# Create environment with "conda env create", update with "conda env update"!
# This file contains the top level dependencies of the empyre project!
# requirements.txt also contains sub-dependencies, generated by "pip freeze > requirements.txt"!
# Add new dependencies here, then "conda env update", then "pip freeze > requirements.txt"!
# To see if compatible upgrades are available for the current packages, use "conda upgrade --all"!
# When packages are deprecated/deleted, it may be best to recreate the environment from scratch!
- defaults # Default conda channels, on top to keep highest priority!
- conda-forge # Used for hyperspy, pyFFTW!
- python=3.7
- scipy=1.3
- tqdm=4.36
- scikit-image=0.15
- hyperspy=1.5
- hyperspy-gui-ipywidgets=1.2
#- h5py=2.9 # TODO: depends on hyperspy? Not needed here?
# Plotting and colors:
- matplotlib=3.1
- cmocean=2.0
- mayavi=4.6 # TODO: Get rid of!
- pytest=5.0
- pytest-cov=2.7
- pytest-flake8=1.0
- pytest-runner=5.1
- pyroma # Checks for cheese!
#- pytest-mpl=0.10 # Needed for testing hyperspy! # TODO: Use for pyramid/plotting library, too!
- coverage=4.5
# Documentation:
- sphinx=2.1
- numpydoc=0.9
# IPython and notebooks:
- ipython=7.7
# TODO: Add back GUI dependencies!
# TODO: Get Jutil from gitlab (currently doesn't work, git and cygwin don't play nice,...
# TODO: ...because one is Unix, ond is Windows).
# Fast computation:
- pyFFTW=0.11
# TODO: ? - pathos # pathos.multiprocessing uses dill instead of pickle
# PIP installations:
# - pip:
# - "git+ssh://"
# Misc.:
- nodejs=12.8 # TODO: Needs to be fixed to prevent errors! Check again if needed in future!