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Johannes Wasmer's avatar
Johannes Wasmer committed
* LaTeX resources

Reusable LaTeX resources (figures, lists, tables, equations) for documents (presentations, theses, papers).

This README explains how to reuse these resources via ~git submodule~. An
alternative is ~git subtree~. Here is a general advice on which one to choose
for what.
If there is an external repository you own and are likely to push code back to,
use Git submodule since it is easier to push. If you have third-party code that
you are unlikely to push to, use Git subtree since it is easier to pull.

Reference: [[][ > Managing Git projects with submodules and subtrees]]

I have only used ~git submodule~ so far, and I am happy with it.

** Using these resources via ~git submodule~
*** Adding these resources to a project
If you want to use these resources in a project,

#+begin_src shell
cd myproject

Johannes Wasmer's avatar
Johannes Wasmer committed
git submodule add resources

Now your project has the folder ~resources~, pointing to the last commit of this
*** Using a project which use these resources

#+begin_src shell
# clone a repository containing submodules:
git clone --recursive <URL to Git repo>
# if there are many submodules, parallelize download
git submodule update --init --recursive -j 8
git clone --recursive --jobs 8 <URL to Git repo>

# you have already cloned a repository with submodules,
# and now want to load its submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive

# pull all changes in submodules
git submodule update --remote

# update submodule commits
git submodule update
*** Changing these resources

My workflow for keeping projects and their Git submodules in sync:
- say you got =./a/b=, =./b=. =a= is the main project, =b= another project
  acting as submodule of =a=. So locally, you got two copies of =b=: =./b=, and
  =./a/b=, where the latter behaves like a submodule.
- Make changes in the submodule =./a/b=, not in =./b=. Then don't ever need the
  ~git submodule~ command for normal add-commit-push-pull cycles. If only using
  =b= for =a=, then in fact never need to do anything with =./b=, can do
  everything in =./a/b=.
- Make changes to =./a/b=. Within =./a/b=, add-commit-push to origin of =b=.
- Go up to =./a=. add-commit-push the changes to the submodule with commit
  message like 'update submodules'.
- If got an independent local copy =./b= of =b=, go to =./b= and pull.
- Done, all copies are synched.

*** Other submodule commands
#+begin_src shell
# initialize an existing Git submodule:
git submodule init
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Johannes Wasmer committed

# rename a submodule folder in a project
git mv old-name new-name

# delete / remove submodule from parent
# note: see also
git rm -f childmodule
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Johannes Wasmer committed
* Tasks
** TODO Replace local resources in ML-DFT literature review
** TODO Replace local resources in master thesis