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Commit 3239d34c authored by Fengshan Zheng's avatar Fengshan Zheng
Browse files

KernelCharge has been updated and other some revision has beed done in phasemappercharge.

parent 916a491f
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......@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ class Kernel(object):
self.geometry = geometry
# Set up FFT:
if fft.HAVE_FFTW:
self.dim_pad = tuple(2 * np.array(dim_uv)) # is at least even (not nec. power of 2)
self.dim_pad = tuple(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(2 * np.array(dim_uv))).astype(int)) # pow(2)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 by Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
# Author: J. Caron
"""This module provides the :class:`~.KernelCharge` class, representing the phase contribution of one
single Charged pixel."""
import logging
import numpy as np
from jutil import fft
__all__ = ['Kernel', 'PHI_0'] # TODO rewrite!
# PHI_0 = 2067.83 # magnetic flux in T*nm²
H_BAR = 6.626E-34 # Planck constant in J*s
M_E = 9.109E-31 # electron mass in kg
Q_E = 1.602E-19 # electron charge in C
C = 2.998E8 # speed of light in m/s
EPS_0 = 8.8542E-12 # electrical field constant
class KernelCharge(object):
"""Class for calculating kernel matrices for the phase calculation.
Represents the phase of a single charged pixel, which can be accessed via the corresponding attributes.
During the construction, a few attributes are calculated that are used in
the convolution during phase calculation in the different :class:`~Phasemapper` classes.
a : float
The grid spacing in nm.
v_acc : float, optional
The acceleration voltage of the electron microscope in V. The default is 300000.
electrode_vec : tuple of float (N=2)
The norm vector of the counter electrode, (elec_a,elec_b), and the distance to the origin is
the norm of (elec_a,elec_b).
dim_uv : tuple of int (N=2), optional
Dimensions of the 2-dimensional projected magnetization grid from which the phase should
be calculated.
dim_kern : tuple of int (N=2)
Dimensions of the kernel, which is ``2N-1`` for both axes compared to `dim_uv`.
dim_pad : tuple of int (N=2)
Dimensions of the padded FOV, which is ``2N`` (if FFTW is used) or the next highest power
of 2 (for numpy-FFT).
dim_fft : tuple of int (N=2)
Dimensions of the grid, which is used for the FFT, taking into account that a RFFT should
be used (one axis is halved in comparison to `dim_pad`).
kc : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3)
The phase contribution of one charged pixel.
kc_fft : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3)
The real FFT of the phase contribution of one charged pixel.
slice_phase : tuple (N=2) of :class:`slice`
A tuple of :class:`slice` objects to extract the original FOV from the increased one with
size `dim_pad` for the elementary kernel phase. The kernel is shifted, thus the center is
not at (0, 0), which also shifts the slicing compared to `slice_mag`.
slice_mag : tuple (N=2) of :class:`slice`
A tuple of :class:`slice` objects to extract the original FOV from the increased one with
size `dim_pad` for the projected magnetization distribution.
prw_vec: tuple of 2 int, optional
A two-component vector describing the displacement of the reference wave to include
perturbation of this reference by the object itself (via fringing fields), (y, x).
dtype: numpy dtype, optional
Data type of the kernel. Default is np.float32.
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.Kernel') # TODO 'KernelCharge'
def __init__(self, a, dim_uv, electrode_vec, v_acc=300000., prw_vec=None, dtype=np.float32):
self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
# Set basic properties:
self.prw_vec = prw_vec
self.dim_uv = dim_uv # Dimensions of the FOV
self.dim_kern = tuple(2 * np.array(dim_uv) - 1) # Dimensions of the kernel
self.a = a
self.electrode_vec = electrode_vec
self.v_acc = v_acc
lam = H_BAR / np.sqrt(2 * M_E * Q_E * v_acc * (1 + Q_E * v_acc / (2 * M_E * C ** 2)))
c_e = 2 * np.pi * Q_E / lam * (Q_E * v_acc + M_E * C ** 2) / (
Q_E * v_acc * (Q_E * v_acc + 2 * M_E * C ** 2))
# Set up FFT:
if fft.HAVE_FFTW:
self.dim_pad = tuple(2 * np.array(dim_uv)) # is at least even (not nec. power of 2)
self.dim_pad = tuple(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(2 * np.array(dim_uv))).astype(int)) # pow(2)
self.dim_fft = (self.dim_pad[0], self.dim_pad[1] // 2 + 1) # last axis is real
self.slice_phase = (slice(dim_uv[0] - 1, self.dim_kern[0]), # Shift because kernel center
slice(dim_uv[1] - 1, self.dim_kern[1])) # is not at (0, 0)!
self.slice_mag = (slice(0, dim_uv[0]), # Magnetization is padded on the far end!
slice(0, dim_uv[1])) # (Phase cutout is shifted as listed above)
# Calculate kernel (single pixel phase):
coeff = c_e * Q_E / (4 * np.pi * EPS_0) # Minus is gone because of negative z-direction
v_dim, u_dim = dim_uv
u = np.linspace(-(u_dim - 1), u_dim - 1, num=2 * u_dim - 1)
v = np.linspace(-(v_dim - 1), v_dim - 1, num=2 * v_dim - 1)
uu, vv = np.meshgrid(u, v)
self.kc = np.empty(self.dim_kern, dtype=dtype)
self.kc[...] = coeff * self._get_elementary_phase(electrode_vec, uu, vv, a)
# Include perturbed reference wave:
if prw_vec is not None:
uu += prw_vec[1]
vv += prw_vec[0]
self.kc[...] -= coeff * self._get_elementary_phase(electrode_vec, uu, vv, a)
# Calculate Fourier transform of kernel:
self.kc_fft = fft.rfftn(self.kc, self.dim_pad)
self._log.debug('Created ' + str(self))
def __repr__(self):
self._log.debug('Calling __repr__')
return '%s(a=%r, dim_uv=%r, electrode_vec=%r,prw_vec=%r)' % \
(self.__class__, self.a, self.dim_uv, self.electrode_vec, self.prw_vec)
def __str__(self):
self._log.debug('Calling __str__')
return 'Kernel(a=%s, dim_uv=%s, electrode_vec=%s, prw_vec=%s,)' % \
(self.a, self.dim_uv, self.electrode_vec, self.prw_vec)
def _get_elementary_phase(self, electrode_vec, n, m, a):
self._log.debug('Calling _get_elementary_phase')
elec_a, elec_b = electrode_vec
n_img = 2 * elec_a
m_img = 2 * elec_b
in_or_out1 = ~ np.logical_and(n == 0, m == 0)
in_or_out2 = ~ np.logical_and((n - n_img) == 0, (m - m_img) == 0)
return (1. / np.sqrt(a ** 2 * (n ** 2 + m ** 2 + 1E-30))) * in_or_out1 - \
(1. / np.sqrt(a ** 2 * ((n - n_img) ** 2 + (m - m_img) ** 2 + 1E-30))) * in_or_out2
def print_info(self):
"""Print information about the kernel.
self._log.debug('Calling log_info')
print('Shape of the FOV :', self.dim_uv)
print('Shape of the Kernel :', self.dim_kern)
print('Zero-padded shape :', self.dim_pad)
print('Shape of the FFT :', self.dim_fft)
print('Slice for the phase :', self.slice_phase)
print('Slice for the magn. :', self.slice_mag)
print('Grid spacing : {} nm'.format(self.a))
print('PRW vector : {} T'.format(self.prw_vec))
print('Electrode vector : {} T'.format(self.electrode_vec))
......@@ -410,8 +410,30 @@ class PhaseMapperMIP(PhaseMapper):
class PhaseMapperCharge(PhaseMapper):
"""Class representing a phase mapping strategy for the electrostatic charge contribution.
"""""" # TODO: Write Docstring!
The :class:`~.PhaseMapperCharge` class represents a phase mapping strategy for the electrostatic
charge contribution to the electron phase shift which results e.g. from the charges in
certain samples and which is sensitive to properties of the electron microscope. It directly
takes :class:`~.ScalarData` objects and returns :class:`~.PhaseMap` objects.
a : float
The grid spacing in nm.
dim_uv : tuple of int (N=2)
Dimensions of the 2-dimensional projected magnetization grid for the kernel setup.
v_acc : float, optional
The acceleration voltage of the electron microscope in V. The default is 300000.
electrode_vec: tuple of float (N=2)
The norm vector of the counter electrode, (elec_a,elec_b), and the distance to the origin is
the norm of (elec_a,elec_b).
m: int
Size of the image space.
n: int
Size of the input space.
def __init__(self, a, dim_uv, electrode_vec, v_acc=300000):
self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
......@@ -440,8 +462,6 @@ class PhaseMapperCharge(PhaseMapper):
""" This is to calculate the phase from many electric dipoles. The model used to avoid singularity is
the homogeneously-distributed charged metallic sphere.
The elec_data includes the amount of charge in every grid, unit:electron.
The electrode_vec is the normal vector of the electrode, (elec_a,elec_b), and the distance to the origin is
the norm of (elec_a,elec_b).
R_sam is the sampling rate,pixel/nm."""
R_sam = 1 / self.a
......@@ -449,9 +469,7 @@ class PhaseMapperCharge(PhaseMapper):
field = elec_data.field[0, ...]
elec_a, elec_b = self.electrode_vec # electrode vector (orthogonal to the electrode from origin)
elec_n = elec_a ** 2 + elec_b ** 2
dim_v, dim_u = field.shape
u_cor = range(0, dim_u, 1)
v_cor = range(0, dim_v, 1)
v, u = np.meshgrid(v_cor, u_cor)
......@@ -465,51 +483,29 @@ class PhaseMapperCharge(PhaseMapper):
vm = (elec_a ** 2 - elec_b ** 2) / elec_n * vq - 2 * elec_a * elec_b / elec_n * uq + 2 * elec_b
# Calculate phase contribution for each charge:
phase = np.zeros((dim_v, dim_u))
for i in range(len(q)):
# The projected distance from the charges or image charges
r1 = np.sqrt((u - uq[i]) ** 2 + (v - vq[i]) ** 2)
r2 = np.sqrt((u - um[i]) ** 2 + (v - vm[i]) ** 2)
# The square height when the path come across the sphere
z1 = R ** 2 - r1 ** 2
z2 = R ** 2 - r2 ** 2
h1 = R ** 2 - r1 ** 2
h2 = R ** 2 - r2 ** 2
# Phase calculation in 3 different cases
# case 1 totally out of the sphere
case1 = ((z1 < 0) & (z2 < 0))
case1 = ((h1 < 0) & (h2 < 0))
phase[case1] += - q[i] * self.coeff * np.log((r1[case1] ** 2) / (r2[case1] ** 2))
# case 2: inside the charge sphere
case2 = ((z1 >= 0) & (z2 <= 0))
case2 = ((h1 >= 0) & (h2 <= 0))
# The height when the path come across the charge sphere
z3 = np.sqrt(z1)
phase[case2] += q[i] * self.coeff * (- np.log((z3[case2] + R) ** 2 / r2[case2] ** 2) +
(2 * z3[case2] / R + 2 * z3[case2] ** 3 / 3 / R ** 3))
h3 = np.sqrt(h1)
phase[case2] += q[i] * self.coeff * (- np.log((h3[case2] + R) ** 2 / r2[case2] ** 2) +
(2 * h3[case2] / R + 2 * h3[case2] ** 3 / 3 / R ** 3))
# case 3 : inside the image charge sphere
case3 = np.logical_not(case1 | case2)
# The height whe the path comes across the image charge sphere
z4 = np.sqrt(z2)
phase[case3] += q[i] * self.coeff * (np.log((z4[case3] + R) ** 2 / r1[case3] ** 2) -
(2 * z4[case3] / R + 2 * z4[case3] ** 3 / 3 / R ** 3))
h4 = np.sqrt(h2)
phase[case3] += q[i] * self.coeff * (np.log((h4[case3] + R) ** 2 / r1[case3] ** 2) -
(2 * h4[case3] / R + 2 * h4[case3] ** 3 / 3 / R ** 3))
return PhaseMap(self.a, phase)
def jac_dot(self, vector):
......@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ class TestCaseKernel(unittest.TestCase):
self.kernel = None
def test_kernel(self):
ref_u = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_u.npy'))
ref_u = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_kc.npy'))
ref_v = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_v.npy'))
ref_u_fft = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_u_fft.npy'))
ref_u_fft = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_kc_fft.npy'))
ref_v_fft = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_v_fft.npy'))
assert_allclose(self.kernel.u, ref_u, err_msg='Unexpected behavior in u')
assert_allclose(self.kernel.v, ref_v, err_msg='Unexpected behavior in v')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Testcase for the magdata module."""
import os
import unittest
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
from pyramid.kernelcharge import KernelCharge
class TestCaseKernelCharge(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'test_kernelcharge')
self.kernel = KernelCharge(1., dim_uv=(8, 8), electrode_vec=(3, 3))
def tearDown(self):
self.path = None
self.kernel = None
def test_kernelcharge(self):
ref_kc = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_kc.npy'))
ref_kc_fft = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_kc_fft.npy'))
assert_allclose(self.kernel.kc, ref_kc, err_msg='Unexpected behavior in kc')
assert_allclose(self.kernel.kc_fft, ref_kc_fft, atol=1E-7,
err_msg='Unexpected behavior in kc_fft')
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