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Commit 6e9bc36e authored by Jan Caron's avatar Jan Caron
Browse files

Implemented projection with tilt along one axis and unittests for all modules!

parent c1d56ac8
No related branches found
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with 562 additions and 95 deletions
......@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ def holo_image(phase_map, density=1):
phase_grad_y, phase_grad_x = np.gradient(phase, phase_map.res, phase_map.res)
phase_angle = (1 - np.arctan2(phase_grad_y, phase_grad_x)/pi) / 2
phase_magnitude = np.hypot(phase_grad_x, phase_grad_y)
phase_magnitude = np.sin(phase_magnitude/phase_magnitude.max() * pi / 2)
if phase_magnitude.max() != 0:
phase_magnitude = np.sin(phase_magnitude/phase_magnitude.max() * pi / 2)
# Color code the angle and create the holography image:
rgba = HOLO_CMAP(phase_angle)
rgb = (255.999 * img_holo.T * phase_magnitude.T * rgba[:, :, :3].T).T.astype(np.uint8)
......@@ -104,6 +104,22 @@ class MagData:
self.magnitude = magnitude
self.dim = dim
def get_mask(self, threshold=0):
'''Mask all pixels where the amplitude of the magnetization lies above `threshold`.
threshold : float, optional
A pixel only gets masked, if it lies above this threshold . The default is 0.
mask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3, boolean)
Mask of the pixels where the amplitude of the magnetization lies above `threshold`.
return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(self.magnitude)**2, axis=0)) > threshold
def get_vector(self, mask):
'''Returns the magnetic components arranged in a vector, specified by a mask.
......@@ -145,22 +161,6 @@ class MagData:
self.magnitude[1][mask] = vector[count:2*count] # y-component
self.magnitude[0][mask] = vector[2*count:] # z-component
def get_mask(self, threshold=0):
'''Mask all pixels where the amplitude of the magnetization lies above `threshold`.
threshold : float, optional
A pixel only gets masked, if it lies above this threshold . The default is 0.
mask : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3, boolean)
Mask of the pixels where the amplitude of the magnetization lies above `threshold`.
return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(self.magnitude)**2, axis=0)) > threshold
def scale_down(self, n=1):
'''Scale down the magnetic distribution by averaging over two pixels along each axis.
......@@ -355,8 +355,8 @@ class MagData:
axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
axis.quiver(mag_slice_u, mag_slice_v, pivot='middle', angles='xy', scale_units='xy',
scale=1, headwidth=6, headlength=7)
axis.set_xlim(0, np.shape(mag_slice_u)[1])
axis.set_ylim(0, np.shape(mag_slice_u)[0])
axis.set_xlim(-1, np.shape(mag_slice_u)[1])
axis.set_ylim(-1, np.shape(mag_slice_u)[0])
axis.set_title(title, fontsize=18)
axis.set_xlabel(u_label, fontsize=15)
axis.set_ylabel(v_label, fontsize=15)
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class PhaseMap:
always in `rad`.
UNITDICT = {'rad': 1E0,
'mrad': 1E3,
'µrad': 1E6}
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class PhaseMap:
unit : {'rad', 'mrad', 'µrad'}, optional
unit : {'rad', 'mrad'}, optional
Set the unit of the phase map. This is important for the :func:`~.display` function,
because the phase is scaled accordingly. Does not change the phase itself, which is
always in `rad`.
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ class PhaseMap:
assert unit in ['rad', 'mrad']
self.unit = unit
......@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ class PhaseMap:
with open(filename, 'r') as phase_file:
phase_file.readline() # Headerline is not used
res = int(phase_file.readline()[13:-4])
res = float(phase_file.readline()[13:-4])
phase = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter='\t', skiprows=2)
return PhaseMap(res, phase)
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ from numpy import pi
import pyramid.numcore as nc
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
PHI_0 = -2067.83 # magnetic flux in T*nm²
H_BAR = 6.626E-34 # Planck constant in J*s
......@@ -145,6 +147,144 @@ def phase_mag_real(res, projection, method='discs', b_0=1, jacobi=None):
return phase
def phase_mag_real_conv(res, projection, method='disc', b_0=1, jacobi=None):
'''Calculate the magnetic phase from magnetization data (real space approach).
res : float
The resolution of the grid (grid spacing) in nm.
projection : tuple (N=3) of :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=2)
The in-plane projection of the magnetization as a tuple, storing the `u`- and `v`-component
of the magnetization and the thickness projection for the resulting 2D-grid.
method : {'disc', 'slab'}, optional
Specifies the elemental geometry to use for the pixel field.
The default is 'disc', because of the smaller computational overhead.
b_0 : float, optional
The magnetic induction corresponding to a magnetization `M`\ :sub:`0` in T.
The default is 1.
jacobi : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=2), optional
Specifies the matrix in which to save the jacobi matrix. The jacobi matrix will not be
calculated, if no matrix is specified (default), resulting in a faster computation.
phase : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=2)
The phase as a 2-dimensional array.
''' # TODO: Docstring!!!
# Function for creating the lookup-tables:
def phi_lookup(method, n, m, res, b_0):
if method == 'slab':
def F_h(n, m):
a = np.log(res**2 * (n**2 + m**2))
b = np.arctan(n / m)
return n*a - 2*n + 2*m*b
return coeff * 0.5 * (F_h(n-0.5, m-0.5) - F_h(n+0.5, m-0.5)
- F_h(n-0.5, m+0.5) + F_h(n+0.5, m+0.5))
elif method == 'disc':
in_or_out = np.logical_not(np.logical_and(n == 0, m == 0))
return coeff * m / (n**2 + m**2 + 1E-30) * in_or_out
# Process input parameters:
v_dim, u_dim = np.shape(projection[0])
v_mag, u_mag = projection[:-1]
coeff = -b_0 * res**2 / (2*PHI_0)
# Create lookup-tables for the phase of one pixel:
u = np.linspace(-(u_dim-1), u_dim-1, num=2*u_dim-1)
v = np.linspace(-(v_dim-1), v_dim-1, num=2*v_dim-1)
uu, vv = np.meshgrid(u, v)
u_phi = phi_lookup(method, uu, vv, res, b_0)
v_phi = phi_lookup(method, vv, uu, res, b_0)
# Return the phase:
return fftconvolve(u_mag, u_phi, 'same') - fftconvolve(v_mag, v_phi, 'same')
# def fftconvolve(in1, in2, mode="full"):
# """Convolve two N-dimensional arrays using FFT.
# Convolve `in1` and `in2` using the fast Fourier transform method, with
# the output size determined by the `mode` argument.
# This is generally much faster than `convolve` for large arrays (n > ~500),
# but can be slower when only a few output values are needed, and can only
# output float arrays (int or object array inputs will be cast to float).
# Parameters
# ----------
# in1 : array_like
# First input.
# in2 : array_like
# Second input. Should have the same number of dimensions as `in1`;
# if sizes of `in1` and `in2` are not equal then `in1` has to be the
# larger array.
# mode : str {'full', 'valid', 'same'}, optional
# A string indicating the size of the output:
# ``full``
# The output is the full discrete linear convolution
# of the inputs. (Default)
# ``valid``
# The output consists only of those elements that do not
# rely on the zero-padding.
# ``same``
# The output is the same size as `in1`, centered
# with respect to the 'full' output.
# Returns
# -------
# out : array
# An N-dimensional array containing a subset of the discrete linear
# convolution of `in1` with `in2`.
# """
# in1 = asarray(in1)
# in2 = asarray(in2)
# if rank(in1) == rank(in2) == 0: # scalar inputs
# return in1 * in2
# elif not in1.ndim == in2.ndim:
# raise ValueError("in1 and in2 should have the same rank")
# elif in1.size == 0 or in2.size == 0: # empty arrays
# return array([])
# s1 = array(in1.shape)
# s2 = array(in2.shape)
# complex_result = (np.issubdtype(in1.dtype, np.complex) or
# np.issubdtype(in2.dtype, np.complex))
# size = s1 + s2 - 1
# if mode == "valid":
# for d1, d2 in zip(s1, s2):
# if not d1 >= d2:
# warnings.warn("in1 should have at least as many items as in2 in "
# "every dimension for 'valid' mode. In scipy "
# "0.13.0 this will raise an error",
# DeprecationWarning)
# # Always use 2**n-sized FFT
# fsize = 2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(size)).astype(int)
# print('fsize =', fsize)
# print('s1 =', s1)
# print('s2 =', s2)
# fslice = tuple([slice(0, int(sz)) for sz in size])
# if not complex_result:
# ret = irfftn(rfftn(in1, fsize) *
# rfftn(in2, fsize), fsize)[fslice].copy()
# ret = ret.real
# else:
# ret = ifftn(fftn(in1, fsize) * fftn(in2, fsize))[fslice].copy()
# if mode == "full":
# return ret
# elif mode == "same":
# return _centered(ret, s1)
# elif mode == "valid":
# return _centered(ret, abs(s1 - s2) + 1)
def phase_elec(res, projection, v_0=1, v_acc=30000):
'''Calculate the electric phase from magnetization distributions.
......@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ directions with the use of transfer functions (work in progress).
import time
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
import itertools
from pyramid.magdata import MagData
......@@ -49,3 +55,84 @@ def simple_axis_projection(mag_data, axis='z', threshold=0):
mag_data.magnitude[1].sum(2), # y_mag -> u_mag
mag_data.get_mask(threshold).sum(2)) # thickness profile
return projection
def single_tilt_projection(mag_data, tilt=0, threshold=0):
# TODO: Docstring!!!
assert isinstance(mag_data, MagData), 'Parameter mag_data has to be a MagData object!'
# assert axis == 'z' or axis == 'y' or axis == 'x', 'Axis has to be x, y or z (as string)!'
# Set starting variables:
dim = (mag_data.dim[0], mag_data.dim[2])
z_mag, y_mag, x_mag = mag_data.magnitude
mask = mag_data.get_mask()
projection = (np.zeros((mag_data.dim[1], mag_data.dim[2])),
np.zeros((mag_data.dim[1], mag_data.dim[2])),
np.zeros((mag_data.dim[1], mag_data.dim[2])))
def get_position(p, m, b, size):
x, y = np.array(p)[:, 0]+0.5, np.array(p)[:, 1]+0.5
return (y-m*x-b)/np.sqrt(m**2+1) + size/2.
def get_impact(pos, r, size):
return [x for x in np.arange(np.floor(pos-r), np.floor(pos+r)+1, dtype=int)
if 0 <= x < size]
def get_weight(delta, rho):
a, b = delta-rho, delta+rho
if a >= 1 or b <= -1: # TODO: Should not be necessary!
print 'Outside of bounds:', delta
return 0
# Upper boundary:
if b >= 1:
w_b = 0.5
w_b = (b*np.sqrt(1-b**2) + np.arctan(b/np.sqrt(1-b**2))) / pi
# Lower boundary:
if a <= -1:
w_a = -0.5
w_a = (a*np.sqrt(1-a**2) + np.arctan(a/np.sqrt(1-a**2))) / pi
return w_b - w_a
# Creating coordinate list of all voxels:
xi = range(dim[0])
yj = range(dim[1])
ii, jj = np.meshgrid(xi, yj)
voxels = list(itertools.product(yj, xi))
# Calculate positions along the projected pixel coordinate system:
direction = (-np.cos(tilt), np.sin(tilt))
center = (dim[0]/2., dim[1]/2.)
m = direction[0]/(direction[1]+1E-30)
b = center[0] - m * center[1]
positions = get_position(voxels, m, b, dim[0])
# Calculate weights:
r = 1/np.sqrt(np.pi) # radius of the voxel circle
rho = 0.5 / r # TODO: ratio of radii
weights = []
for i, voxel in enumerate(voxels):
voxel_weights = []
impacts = get_impact(positions[i], r, dim[0])
for impact in impacts:
distance = np.abs(impact+0.5 - positions[i])
delta = distance / r
voxel_weights.append((impact, get_weight(delta, rho)))
weights.append((voxel, voxel_weights))
# Calculate projection with the calculated weights for the voxels:
for i, weight in enumerate(weights):
voxel = weights[i][0]
voxel_weights = weights[i][1]
for voxel_weight in voxel_weights:
pixel, weight = voxel_weight
# Component parallel to tilt axis (':' goes over all slices):
projection[0][:, pixel] += weight * y_mag[voxel[0], :, voxel[1]]
# Component perpendicular to tilt axis:
projection[1][:, pixel] += weight * (x_mag[voxel[0], :, voxel[1]]*np.cos(tilt)
+ z_mag[voxel[0], :, voxel[1]]*np.sin(tilt))
# Thickness profile:
projection[2][:, pixel] += weight * mask[voxel[0], :, voxel[1]]
return projection
......@@ -32,18 +32,18 @@ def compare_methods():
b_0 = 1.1 # in T
res = 10.0 # in nm
phi = pi/4
padding = 12
padding = 3
density = 1
dim = (16, 128, 128) # in px (z, y, x)
dim = (8, 512, 512) # in px (z, y, x)
# Create magnetic shape:
geometry = 'slab'
if geometry == 'slab':
center = (dim[0]/2-0.5, dim[1]/2-0.5, dim[2]/2.-0.5) # in px (z, y, x) index starts at 0!
width = (dim[0]/2, dim[1]/2., dim[2]/2.) # in px (z, y, x)
center = (dim[0]/2.-0.5, dim[1]/2.-0.5, dim[2]/2.-0.5) # in px (z,y,x) index starts at 0!
width = (dim[0]/2, dim[1]/2, dim[2]/2) # in px (z, y, x)
mag_shape = mc.Shapes.slab(dim, center, width)
phase_ana = an.phase_mag_slab(dim, res, phi, center, width, b_0)
elif geometry == 'disc':
center = (dim[0]/2-0.5, dim[1]/2.-0.5, dim[2]/2.-0.5) # in px (z, y, x) index starts at 0!
center = (dim[0]/2.-0.5, dim[1]/2.-0.5, dim[2]/2.-0.5) # in px (z,y,x) index starts at 0!
radius = dim[1]/4 # in px
height = dim[0]/2 # in px
mag_shape = mc.Shapes.disc(dim, center, radius, height)
......@@ -68,21 +68,35 @@ def compare_methods():
start_time = time.time()
phase_map_disc = PhaseMap(res, pm.phase_mag_real(res, projection, 'disc', b_0))
print 'Time for real space approach (Disc):', time.time() - start_time
start_time = time.time()
phase_map_slab_conv = PhaseMap(res, pm.phase_mag_real_conv(res, projection, 'slab', b_0))
print 'Time for real space approach (Slab Convolve):', time.time() - start_time
start_time = time.time()
phase_map_disc_conv = PhaseMap(res, pm.phase_mag_real_conv(res, projection, 'disc', b_0))
print 'Time for real space approach (Disc Convolve):', time.time() - start_time
# Display the combinated plots with phasemap and holography image:
hi.display_combined(phase_map_ana, density, 'Analytic Solution')
hi.display_combined(phase_map_fft, density, 'Fourier Space')
hi.display_combined(phase_map_slab, density, 'Real Space (Slab)')
hi.display_combined(phase_map_disc, density, 'Real Space (Disc)')
hi.display_combined(phase_map_slab_conv, density, 'Real Space (Slab Convolve)')
hi.display_combined(phase_map_disc_conv, density, 'Real Space (Disc Convolve)')
# Plot differences to the analytic solution:
phase_map_diff_fft = PhaseMap(res, phase_map_ana.phase-phase_map_fft.phase)
phase_map_diff_slab = PhaseMap(res, phase_map_ana.phase-phase_map_slab.phase)
phase_map_diff_disc = PhaseMap(res, phase_map_ana.phase-phase_map_disc.phase)
phase_map_diff_slab_conv = PhaseMap(res, phase_map_ana.phase-phase_map_slab_conv.phase)
phase_map_diff_disc_conv = PhaseMap(res, phase_map_ana.phase-phase_map_disc_conv.phase)
RMS_fft = np.std(phase_map_diff_fft.phase)
RMS_slab = np.std(phase_map_diff_slab.phase)
RMS_disc = np.std(phase_map_diff_disc.phase)
RMS_slab_conv = np.std(phase_map_diff_slab_conv.phase)
RMS_disc_conv = np.std(phase_map_diff_disc_conv.phase)
phase_map_diff_fft.display('Fourier Space (RMS = {:3.2e})'.format(RMS_fft))
phase_map_diff_slab.display('Real Space (Slab) (RMS = {:3.2e})'.format(RMS_slab))
phase_map_diff_disc.display('Real Space (Disc) (RMS = {:3.2e})'.format(RMS_disc))
phase_map_diff_slab_conv.display('Real Space (Disc) (RMS = {:3.2e})'.format(RMS_slab_conv))
phase_map_diff_disc_conv.display('Real Space (Disc) (RMS = {:3.2e})'.format(RMS_disc_conv))
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import traceback
import sys
import os
from numpy import pi
import numpy as np
import pyramid.magcreator as mc
import pyramid.projector as pj
......@@ -30,20 +30,63 @@ def compare_pixel_fields():
# Input parameters:
res = 1.0 # in nm
phi = pi/2 # in rad
dim = (1, 101, 101)
phi = 0 # in rad
dim = (1, 32, 32)
pixel = (0, int(dim[1]/2), int(dim[2]/2))
limit = 0.25
limit = 0.35
def get_fourier_kernel():
PHI_0 = 2067.83 # magnetic flux in T*nm²
b_0 = 1
coeff = - 1j * b_0 * res**2 / (2*PHI_0)
nyq = 1 / res # nyquist frequency
f_u = np.linspace(0, nyq/2, dim[2]/2.+1)
f_v = np.linspace(-nyq/2, nyq/2, dim[1], endpoint=False)
f_uu, f_vv = np.meshgrid(f_u, f_v)
phase_fft = coeff * f_vv / (f_uu**2 + f_vv**2 + 1e-30)
# Transform to real space and revert padding:
phase_fft = np.fft.ifftshift(phase_fft, axes=0)
phase_fft_kernel = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.irfft2(phase_fft), axes=(0, 1))
return phase_fft_kernel
# Create magnetic data, project it, get the phase map and display the holography image:
mag_data = MagData(res, mc.create_mag_dist_homog(mc.Shapes.pixel(dim, pixel), phi))
mag_data.save_to_llg(directory + '/mag_dist_single_pixel.txt')
projection = pj.simple_axis_projection(mag_data)
phase_map_slab = PhaseMap(res, pm.phase_mag_real(res, projection, 'slab'), 'mrad')
phase_map_slab.display('Phase of one Pixel (Slab)', limit=limit)
# Kernel of a disc in real space:
phase_map_disc = PhaseMap(res, pm.phase_mag_real(res, projection, 'disc'), 'mrad')
phase_map_disc.display('Phase of one Pixel (Disc)', limit=limit)
phase_map_diff = PhaseMap(res, phase_map_disc.phase - phase_map_slab.phase, 'mrad')
phase_map_diff.display('Phase difference of one Pixel (Disc - Slab)')
# Kernel of a slab in real space:
phase_map_slab = PhaseMap(res, pm.phase_mag_real(res, projection, 'slab'), 'mrad')
phase_map_slab.display('Phase of one Pixel (Slab)', limit=limit)
# Kernel of the Fourier method:
phase_map_fft = PhaseMap(res, pm.phase_mag_fourier(res, projection, padding=0), 'mrad')
phase_map_fft.display('Phase of one Pixel (Fourier)', limit=limit)
# Kernel of the Fourier method, calculated directly:
phase_map_fft_kernel = PhaseMap(res, get_fourier_kernel(), 'mrad')
phase_map_fft_kernel.display('Phase of one Pixel (Fourier Kernel)', limit=limit)
# Kernel differences:
print 'Fourier Kernel, direct and indirect method are identical:', \
np.all(phase_map_fft_kernel.phase - phase_map_fft.phase) == 0
phase_map_diff = PhaseMap(res, phase_map_fft.phase - phase_map_disc.phase, 'mrad')
phase_map_diff.display('Phase difference of one Pixel (Disc - Fourier)')
phase_inv_fft_r = np.real(np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.rfft2(phase_map_fft.phase), axes=0))
phase_map_inv_fft = PhaseMap(res, phase_inv_fft_r)
phase_map_inv_fft.display('FT of the Phase of one Pixel (Fourier, real)')
phase_inv_fft_i = np.imag(np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.rfft2(phase_map_fft.phase), axes=0))
phase_map_inv_fft = PhaseMap(res, phase_inv_fft_i)
phase_map_inv_fft.display('FT of the Phase of one Pixel (Fourier, imag)')
phase_inv_disc_r = np.real(np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.rfft2(phase_map_disc.phase), axes=0))
phase_map_inv_disc = PhaseMap(res, phase_inv_disc_r)
phase_map_inv_disc.display('FT of the Phase of one Pixel (Disc, real)')
phase_inv_disc_i = np.imag(np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.rfft2(phase_map_disc.phase), axes=0))
phase_map_inv_disc = PhaseMap(res, phase_inv_disc_i)
phase_map_inv_disc.display('FT of the Phase of one Pixel (Disc, imag)')
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def create_sample():
directory = '../../output/magnetic distributions'
if not os.path.exists(directory):
......@@ -7,13 +7,17 @@
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
from matplotlibwidget import MatplotlibWidget
_fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8
except AttributeError:
_fromUtf8 = lambda s: s
class Ui_CreateLogoWidget(object):
def setupUi(self, CreateLogoWidget):
......@@ -64,5 +68,3 @@ class Ui_CreateLogoWidget(object):
self.xLabel.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("CreateLogoWidget", "X [px] :", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
self.yLabel.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("CreateLogoWidget", "Y [px] :", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
self.logoPushButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("CreateLogoWidget", "Create Logo", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
from matplotlibwidget import MatplotlibWidget
......@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ from pyramid.magdata import MagData
from pyramid.phasemap import PhaseMap
import os
os.chdir('C:\Users\Jan\Home\PhD Thesis\Pyramid\output')
os.chdir('C:\\Users\\Jan\\Home\\PhD Thesis\\Pyramid\\tests')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Sep 12 13:22:43 2013
@author: Jan
from pylab import *
f = 1
a, b = f * 32, f * 64
f_u = np.linspace(0, 1./3, a)
f_v = np.linspace(-1./6., 1./6., b, endpoint=False)
f_uu, f_vv = np.meshgrid(f_u, f_v)
phase_fft = 1j * f_vv / (f_uu**2 + f_vv**2 + 1e-30)
# Transform to real space and revert padding:
phase_fft = np.fft.ifftshift(phase_fft, axes=0)
ss = np.fft.irfft2(phase_fft)
print ss
pcolormesh(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftshift(ss, axes=1), axes=0), cmap='RdBu')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Sep 03 12:55:40 2013
@author: Jan
'''2D Case Bresenham's line algorithm'''
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator, NullLocator
dim = (4, 4)
offset = (dim[0]/2., dim[1]/2.)
phi = 1.000000001*pi/4
field = np.zeros(dim)
def get_position(p, m, b, size):
x, y = np.array(p)[:, 0]+0.5, np.array(p)[:, 1]+0.5
return (y-m*x-b)/np.sqrt(m**2+1) + size/2.
def get_impact(pos, r, size):
return [x for x in np.arange(np.floor(pos-r), np.floor(pos+r)+1, dtype=int) if 0 <= x < size]
def get_weight(d, r):
return (1 - d/r) * (d < r)
direction = (-np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi))
xi = range(dim[0])
yj = range(dim[1])
ii, jj = np.meshgrid(xi, yj)
r = 1/np.sqrt(np.pi)
m = direction[0]/direction[1]
b = offset[0] - m * offset[1]
voxels = list(itertools.product(yj, xi))
positions = get_position(voxels, m, b, dim[0])
weights = []
for i, voxel in enumerate(voxels):
voxel_weights = []
impacts = get_impact(positions[i], r, dim[0])
for impact in impacts:
distance = np.abs(impact+0.5 - positions[i])
voxel_weights.append((impact, get_weight(distance, r)))
weights.append((voxel, voxel_weights))
pixels = np.floor(positions).astype(int)
pixel_hits = zip(set(pixels), [list(pixels).count(i) for i in set(pixels)])
def Y(x):
return direction[0]/direction[1] * (x - offset[1]) + offset[0]
def Y_perp(x):
return - direction[1]/direction[0] * (x - offset[1]) + offset[0]
def X(y):
return direction[1]/direction[0] * (y - offset[0]) + offset[1]
x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 10)
fig = plt.figure()
axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
axis.pcolormesh(field, cmap='PuRd')
axis.grid(which='both', color='k', linestyle='-')
x = np.linspace(0, dim[1])
y = Y(x)
y_perp = Y_perp(x)
axis.plot(x, y, '-r', linewidth=2)
axis.plot(x, y_perp, '-g', linewidth=2)
axis.set_xlim(0, dim[1])
axis.set_ylim(0, dim[0])
axis.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=dim[1], integer=True))
axis.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=dim[0], integer=True))
for i, p in enumerate(voxels):
if 0 <= positions[i] < dim[0]:
color = 'k'
color = 'r'
plt.annotate('{:1.1f}'.format(positions[i]), p, size=8, color=color)
fig = plt.figure()
axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
axis.scatter(positions, 0.5*np.ones_like(positions))
axis.grid(which='both', color='k', linestyle='-')
axis.vlines((0, dim[0]), 0, 1, colors='r', linewidth=3)
axis.set_xlim(-int(0.3*dim[0]), int(1.3*dim[0]))
axis.set_ylim(0, 1)
axis.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(nbins=int(1.6*dim[0]), integer=True))
for i, px in enumerate(pixel_hits):
plt.annotate('{:d}'.format(px[1]), (px[0], 0.6), size=8)
......@@ -24,43 +24,46 @@ def compare_methods():
# # Input parameters:
# res = 10.0 # in nm
# phi = pi/4
# density = 1
# dim = (64, 64, 64) # in px (z, y, x)
# # Create magnetic shape:
# geometry = 'sphere'
# if geometry == 'slab':
# center = (dim[0]/2-0.5, dim[1]/2-0.5, dim[2]/2.-0.5) # in px (z, y, x) index starts at 0!
# width = (dim[0]/2, dim[1]/2., dim[2]/2.) # in px (z, y, x)
# mag_shape = mc.Shapes.slab(dim, center, width)
# elif geometry == 'disc':
# center = (dim[0]/2-0.5, dim[1]/2.-0.5, dim[2]/2.-0.5) # in px (z, y, x) index starts at 0!
# radius = dim[1]/4 # in px
# height = dim[0]/2 # in px
# mag_shape = mc.Shapes.disc(dim, center, radius, height)
# elif geometry == 'sphere':
# center = (32, 32, 32) # in px (z, y, x) index starts with 0!
# radius = 16 # in px
# mag_shape = mc.Shapes.sphere(dim, center, radius)
# # Project the magnetization data:
# mag_data = MagData(res, mc.create_mag_dist_homog(mag_shape, phi))
# Input parameters:
res = 10.0 # in nm
phi = 0
density = 1
dim = (128, 128, 128) # in px (z, y, x)
# Create magnetic shape:
geometry = 'slab'
if geometry == 'slab':
center = (dim[0]/2-0.5, dim[1]/2-0.5, dim[2]/2.-0.5) # in px (z, y, x) index starts at 0!
width = (dim[0]/2, dim[1]/2., dim[2]/2.) # in px (z, y, x)
mag_shape = mc.Shapes.slab(dim, center, width)
elif geometry == 'disc':
center = (dim[0]/2-0.5, dim[1]/2.-0.5, dim[2]/2.-0.5) # in px (z, y, x) index starts at 0!
radius = dim[1]/4 # in px
height = dim[0]/2 # in px
mag_shape = mc.Shapes.disc(dim, center, radius, height)
elif geometry == 'sphere':
center = (dim[0]/2, dim[1]/2, dim[2]/2) # in px (z, y, x) index starts with 0!
radius = dim[0]/4 # in px
mag_shape = mc.Shapes.sphere(dim, center, radius)
# Project the magnetization data:
mag_data = MagData(res, mc.create_mag_dist_homog(mag_shape, phi, theta=0))
density = 0.3
# density = 0.3
# mag_data = MagData.load_from_llg('../output/magnetic distributions/mag_dist_sphere.txt')
mag_data = MagData.load_from_llg('../output/magnetic distributions/mag_dist_sphere.txt')
res = mag_data.res
# mag_data.quiver_plot3d()
projection = pj.simple_axis_projection(mag_data)
import time
start = time.time()
projection = pj.single_tilt_projection(mag_data, tilt=pi/4)
print 'Total projection time:', time.time() - start
# Construct phase maps:
phase_map_mag = PhaseMap(res, pm.phase_mag_fourier(res, projection, padding=1))
phase_map_elec = PhaseMap(res, pm.phase_elec(res, projection, v_0 = 3))
phase_map_elec = PhaseMap(res, pm.phase_elec(res, projection, v_0=3))
# Display the combinated plots with phasemap and holography image:
hi.display_combined(phase_map_mag, density, title='Magnetic Phase')
hi.display_combined(phase_map_elec, density, title='Electric Phase')
phase_map = PhaseMap(res, phase_map_mag.phase+phase_map_elec.phase)
hi.display_combined(phase_map, density)
......@@ -2,32 +2,57 @@
"""Testcase for the analytic module."""
import os
import unittest
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
import pyramid.analytic as an
class TestCaseAnalytic(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'test_analytic/')
self.dim = (4, 4, 4)
self.res = 10.0
self.phi = pi/4 = (self.dim[0]/2-0.5, self.dim[1]/2-0.5, self.dim[2]/2-0.5)
self.radius = self.dim[2]/4
def tearDown(self):
def test_template(self):
self.path = None
self.dim = None
self.res = None
self.phi = None = None
self.radius = None
def test_phase_mag_slab(self):
width = (self.dim[0]/2, self.dim[1]/2, self.dim[2]/2)
phase = an.phase_mag_slab(self.dim, self.res, self.phi,, width)
reference = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_phase_slab.npy'))
np.testing.assert_equal(phase, reference, 'Unexpected behavior in phase_mag_slab()')
def test_phase_mag_disc(self):
radius = self.dim[2]/4
height = self.dim[2]/2
phase = an.phase_mag_disc(self.dim, self.res, self.phi,, radius, height)
reference = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_phase_disc.npy'))
np.testing.assert_equal(phase, reference, 'Unexpected behavior in phase_mag_disc()')
def test_phase_mag_sphere(self):
radius = self.dim[2]/4
phase = an.phase_mag_sphere(self.dim, self.res, self.phi,, radius)
reference = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_phase_sphere.npy'))
np.testing.assert_equal(phase, reference, 'Unexpected behavior in phase_mag_sphere()')
def test_phase_mag_vortex(self):
radius = self.dim[2]/4
height = self.dim[2]/2
phase = an.phase_mag_vortex(self.dim, self.res,, radius, height)
reference = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_phase_vort.npy'))
np.testing.assert_equal(phase, reference, 'Unexpected behavior in phase_mag_vortex()')
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCaseAnalytic)
File added
File added
File added
File added
......@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
"""Testcase for the magcreator module."""
import datetime
import sys
import os
import sys
import datetime
import unittest
import pep8
......@@ -13,32 +14,32 @@ class TestCaseCompliance(unittest.TestCase):
"""Class for checking compliance of pyramid.""" # TODO: Docstring
def setUp(self):
self.path = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))[0] # Pyramid dir
def tearDown(self):
self.path = None
def get_files_to_check(self, rootdir):
filepaths = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
for filename in files:
if ((filename.endswith('.py') or filename.endswith('.pyx'))
and root != os.path.join('scripts', 'gui')):
and root != os.path.join(self.path, 'scripts', 'gui')):
filepaths.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
return filepaths
def test_pep8(self):
# TODO: Docstring
files = self.get_files_to_check('pyramid') \
+ self.get_files_to_check('scripts') \
+ self.get_files_to_check('tests')
files = self.get_files_to_check(os.path.join(self.path, 'pyramid')) \
+ self.get_files_to_check(os.path.join(self.path, 'scripts')) \
+ self.get_files_to_check(os.path.join(self.path, 'tests'))
ignores = ('E226', 'E128')
pep8style = pep8.StyleGuide(quiet=False)
pep8style.options.ignore = ignores
stdout_buffer = sys.stdout
with open(os.path.join('output', 'pep8_log.txt'), 'w') as sys.stdout:
with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'output', 'pep8_log.txt'), 'w') as sys.stdout:
print '<<< PEP8 LOGFILE >>>'
print 'RUN:',"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print 'IGNORED RULES:', ', '.join(ignores)
......@@ -2,29 +2,42 @@
"""Testcase for the holoimage module."""
import os
import unittest
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
from pyramid.phasemap import PhaseMap
import pyramid.holoimage as hi
class TestCaseHoloImage(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'test_holoimage')
phase = np.zeros((4, 4))
phase[1:-1, 1:-1] = pi/4
self.phase_map = PhaseMap(10.0, phase)
def tearDown(self):
self.path = None
self.phase_map = None
def test_holo_image(self):
def test_make_color_wheel(self):
def test_display(self):
img = hi.holo_image(self.phase_map)
arr = np.array(img.getdata(), np.uint8).reshape(img.size[1], img.size[0], 3)
holo_img_r, holo_img_g, holo_img_b = arr[..., 0], arr[..., 1], arr[..., 2]
ref_holo_img_r = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_holo_img_r.txt'))
ref_holo_img_g = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_holo_img_g.txt'))
ref_holo_img_b = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(self.path, 'ref_holo_img_b.txt'))
np.testing.assert_equal(holo_img_r, ref_holo_img_r,
'Unexpected behavior in holo_image() (r-component)!')
np.testing.assert_equal(holo_img_g, ref_holo_img_g,
'Unexpected behavior in holo_image() (g-component)!')
np.testing.assert_equal(holo_img_b, ref_holo_img_b,
'Unexpected behavior in holo_image() (b-component)!')
def test_display_combined(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCaseHoloImage)
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