
\Large{Some impressions}
% Slides Dublin
% \frametitle{}
\section{Research visits}
% Slide My research visits notes
\frametitle{My research visits notes}
% \framesubtitle{}
visits notes}}
\item I documented the whole process here
\item List of over a dozen of funding programs
\item My complete journal
\item My applications
\item Administration, organization
% Slide My process 1
\frametitle{My process \& recommendations}
% \framesubtitle{}
\item Started PhD in April 2022
\item By end of 2022, realized that my group lacks ML expertise, need to gain
experience outside
\item \textbf{\color{fzjred}{\faArrowRight{} If you want to do a research
visit, start earlier! Finding a host is easy, getting funding is hard.}}
\item Start of 2023, selected 5 possible host groups, prepared
visit pitches}
\item Dublin, established contact with Dublin with help of my PI
\item Görlitz, established contact independently at a conference
\item March 2023, submitted
application} for 8-months visit to Dublin
\item \textbf{\color{fzjred}{\faArrowRight{} From application to confirmation can
take 1-5 months!}}
\item \textbf{\color{fzjblue}{\faArrowRight{} Ask other HDS-LEE colleagues for
advice (Slack)}}
% Slide My process 2
\frametitle{My process \& recommendations}
% \framesubtitle{}
\item March 2023, started online collaboration with Dublin
\item July 2023, the DAAD application was rejected (2/3 get rejected)
\item Summer 2023, looked for other funding sources
\item October 2023, submitted
HIDA Trainee Network
application} for 3-months visit to Görlitz
\item December 2023, invited to become member in European
\href{}{Daemon-COST Action} network through my social
media activity (\href{}{post})
\item February 2024
\item \textbf{\color{fzjblue}{HIDA Trainee Network application was accepted, open for one year}}
\item Daemon call for short-term scientific mission (STSM) funding opens, applied
\item \textbf{\color{fzjblue}{PI informs me that HDS-LEE has additional funding for research visits
% Slide My process 3
\frametitle{My process \& recommendations}
% \framesubtitle{}
STSM application} is accepted}}
\item Reorganize resarch visit schedule, organize visits (housing, etc.)
\item July-October 2024, research visit to Dublin
\item Feb-May 2025, research visit to Görlitz
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "../presentation"
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% ispell-local-dictionary: "english"
%%% End:
File added
......@@ -180,10 +180,8 @@
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \input{mainmatter/introduction}
% \input{mainmatter/kkr-theory}
% \input{mainmatter/kkr-jlcdm}
% \input{mainmatter/jij-prediction}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
* Maps - Europe
- File =European_Union_main_map.svg=
- Source.

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