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Commit 12e341c7 authored by Jan Caron's avatar Jan Caron
Browse files

Merge commit '058ef52c' into demos-added

parents d2acb82b 058ef52c
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......@@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ build/*
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
name = empyre
version = 0.2.0
version = 0.2.1
author = Jan Caron
author-email =
description = Electron Microscopy Python Reconstruction
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ include_package_data = True
package_dir =
packages = find:
python_requires = >=3.7
python_requires = >=3.6
setup_requires =
install_requires =
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class Field(NDArrayOperatorsMixin):
def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
self._log.debug('Calling __array_ufunc__')
outputs = kwargs.pop('out', ())
# outputs = kwargs.pop('out', ()) # TODO: Necessary?
outputs = kwargs.pop('out', (None,)*ufunc.nout) # Defaults to tuple of None (currently: nout=1 all the time)
outputs_arr = tuple([np.asarray(out) if isinstance(out, Field) else out for out in outputs])
# Cannot handle items that have __array_ufunc__ (other than our own).
......@@ -178,22 +178,29 @@ class Field(NDArrayOperatorsMixin):
# TODO: DOCUMENT: most things are same as in ndarrays, but if only one input is a vector field, try broadcast!
# TODO: for security, newaxis is not allowed (most other indexing works though), because scale would be unknown!
# 1 input (has to be a Field, otherwise we wouldn't be here):
self._log.debug(f'__array_ufunc__ inputs: {len(inputs)}')'ufunc: {ufunc}, method: {method}')'inputs: {inputs}')'outputs: {outputs}')'kwargs: {kwargs}')
if len(inputs) == 1:
self._log.debug(f'__array_ufunc__ inputs: {len(inputs)}')
field = inputs[0]
scale_new = field.scale
vector_new = field.vector
# Preprocess axis keyword if it exists:
axis = kwargs.get('axis', False) # Default must not be None, because None is a possible setting!
full_reduction = False
# for ufunc.outer and
if axis is not False:
ax_full = tuple(range(len(field.dim))) # All axes (minus a possible component axis for vector Fields)!
ax_full_wc = tuple(range(len(field.dim) + 1)) # All axes WITH component axis (does not need to exist)!
axis = ax_full if axis is None else axis # This keeps possible components untouched if axis was None!
axis = numeric.normalize_axis_tuple(axis, field.ndim) # Takes care of pot. neg. indices, ensures tuple!
# axis=-1 reduces over the vector components, if they exist
# Takes care of pot. neg. indices, ensures tuple!
axis = numeric.normalize_axis_tuple(axis, len(field.shape))
kwargs['axis'] = axis # Put normalized axis back into kwargs!
if axis in (ax_full, ax_full_wc): # Full reduction (or reduction to just components) takes place:
full_reduction = True
if tuple(sorted(axis)) in (ax_full, ax_full_wc):
full_reduction = True # Full reduction (or reduction to just components) takes place:
if ax_full_wc[-1] in axis: # User explicitely wants component reduction (can only be true for vector):
vector_new = False # Force scalar field!
scale_new = tuple([s for i, s in enumerate(field.scale) if i not in axis]) # Drop axis from scale!
......@@ -210,7 +217,8 @@ class Field(NDArrayOperatorsMixin):
scales = [inp.scale for i, inp in enumerate(inputs) if is_field[i]] # Only takes scales of Field obj.!
scale_new = scales[0]
err_msg = f'Scales of all Field objects must match! Given scales: {scales}!'
assert all(scale == scale_new for scale in scales), err_msg
if not all(scale == scale_new for scale in scales):
raise ValueError(err_msg)
else: # Only one input is a field, pick the scale of that one:
scale_new = inputs[np.argmax(is_field)].scale # argmax returns the index of first True!
# Determine vector:
......@@ -218,7 +226,8 @@ class Field(NDArrayOperatorsMixin):
if np.sum(is_vector) > 1: # More than one input is a vector Field objects:
ncomps = [inp.ncomp for i, inp in enumerate(inputs) if is_vector[i]] # Only takes ncomp of v.-Fields!
err_msg = f'# of components of all Field objects must match! Given ncomps: {ncomps}!'
assert all(ncomp == ncomps[0] for ncomp in ncomps), err_msg
if not all(ncomp == ncomps[0] for ncomp in ncomps):
raise ValueError(err_msg)
# Append new axis at the end of non vector objects to broadcast to components:
if np.any(is_vector):
inputs = list(inputs)
......@@ -408,34 +417,35 @@ class Field(NDArrayOperatorsMixin):
axis = 'z' # Overwrite potential argument if 2D!
axes = (0, 1) # y and x
else: # 3D case:
axes = {'x': (0, 1), 'y': (0, 2), 'z': (1, 2)}[axis]
if axis == 'z': # TODO: Somehow needed... don't know why, maybe because origin='lower' in imshow?
angle *= -1
# order of axes is important for permutation, to get positive levi_civita
axes = {'x': (0, 1), 'y': (2, 0), 'z': (1, 2)}[axis]
sc_0, sc_1 = self.scale[axes[0]], self.scale[axes[1]]
assert sc_0 == sc_1, f'rotate needs the scales in the rotation plane to be equal (they are {sc_0} & {sc_1})!'
np_angle = angle
if axis in ('x', 'z'):
np_angle *= -1
if not self.vector: # Scalar field:
data_new = interpolation.rotate(, angle, axes=axes, **kwargs)
data_new = interpolation.rotate(, np_angle, axes=axes, **kwargs)
else: # Vector field:
# Rotate coordinate system:
comps = [np.asarray(comp) for comp in self.comp]
if self.ncomp == 3:
data_new = np.stack([interpolation.rotate(c, angle, axes=axes, **kwargs) for c in comps], axis=-1)
data_new = np.stack([interpolation.rotate(c, np_angle, axes=axes, **kwargs) for c in comps], axis=-1)
# Up till now, only the coordinates are rotated, now we need to rotate the vectors inside the voxels:
rot_axis = [i for i in (0, 1, 2) if i not in axes][0] # [0] because list!
rot_axis = {'x': 2, 'y': 1, 'z': 0}[axis]
i, j, k = axes[0], axes[1], rot_axis # next line only works if i != j != k
levi_civita = int((j-i) * (k-i) * (k-j) / (np.abs(j-i) * np.abs(k-i) * np.abs(k-j)))
# Create Quaternion, note that they have (x, y, z) order instead of (z, y, x):
# TODO: Again a minus sign needed before levi_civita, still not sure why (see angle above)!
quat_axis = tuple([-levi_civita if i == rot_axis else 0 for i in (2, 1, 0)])
quat_axis = tuple([levi_civita if i == rot_axis else 0 for i in (2, 1, 0)])
quat = Quaternion.from_axisangle(quat_axis, np.deg2rad(angle))
data_new =, 3)).T).T.reshape(self.shape) # T needed b.c. ordering!
# T needed b.c. ordering!
data_new =, 3)).T).T.reshape(data_new.shape)
elif self.ncomp == 2:
u_comp, v_comp = comps
u_rot = interpolation.rotate(u_comp, angle, axes=axes, **kwargs)
v_rot = interpolation.rotate(v_comp, angle, axes=axes, **kwargs)
u_rot = interpolation.rotate(u_comp, np_angle, axes=axes, **kwargs)
v_rot = interpolation.rotate(v_comp, np_angle, axes=axes, **kwargs)
# Up till now, only the coordinates are rotated, now we need to rotate the vectors inside the voxels:
# TODO: Again a minus sign needed for vector rotation, still not sure why (see angle above)!
ang_rad = np.deg2rad(-angle)
ang_rad = np.deg2rad(angle)
u_mix = np.cos(ang_rad)*u_rot - np.sin(ang_rad)*v_rot
v_mix = np.sin(ang_rad)*u_rot + np.cos(ang_rad)*v_rot
data_new = np.stack((u_mix, v_mix), axis=-1)
......@@ -470,29 +480,33 @@ class Field(NDArrayOperatorsMixin):
sc_0, sc_1 = self.scale[axes[0]], self.scale[axes[1]]
assert sc_0 == sc_1, f'rot90 needs the scales in the rotation plane to be equal (they are {sc_0} & {sc_1})!'
# TODO: Later on, rotation could also flip the scale (not implemented here, yet)!
if axis != 'y':
k = -k # rotation is inverted if around x or z due to y flip compared to numpy
if not self.vector: # Scalar Field:
data_new = np.rot90(, k=k, axes=axes)
data_new = np.rot90(, k=k, axes=axes).copy()
else: # Vector Field:
if len(self.dim) == 3: # 3D:
assert self.ncomp == 3, 'rot90 currently only works for vector fields with 3 components in 3D!'
comp_x, comp_y, comp_z = self.comp
# reference:
if axis == 'x': # RotMatrix for 90°: [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]]
comp_x_rot = np.rot90(comp_x, k=k, axes=axes)
comp_y_rot = np.rot90(comp_z, k=k, axes=axes)
comp_z_rot = -np.rot90(comp_y, k=k, axes=axes)
comp_y_rot = -np.rot90(comp_z, k=k, axes=axes)
comp_z_rot = np.rot90(comp_y, k=k, axes=axes)
elif axis == 'y': # RotMatrix for 90°: [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]]
comp_x_rot = np.rot90(comp_z, k=k, axes=axes)
comp_y_rot = np.rot90(comp_y, k=k, axes=axes)
comp_z_rot = -np.rot90(comp_x, k=k, axes=axes)
elif axis == 'z': # RotMatrix for 90°: [[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
comp_x_rot = np.rot90(comp_y, k=k, axes=axes)
comp_x_rot = -np.rot90(comp_y, k=k, axes=axes)
comp_y_rot = np.rot90(comp_x, k=k, axes=axes)
comp_z_rot = np.rot90(comp_z, k=k, axes=axes)
data_new = np.stack((comp_x_rot, comp_y_rot, comp_z_rot), axis=-1)
if len(self.dim) == 2: # 2D:
assert self.ncomp == 2, 'rot90 currently only works for vector fields with 2 components in 2D!'
comp_x, comp_y = self.comp
comp_x_rot = np.rot90(comp_y, k=k, axes=axes)
comp_x_rot = -np.rot90(comp_y, k=k, axes=axes)
comp_y_rot = np.rot90(comp_x, k=k, axes=axes)
data_new = np.stack((comp_x_rot, comp_y_rot), axis=-1)
# Return result:
......@@ -662,6 +676,27 @@ class Field(NDArrayOperatorsMixin):
scale_new = tuple([self.scale[i]/z for i, z in enumerate(zoom)])
return Field(data_new, scale_new, self.vector)
def flip(self, axis=None, **kwargs):
"""Returns a `Field` with entries flipped along specified axes.
axis : tuple or None, optional
Axes whose entries will be flipped, by default None.
self._log.debug('Calling flip')
if self.vector and axis is None:
axis = tuple(range(len(self.dim)))
axis = numeric.normalize_axis_tuple(axis, len(self.shape)) # Make sure, axis is a tuple!
data_new = np.flip(, axis, **kwargs).copy() # Only flips space, not component direction!
if self.vector:
flip_vec = [
-1 if i in axis else 1
for i in reversed(range(self.ncomp))
data_new *= flip_vec
return Field(data_new, self.scale, self.vector)
def gradient(self):
"""Returns the gradient of an N-dimensional scalar `Field`. Wrapper around the according numpy function.
......@@ -764,21 +799,26 @@ class Field(NDArrayOperatorsMixin):
self._log.debug('Calling clip')
amp =
# Get a scalar indicator array for where clipping needs to happen:
if self.vector: # For vector fields, it is the amplitude of the data:
indicator =
else: # For scalar fields this is the data itself:
indicator =
if mask is None: # If no mask is set yet, default to True everywhere:
mask = np.full(self.dim, True)
if sigma is not None: # Mark outliers that are outside `sigma` standard deviations:
sigma_mask = (amp - amp.mean()) < (sigma * amp.std())
sigma_mask = (indicator - indicator.mean()) < (sigma * indicator.std())
mask = np.logical_and(mask, sigma_mask)
# Determine vmin and vmax if they are not set by the user:
amp_masked = np.where(mask, amp, np.nan)
indicator_masked = np.where(mask, indicator, np.nan)
if vmin is None:
vmin = np.nanmin(amp_masked)
vmin = np.nanmin(indicator_masked)
if vmax is None:
vmax = np.nanmax(amp_masked)
if self.vector: # Vector fields need to scale components according to masked amplitude
mask_vec = (amp <= vmax)[..., None] # Only vmax is important for vectors! mask_vec broadcast to components!
data = np.where(mask_vec,, vmax *[..., None]) # Scale outliers to vmax!
vmax = np.nanmax(indicator_masked)
if self.vector: # Vector fields need to scale components according to masked amplitude:
# Only vmax is important for vectors! mask_vec broadcast to components!
mask_vec = (indicator <= vmax)[..., None]
data_new = np.where(mask_vec,, vmax *[..., None]) # Scale outliers to vmax!
else: # For scalar fields, just delegate to the numpy function:
data = np.clip(, vmin, vmax)
return Field(data, self.scale, self.vector)
data_new = np.clip(, vmin, vmax)
return Field(data_new, self.scale, self.vector)
......@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ def reader(filename, scale=None, vector=None, **kwargs):
output = reader.output
assert output is not None, 'File reader could not find data or file "{}"!'.format(filename)
# Reading points and vectors:
if isinstance(output, tvtk.ImageData): # tvtk.StructuredPoints is a subclass of tvtk.ImageData!
# Connectivity: implicit; described by: 3D data array and spacing along each axis!'geometry: ImageData')
......@@ -86,10 +84,10 @@ def reader(filename, scale=None, vector=None, **kwargs):
data_array = np.asarray(output.point_data.scalars, dtype=np.float)
if scale is None:
raise ValueError('For the interpolation of unstructured grids, the `scale` parameter is required!')
elif isinstance(scale, Number): # Scale is the same for each dimension!
scale = (scale,) * len(dim)
elif isinstance(scale, Number): # Scale is the same for each dimension x, y, z!
scale = (scale,) * 3
elif isinstance(scale, tuple):
assert len(scale) == len(dim), f'Each of the {len(dim)} dimensions needs a scale, but {scale} was given!'
assert len(scale) == 3, f'Each dimension (z, y, x) needs a scale, but {scale} was given!'
data = interp_to_regular_grid(point_array, data_array, scale, **kwargs)
raise TypeError('Data type of {} not understood!'.format(output))
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def levi_civita(i, j, k):
return (j-i) * (k-i) * (k-j) / (np.abs(j-i) * np.abs(k-i) * np.abs(k-j))
def interp_to_regular_grid(points, values, scale, scale_factor=1, step=1, convex=True):
def interp_to_regular_grid(points, values, scale, scale_factor=1, step=1, convex=True, distance_upper_bound=None):
"""Interpolate values on points to regular grid.
......@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ def interp_to_regular_grid(points, values, scale, scale_factor=1, step=1, convex
convex : bool, optional
By default True. If this is set to False, additional measures are taken to find holes in the point cloud.
WARNING: this is an experimental feature that should be used with caution!
distance_upper_bound: float, optional
Only used if `convex=False`. Set the upper bound, determining if a point of the new (interpolated) grid is too
far away from any original point. They are assumed to be in a "hole" and their values are set to zero. Set this
value in nm, it will be converted to the local unit of the original points internally. If not set and
`convex=True`, double of the the mean of `scale` is calculated and used (can be troublesome if the scales vary
......@@ -67,12 +73,12 @@ def interp_to_regular_grid(points, values, scale, scale_factor=1, step=1, convex'z-range: {z_min:.2g} <-> {z_max:.2g} ({z_diff:.2g})')
# Determine dimensions from given grid spacing a:
dim = tuple(np.round(np.asarray((z_diff/scale[0], y_diff/scale[1], x_diff/scale[2]), dtype=int)))
x = x_min + scale[2] * (np.arange(dim[2]) + 0.5) # +0.5: shift to pixel center!
y = y_min + scale[1] * (np.arange(dim[1]) + 0.5) # +0.5: shift to pixel center!
assert all(dim) > 0, f'All dimensions of dim={dim} need to be > 0, please adjust the scale accordingly!'
z = z_min + scale[0] * (np.arange(dim[0]) + 0.5) # +0.5: shift to pixel center!
y = y_min + scale[1] * (np.arange(dim[1]) + 0.5) # +0.5: shift to pixel center!
x = x_min + scale[2] * (np.arange(dim[2]) + 0.5) # +0.5: shift to pixel center!
# Create points for new Euclidian grid; fliplr for (x, y, z) order:
test = np.asarray(list(itertools.product(z, y, x)))
points_euc = np.fliplr(test)
points_euc = np.fliplr(np.asarray(list(itertools.product(z, y, x))))
# Make values 2D (if not already); double .T so that a new axis is added at the END (n, 1):
values = np.atleast_2d(values.T).T
# Prepare interpolated grid:
......@@ -93,12 +99,25 @@ def interp_to_regular_grid(points, values, scale, scale_factor=1, step=1, convex
# If NOT convex, we have to check for additional holes in the structure (EXPERIMENTAL):
if not convex: # Only necessary if the user expects holes in the (-> nonconvex) distribution:
# Create k-dimensional tree for queries:'Create cKDTree...')
tick = time()
tree = cKDTree(points)
tock = time()'cKDTree creation complete (took {tock-tick:.2f} s)!')
# Query the tree for nearest neighbors, x: points to query, k: number of neighbors, p: norm
# to use (here: 2 - Euclidean), distance_upper_bound: maximum distance that is searched!
data, leafsize = tree.query(x=points_euc, k=1, p=2, distance_upper_bound=2*np.mean(scale))
if distance_upper_bound is None: # Take the mean of the scale for the upper bound:
distance_upper_bound = 2 * np.mean(scale) # NOTE: could be problematic for wildly varying scale numbers.
else: # Convert to local scale:
distance_upper_bound *= scale_factor'Start cKDTree neighbour query...')
tick = time()
data, leafsize = tree.query(x=points_euc, k=1, p=2, distance_upper_bound=distance_upper_bound)
tock = time()'cKDTree neighbour query complete (took {tock-tick:.2f} s)!')
# Create boolean mask that determines which interpolation points have no neighbor near enough:
mask = np.isinf(data).reshape(dim) # Points further away than upper bound were marked 'inf'!
for i in tqdm(range(values.shape[-1])): # Set these points to zero (NOTE: This can take a looooong time):
interpolation[..., i].ravel()[mask.ravel()] = 0'{np.sum(mask)} of {points_euc.shape[0]} points were assumed to be in holes of the point cloud!')
# Set these points to zero (NOTE: This can take a looooong time):
interpolation[mask, :] = 0
return np.squeeze(interpolation)
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class Quaternion(object):
def _normalize(self):
self._log.debug('Calling _normalize')
mag2 = np.sum(n ** 2 for n in self.values)
mag2 = np.sum([n ** 2 for n in self.values])
if abs(mag2 - 1.0) > self.NORM_TOLERANCE:
mag = np.sqrt(mag2)
self.values = tuple(n / mag for n in self.values)
import os
import pytest
import numpy as np
from empyre.fields import Field
def fielddata_path():
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'test_fielddata')
def vector_data():
magnitude = np.zeros((4, 4, 4, 3))
magnitude[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = 1
return Field(magnitude, 10.0, vector=True)
def vector_data_asymm():
shape = (5, 7, 11, 3)
data = np.linspace(0, 1,
return Field(data.reshape(shape), 10.0, vector=True)
def vector_data_asymm_2d():
shape = (5, 7, 2)
data = np.linspace(0, 1,
return Field(data.reshape(shape), 10.0, vector=True)
def vector_data_asymmcube():
shape = (3, 3, 3, 3)
data = np.linspace(0, 1,
return Field(data.reshape(shape), 10.0, vector=True)
def scalar_data():
magnitude = np.zeros((4, 4, 4))
magnitude[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = 1
return Field(magnitude, 10.0, vector=False)
def scalar_data_asymm():
shape = (5, 7, 2)
data = np.linspace(0, 1,
return Field(data.reshape(shape), 10.0, vector=False)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Testcase for the magdata module."""
import pytest
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
import numpy.testing
from empyre.fields import Field
from utils import assert_allclose
def test_copy(vector_data):
vector_data = vector_data.copy()
# Make sure it is a new object
assert vector_data != vector_data, 'Unexpected behaviour in copy()!'
assert np.allclose(vector_data, vector_data)
def test_bin(vector_data):
binned_data = vector_data.bin(2)
reference = 1 / 8. * np.ones((2, 2, 2, 3))
assert_allclose(binned_data, reference,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in scale_down()!')
assert_allclose(binned_data.scale, (20, 20, 20),
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in scale_down()!')
def test_zoom(vector_data):
zoomed_test = vector_data.zoom(2, order=0)
reference = np.zeros((8, 8, 8, 3))
reference[2:6, 2:6, 2:6] = 1
assert_allclose(zoomed_test, reference,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in zoom()!')
assert_allclose(zoomed_test.scale, (5, 5, 5),
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in zoom()!')
'mode', [
'pad_width,np_pad', [
(1, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0))),
((1, 2, 3), ((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (0, 0))),
(((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)), ((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (0, 0)))
def test_pad(vector_data, mode, pad_width, np_pad):
magdata_test = vector_data.pad(pad_width, mode=mode)
reference = np.pad(vector_data, np_pad, mode=mode)
assert_allclose(magdata_test, reference,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in pad()!')
'axis', [-1, 3]
def test_component_reduction(vector_data, axis):
# axis=-1 is supposed to reduce over the component dimension, if it exists. axis=3 should do the same here!
res = np.sum(vector_data, axis=axis)
ref = np.zeros((4, 4, 4))
ref[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = 3
assert res.shape == ref.shape, 'Shape mismatch!'
assert_allclose(res, ref, err_msg="Unexpected behavior of axis keyword")
assert isinstance(res, Field), 'Result is not a Field object!'
assert not res.vector, 'Result is a vector field, but should be reduced to a scalar!'
'axis', [(0, 1, 2), (2, 1, 0), None, (-4, -3, -2)]
def test_full_reduction(vector_data, axis):
res = np.sum(vector_data, axis=axis)
ref = np.zeros((3,))
ref[:] = 8
assert res.shape == ref.shape
assert_allclose(res, ref, err_msg="Unexpected behavior of full or default reduction")
assert isinstance(res, np.ndarray)
'axis', [-1, 2]
def test_last_reduction_scalar(scalar_data, axis):
# axis=-1 is supposed to reduce over the component dimension if it exists.
# In this case it doesn't!
res = np.sum(scalar_data, axis=axis)
ref = np.zeros((4, 4))
ref[1:-1, 1:-1] = 2
assert res.shape == ref.shape
assert_allclose(res, ref, err_msg="Unexpected behavior of axis keyword")
assert isinstance(res, Field)
assert not res.vector
'axis', [(0, 1, 2), (2, 1, 0), None, (-1, -2, -3)]
def test_full_reduction_scalar(scalar_data, axis):
res = np.sum(scalar_data, axis=axis)
ref = 8
assert res.shape == ()
assert_allclose(res, ref, err_msg="Unexpected behavior of full or default reduction")
assert isinstance(res, Number)
def test_binary_operator_vector_number(vector_data):
res = vector_data + 1
ref = np.ones((4, 4, 4, 3))
ref[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = 2
assert res.shape == ref.shape
assert_allclose(res, ref, err_msg="Unexpected behavior of addition")
assert isinstance(res, Field)
assert res.vector
def test_binary_operator_vector_scalar(vector_data, scalar_data):
res = vector_data + scalar_data
ref = np.zeros((4, 4, 4, 3))
ref[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = 2
assert res.shape == ref.shape
assert_allclose(res, ref, err_msg="Unexpected behavior of addition")
assert isinstance(res, Field)
assert res.vector
def test_binary_operator_vector_vector(vector_data):
res = vector_data + vector_data
ref = np.zeros((4, 4, 4, 3))
ref[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = 2
assert res.shape == ref.shape
assert_allclose(res, ref, err_msg="Unexpected behavior of addition")
assert isinstance(res, Field)
assert res.vector
def test_binary_operator_vector_broadcast(vector_data):
# Broadcasting between vector fields is currently not implemented
second = np.zeros((4, 4, 3))
second[1:-1, 1:-1] = 1
second = Field(second, 10.0, vector=True)
res = vector_data + second
ref = np.zeros((4, 4, 4, 3))
ref[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = 1
ref[:, 1:-1, 1:-1] += 1
assert res.shape == ref.shape
assert_allclose(res, ref, err_msg="Unexpected behavior of addition")
assert isinstance(res, Field)
assert res.vector
def test_mask(vector_data):
mask = vector_data.mask
reference = np.zeros((4, 4, 4))
reference[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = True
assert_allclose(mask, reference,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in mask attribute!')
def test_get_vector(vector_data):
mask = vector_data.mask
vector = vector_data.get_vector(mask)
reference = np.ones(np.sum(mask) * 3)
assert_allclose(vector, reference,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in get_vector()!')
def test_set_vector(vector_data):
mask = vector_data.mask
vector = 2 * np.ones(np.sum(mask) * 3)
vector_data.set_vector(vector, mask)
reference = np.zeros((4, 4, 4, 3))
reference[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = 2
assert_allclose(vector_data, reference,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in set_vector()!')
def test_flip(vector_data_asymm):
field_flipz = vector_data_asymm.flip(0)
field_flipy = vector_data_asymm.flip(1)
field_flipx = vector_data_asymm.flip(2)
field_flipxy = vector_data_asymm.flip((1, 2))
field_flipdefault = vector_data_asymm.flip()
field_flipcomp = vector_data_asymm.flip(-1)
assert_allclose(np.flip(, axis=0) * [1, 1, -1],,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in flip()! (z)')
assert_allclose(np.flip(, axis=1) * [1, -1, 1],,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in flip()! (y)')
assert_allclose(np.flip(, axis=2) * [-1, 1, 1],,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in flip()! (x)')
assert_allclose(np.flip(, axis=(1, 2)) * [-1, -1, 1],,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in flip()! (xy)')
assert_allclose(np.flip(, axis=(0, 1, 2)) * [-1, -1, -1],,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in flip()! (default)')
assert_allclose(np.flip(, axis=-1) * [1, 1, 1],,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in flip()! (components)')
def test_unknown_num_of_components():
shape = (5, 7, 7)
data = np.linspace(0, 1,
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
Field(data.reshape(shape), 10.0, vector=True)
def test_repr(vector_data_asymm):
string_repr = repr(vector_data_asymm)
data_str = str(
string_ref = f'Field(data={data_str}, scale=(10.0, 10.0, 10.0), vector=True)'
print(f'reference: {string_ref}')
print(f'repr output: {string_repr}')
assert string_repr == string_ref, 'Unexpected behavior in __repr__()!'
def test_str(vector_data_asymm):
string_str = str(vector_data_asymm)
string_ref = 'Field(dim=(5, 7, 11), scale=(10.0, 10.0, 10.0), vector=True, ncomp=3)'
print(f'reference: {string_str}')
print(f'str output: {string_str}')
assert string_str == string_ref, 'Unexpected behavior in __str__()!'
"index,t,scale", [
((0, 1, 2), tuple, None),
((0, ), Field, (2., 3.)),
(0, Field, (2., 3.)),
((0, 1, 2, 0), float, None),
((0, 1, 2, 0), float, None),
((..., 0), Field, (1., 2., 3.)),
((0, slice(1, 3), 2), Field, (2.,)),
def test_getitem(vector_data, index, t, scale):
vector_data.scale = (1., 2., 3.)
data_index = index
res = vector_data[index]
assert isinstance(res, t)
if t is Field:
assert res.scale == scale
def test_from_scalar_field(scalar_data):
sca_x, sca_y, sca_z = [i * scalar_data for i in range(1, 4)]
field_comb = Field.from_scalar_fields([sca_x, sca_y, sca_z])
assert field_comb.vector
assert field_comb.scale == scalar_data.scale
assert_allclose(sca_x, field_comb.comp[0])
assert_allclose(sca_y, field_comb.comp[1])
assert_allclose(sca_z, field_comb.comp[2])
def test_squeeze():
magnitude = np.zeros((4, 1, 4, 3))
field = Field(magnitude, (1., 2., 3.), vector=True)
sq = field.squeeze()
assert sq.shape == (4, 4, 3)
assert sq.dim == (4, 4)
assert sq.scale == (1., 3.)
def test_gradient():
def test_gradient_1d():
def test_curl():
def test_curl_2d():
def test_clip_scalar_noop():
shape = (3, 3, 3)
data = np.linspace(-2, 1,
field = Field(data, (1., 2., 3.), vector=False)
assert_allclose(field, field.clip())
def test_clip_scalar_minmax():
shape = (3, 3, 3)
data = np.linspace(-2, 1,
field = Field(data, (1., 2., 3.), vector=False)
assert_allclose(np.clip(data, -1, 0.1), field.clip(vmin=-1, vmax=0.1))
def test_clip_scalar_sigma():
shape = (3, 3, 3)
data = np.linspace(-2, 1,
data[0, 0, 0] = 1e6
field = Field(data, (1., 2., 3.), vector=False)
# We clip off the one outlier
assert_allclose(np.clip(data, -2, 1), field.clip(sigma=5))
assert field.clip(sigma=5)[0, 0, 0] == 1
def test_clip_scalar_mask():
shape = (3, 3, 3)
data = np.linspace(-2, 1,
mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool)
mask[0, 0, 0] = True
mask[0, 0, 1] = True
field = Field(data, (1., 2., 3.), vector=False)
assert_allclose(np.clip(data, data[0, 0, 0], data[0, 0, 1]), field.clip(mask=mask))
def test_clip_vector_noop():
shape = (3, 3, 3, 3)
data = np.linspace(-2, 1,
field = Field(data, (1., 2., 3.), vector=True)
assert_allclose(field, field.clip())
def test_clip_vector_max():
shape = (3, 3, 3, 3)
data = np.linspace(-2, 1,
field = Field(data, (1., 2., 3.), vector=True)
res = field.clip(vmax=0.1)
assert_allclose(np.max(res.amp), 0.1)
def test_clip_vector_sigma():
shape = (3, 3, 3, 3)
data = np.linspace(-2, 1,
data[0, 0, 0] = (1e6, 1e6, 1e6)
field = Field(data, (1., 2., 3.), vector=True)
# We clip off the one outlier
res = field.clip(sigma=5)
assert np.max(res.amp) < 1e3
# TODO: HyperSpy would need to be installed for the following tests (slow...):
# def test_from_signal()
# raise NotImplementedError()
# def test_to_signal()
# raise NotImplementedError()
import pytest
from utils import assert_allclose
from empyre.fields import Field
import numpy as np
'axis', ['x', 'y', 'z']
def test_rot90_360(vector_data_asymm, axis):
err_msg=f'Unexpected behavior in rot90()! {axis}')
'rot_axis,flip_axes', [
('x', (0, 1)),
('y', (0, 2)),
('z', (1, 2))
def test_rot90_180(vector_data_asymm, rot_axis, flip_axes):
res = vector_data_asymm.rot90(axis=rot_axis).rot90(axis=rot_axis)
ref = vector_data_asymm.flip(axis=flip_axes)
assert_allclose(res, ref, err_msg=f'Unexpected behavior in rot90()! {rot_axis}')
'rot_axis', [
def test_rotate_compare_rot90_1(vector_data_asymmcube, rot_axis):
res = vector_data_asymmcube.rotate(angle=90, axis=rot_axis)
ref = vector_data_asymmcube.rot90(axis=rot_axis)
assert_allclose(res, ref, err_msg=f'Unexpected behavior in rotate()! {rot_axis}')
def test_rot90_manual():
data = np.zeros((3, 3, 3, 3))
diag = np.array((1, 1, 1))
diag_unity = diag / np.sqrt(np.sum(diag**2))
data[0, 0, 0] = diag_unity
data = Field(data, 10, vector=True)
rot90_x = np.zeros((3, 3, 3, 3))
# Axis order z, y, x; vector components x, y, z
rot90_x[0, 2, 0] = diag_unity * (1, -1, 1)
rot90_x = Field(rot90_x, 10, vector=True)
print("data rot90 x", data.rot90(axis='x').data)
rot90_y = np.zeros((3, 3, 3, 3))
# Axis order z, y, x; vector components x, y, z
rot90_y[2, 0, 0] = diag_unity * (1, 1, -1)
rot90_y = Field(rot90_y, 10, vector=True)
print("data rot90 y", data.rot90(axis='y').data)
rot90_z = np.zeros((3, 3, 3, 3))
# Axis order z, y, x; vector components x, y, z
rot90_z[0, 0, 2] = diag_unity * (-1, 1, 1)
rot90_z = Field(rot90_z, 10, vector=True)
print("data rot90 z", data.rot90(axis='z').data)
assert_allclose(rot90_x, data.rot90(axis='x'), err_msg='Unexpected behavior in rot90("x")!')
assert_allclose(rot90_y, data.rot90(axis='y'), err_msg='Unexpected behavior in rot90("y")!')
assert_allclose(rot90_z, data.rot90(axis='z'), err_msg='Unexpected behavior in rot90("z")!')
def test_rot45_manual():
data = np.zeros((3, 3, 3, 3))
data[0, 0, 0] = (1, 1, 1)
data = Field(data, 10, vector=True)
rot45_x = np.zeros((3, 3, 3, 3))
# Axis order z, y, x; vector components x, y, z
rot45_x[0, 1, 0] = (1, 0, np.sqrt(2))
rot45_x = Field(rot45_x, 10, vector=True)
# Disable spline interpolation, use nearest instead
res_rot45_x = data.rotate(45, axis='x', order=0)
print("data rot45 x",
rot45_y = np.zeros((3, 3, 3, 3))
# Axis order z, y, x; vector components x, y, z
rot45_y[1, 0, 0] = (np.sqrt(2), 1, 0)
rot45_y = Field(rot45_y, 10, vector=True)
# Disable spline interpolation, use nearest instead
res_rot45_y = data.rotate(45, axis='y', order=0)
print("data rot45 y",
rot45_z = np.zeros((3, 3, 3, 3))
# Axis order z, y, x; vector components x, y, z
rot45_z[0, 0, 1] = (0, np.sqrt(2), 1)
rot45_z = Field(rot45_z, 10, vector=True)
# Disable spline interpolation, use nearest instead
res_rot45_z = data.rotate(45, axis='z', order=0)
print("data rot45 z",
assert_allclose(rot45_x, res_rot45_x, err_msg='Unexpected behavior in rotate(45, "x")!')
assert_allclose(rot45_y, res_rot45_y, err_msg='Unexpected behavior in rotate(45, "y")!')
assert_allclose(rot45_z, res_rot45_z, err_msg='Unexpected behavior in rotate(45, "z")!')
def test_rot90_2d_360(vector_data_asymm_2d):
assert_allclose(vector_data_asymm_2d.rot90().rot90().rot90().rot90(), vector_data_asymm_2d,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in 2D rot90()!')
def test_rot90_2d_180(vector_data_asymm_2d):
res = vector_data_asymm_2d.rot90().rot90()
ref = vector_data_asymm_2d.flip()
assert_allclose(res, ref, err_msg='Unexpected behavior in 2D rot90()!')
'k', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
def test_rot90_comp_2d_with_3d(vector_data_asymm_2d, k):
data_x, data_y = [[np.newaxis, :, :] for comp in vector_data_asymm_2d.comp]
data_z = np.zeros_like(data_x)
data_3d = np.stack([data_x, data_y, data_z], axis=-1)
vector_data_asymm_3d = Field(data_3d, scale=10, vector=True)
print(f'2D shape, scale: {vector_data_asymm_2d.shape, vector_data_asymm_2d.scale}')
print(f'3D shape, scale: {vector_data_asymm_3d.shape, vector_data_asymm_3d.scale}')
vector_data_rot_2d = vector_data_asymm_2d.rot90(k=k)
vector_data_rot_3d = vector_data_asymm_3d.rot90(k=k, axis='z')
print(f'2D shape after rot: {vector_data_rot_2d.shape}')
print(f'3D shape after rot: {vector_data_rot_3d.shape}')
assert_allclose(vector_data_rot_2d, vector_data_rot_3d[0, :, :, :2], err_msg='Unexpected behavior in 2D rot90()!')
'angle', [90, 45, 23, 11.5]
def test_rotate_comp_2d_with_3d(vector_data_asymm_2d, angle):
data_x, data_y = [[np.newaxis, :, :] for comp in vector_data_asymm_2d.comp]
data_z = np.zeros_like(data_x)
data_3d = np.stack([data_x, data_y, data_z], axis=-1)
vector_data_asymm_3d = Field(data_3d, scale=10, vector=True)
print(f'2D shape, scale: {vector_data_asymm_2d.shape, vector_data_asymm_2d.scale}')
print(f'3D shape, scale: {vector_data_asymm_3d.shape, vector_data_asymm_3d.scale}')
r2d = vector_data_asymm_2d.rotate(angle)
r3d = vector_data_asymm_3d.rotate(angle, axis='z')
print(f'2D shape after rot: {r2d.shape}')
print(f'3D shape after rot: {r3d.shape}')
assert_allclose(r2d, r3d[0, :, :, :2], err_msg='Unexpected behavior in 2D rotate()!')
'angle', [180, 360, 90, 45, 23, 11.5],
'axis', ['x', 'y', 'z'],
def test_rotate_scalar(vector_data_asymm, angle, axis):
data = np.zeros((1, 2, 2, 3))
data[0, 0, 0] = 1
field = Field(data, scale=10., vector=True)
field.rotate(angle, axis=axis).amp,
field.amp.rotate(angle, axis=axis)
'angle,order', [(180, 3), (360, 3), (90, 3), (45, 0), (23, 0), (11.5, 0)],
'axis', ['x', 'y', 'z'],
'reshape', [True, False],
def test_rotate_scalar_asymm(vector_data_asymm, angle, axis, order, reshape):
vector_data_asymm.rotate(angle, axis=axis, reshape=reshape, order=order).amp,
vector_data_asymm.amp.rotate(angle, axis=axis, reshape=reshape, order=order)
'axis', ['x', 'y', 'z'],
'k', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
def test_rot90_scalar(vector_data_asymm, axis, k):
vector_data_asymm.amp.rot90(k=k, axis=axis),
vector_data_asymm.rot90(k=k, axis=axis).amp
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Testcase for the magdata module."""
# import os
import unittest
# import numpy as np
# from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
# from empyre.fields.field import Field
class TestCaseField(unittest.TestCase):
def test_stupid(self):
assert True
def test_simple():
assert True
import numpy
import numpy.testing
def assert_allclose(actual, desired, rtol=1e-07, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=True, err_msg='', verbose=True):
return numpy.testing.assert_allclose(
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