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Commit e44e9742 authored by Jan Caron's avatar Jan Caron
Browse files

Merge branch 'release-0.2.0' into 'master'

Release 0.2.0

Closes #45

See merge request empyre/empyre!30
parents 63dbdeca 461a6c39
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......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ def quiverkey(quiv, field, axis=None, unit='', loc='lower right', **kwargs):
quiv : Quiver instance
The quiver instance returned by a call to quiver.
field : `Field` or ndarray
The vector data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=True` and `scale=1` are assumed).
The vector data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=True` and `scale=1.0` are assumed).
axis : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot`, optional
Axis to which the quiverkey is added, by default None, which will pick the last used axis via `gca`.
unit: str, optional
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ def quiverkey(quiv, field, axis=None, unit='', loc='lower right', **kwargs):
if axis is None: # If no axis is set, find the current or create a new one:
axis = plt.gca()
if not isinstance(field, Field): # Try to convert input to Field if it is not already one:
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1, vector=True)
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1.0, vector=True)
length =
shift = 1 / field.squeeze().dim[1] # equivalent to one pixel distance in axis coords!
label = f'{length:.3g} {unit}'
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def imshow(field, axis=None, cmap=None, **kwargs):
field : `Field` or ndarray
The image data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=False` and `scale=1` are assumed).
The image data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=False` and `scale=1.0` are assumed).
axis : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object, optional
The axis to which the image should be added, by default None, which will pick the last use axis via `gca`.
cmap : str or `matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def imshow(field, axis=None, cmap=None, **kwargs):
_log.debug('Calling imshow')
if not isinstance(field, Field): # Try to convert input to Field if it is not already one:
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1, vector=False)
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1.0, vector=False)
assert not field.vector, 'Can only plot scalar fields!'
# Get squeezed data and make sure it's 2D scalar:
squeezed_field = field.squeeze()
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def contour(field, axis=None, **kwargs):
field : `Field` or ndarray
The contour data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=False` and `scale=1` are assumed).
The contour data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=False` and `scale=1.0` are assumed).
axis : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object, optional
The axis to which the contour should be added, by default None, which will pick the last use axis via `gca`.
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def contour(field, axis=None, **kwargs):
_log.debug('Calling contour')
if not isinstance(field, Field): # Try to convert input to Field if it is not already one:
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1, vector=False)
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1.0, vector=False)
assert not field.vector, 'Can only plot scalar fields!'
# Get squeezed data and make sure it's 2D scalar:
squeezed_field = field.squeeze()
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ def colorvec(field, axis=None, **kwargs):
field : `Field` or ndarray
The image data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=True` and `scale=1` are assumed).
The image data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=True` and `scale=1.0` are assumed).
axis : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object, optional
The axis to which the image should be added, by default None, which will pick the last use axis via `gca`.
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ def colorvec(field, axis=None, **kwargs):
_log.debug('Calling colorvec')
if not isinstance(field, Field): # Try to convert input to Field if it is not already one:
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1, vector=True)
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1.0, vector=True)
assert field.vector, 'Can only plot vector fields!'
assert len(field.dim) <= 3, 'Unusable for vector fields with dimension higher than 3!'
assert len(field.dim) == field.ncomp, ('Assignment of vector components to dimensions is ambiguous!'
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ def cosine_contours(field, axis=None, gain='auto', cmap=None, **kwargs):
field : `Field` or ndarray
The contour data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=False` and `scale=1` are assumed).
The contour data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=False` and `scale=1.0` are assumed).
axis : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object, optional
The axis to which the contour should be added, by default None, which will pick the last use axis via `gca`.
gain : float or 'auto', optional
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ def cosine_contours(field, axis=None, gain='auto', cmap=None, **kwargs):
_log.debug('Calling cosine_contours')
if not isinstance(field, Field): # Try to convert input to Field if it is not already one:
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1, vector=False)
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1.0, vector=False)
assert not field.vector, 'Can only plot scalar fields!'
# Get squeezed data and make sure it's 2D scalar:
squeezed_field = field.squeeze()
......@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ def quiver(field, axis=None, color_angles=False, cmap=None, n_bin='auto', bin_wi
field : `Field` or ndarray
The vector data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=True` and `scale=1` are assumed).
The vector data as a `Field` or a numpy array (in the latter case, `vector=True` and `scale=1.0` are assumed).
axis : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` object, optional
The axis to which the image should be added, by default None, which will pick the last use axis via `gca`.
color_angles : bool, optional
......@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ def quiver(field, axis=None, color_angles=False, cmap=None, n_bin='auto', bin_wi
_log.debug('Calling quiver')
if not isinstance(field, Field): # Try to convert input to Field if it is not already one:
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1, vector=True)
field = Field(data=np.asarray(field), scale=1.0, vector=True)
assert field.vector, 'Can only plot vector fields!'
assert len(field.dim) <= 3, 'Unusable for vector fields with dimension higher than 3!'
assert len(field.dim) == field.ncomp, ('Assignment of vector components to dimensions is ambiguous!'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 by Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
# Author: J. Caron
"""This module provides functions for 3D plots based on the `mayavi` library."""
import logging
import numpy as np
from . import colors
__all__ = ['contour3d', 'mask3d', 'quiver3d']
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO: Docstrings and signature!
def contour3d(field, title='Field Distribution', contours=10, opacity=0.25, size=None, new_fig=True, **kwargs):
"""Plot a field as a 3D-contour plot.
title: string, optional
The title for the plot.
contours: int, optional
Number of contours which should be plotted.
opacity: float, optional
Defines the opacity of the contours. Default is 0.25.
plot : :class:`mayavi.modules.vectors.Vectors`
The plot object.
_log.debug('Calling contour3d')
from mayavi import mlab
except ImportError:
_log.error('This extension recquires the mayavi package!')
if size is None:
size = (750, 700)
if new_fig:
mlab.figure(size=size, bgcolor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), fgcolor=(0., 0., 0.))
zzz, yyy, xxx = np.indices(field.dim) + np.reshape(field.scale, (3, 1, 1, 1)) / 2 # shifted by half of scale!
zzz, yyy, xxx = zzz.T, yyy.T, xxx.T # Transpose because of VTK order!
field_amp = # Transpose because of VTK order!
if not isinstance(contours, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): # Calculate the contours:
contours = list(np.linspace(field_amp.min(), field_amp.max(), contours))
extent = np.ravel(list(zip((0, 0, 0), field_amp.shape)))
cont = mlab.contour3d(xxx, yyy, zzz, field_amp, contours=contours, opacity=opacity, **kwargs)
mlab.outline(cont, extent=extent)
mlab.axes(cont, extent=extent)
mlab.title(title, height=0.95, size=0.35)
return cont
def mask3d(field, title='Mask', threshold=0, grid=True, labels=True,
orientation=True, size=None, new_fig=True, **kwargs):
"""Plot the mask as a 3D-contour plot.
title: string, optional
The title for the plot.
threshold : float, optional
A pixel only gets masked, if it lies above this threshold . The default is 0.
plot : :class:`mayavi.modules.vectors.Vectors`
The plot object.
_log.debug('Calling mask3d')
from mayavi import mlab
except ImportError:
_log.error('This extension recquires the mayavi package!')
if size is None:
size = (750, 700)
if new_fig:
mlab.figure(size=size, bgcolor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), fgcolor=(0., 0., 0.))
zzz, yyy, xxx = np.indices(field.dim) + np.reshape(field.scale, (3, 1, 1, 1)) / 2 # shifted by half of scale!
zzz, yyy, xxx = zzz.T, yyy.T, xxx.T # Transpose because of VTK order!
mask = # Transpose because of VTK order!
extent = np.ravel(list(zip((0, 0, 0), mask.shape)))
cont = mlab.contour3d(xxx, yyy, zzz, mask, contours=[1], **kwargs)
if grid:
mlab.outline(cont, extent=extent)
if labels:
mlab.axes(cont, extent=extent)
mlab.title(title, height=0.95, size=0.35)
if orientation:
oa = mlab.orientation_axes()
oa.marker.set_viewport(0, 0, 0.4, 0.4)
engine = mlab.get_engine()
scene = engine.scenes[0]
return cont
def quiver3d(field, title='Vector Field', limit=None, cmap='jet', mode='2darrow',
coloring='angle', ar_dens=1, opacity=1.0, grid=True, labels=True,
orientation=True, size=(700, 750), new_fig=True, view='isometric',
position=None, bgcolor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)):
"""Plot the vector field as 3D-vectors in a quiverplot.
title : string, optional
The title for the plot.
limit : float, optional
Plotlimit for the vector field arrow length used to scale the colormap.
cmap : string, optional
String describing the colormap which is used for amplitude encoding (default is 'jet').
ar_dens: int, optional
Number defining the arrow density which is plotted. A higher ar_dens number skips more
arrows (a number of 2 plots every second arrow). Default is 1.
mode: string, optional
Mode, determining the glyphs used in the 3D plot. Default is '2darrow', which
corresponds to 2D arrows. For smaller amounts of arrows, 'arrow' (3D) is prettier.
coloring : {'angle', 'amplitude'}, optional
Color coding mode of the arrows. Use 'angle' (default) or 'amplitude'.
opacity: float, optional
Defines the opacity of the arrows. Default is 1.0 (completely opaque).
plot : :class:`mayavi.modules.vectors.Vectors`
The plot object.
_log.debug('Calling quiver_plot3D')
from mayavi import mlab
except ImportError:
_log.error('This extension recquires the mayavi package!')
if limit is None:
limit = np.max(np.nan_to_num(field.amp))
ad = ar_dens
# Create points and vector components as lists:
zzz, yyy, xxx = (np.indices(field.dim) + 1 / 2)
zzz = zzz[::ad, ::ad, ::ad].ravel()
yyy = yyy[::ad, ::ad, ::ad].ravel()
xxx = xxx[::ad, ::ad, ::ad].ravel()
x_mag =[::ad, ::ad, ::ad, 0].ravel()
y_mag =[::ad, ::ad, ::ad, 1].ravel()
z_mag =[::ad, ::ad, ::ad, 2].ravel()
# Plot them as vectors:
if new_fig:
mlab.figure(size=size, bgcolor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), fgcolor=(0., 0., 0.))
if coloring == 'angle': # Encodes the full angle via colorwheel and saturation:
_log.debug('Encoding full 3D angles')
vecs = mlab.quiver3d(xxx, yyy, zzz, x_mag, y_mag, z_mag, mode=mode, opacity=opacity,
scalars=np.arange(len(xxx)), line_width=2)
vector = np.asarray((x_mag.ravel(), y_mag.ravel(), z_mag.ravel()))
rgb = colors.CMAP_CIRCULAR_DEFAULT.rgb_from_vector(vector)
rgba = np.hstack((rgb, 255 * np.ones((len(xxx), 1), dtype=np.uint8)))
vecs.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar'
vecs.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = rgba
elif coloring == 'amplitude': # Encodes the amplitude of the arrows with the jet colormap:
_log.debug('Encoding amplitude')
vecs = mlab.quiver3d(xxx, yyy, zzz, x_mag, y_mag, z_mag,
mode=mode, colormap=cmap, opacity=opacity, line_width=2)
raise AttributeError('Coloring mode not supported!')
vecs.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_position = 'center'
vecs.module_manager.vector_lut_manager.data_range = np.array([0, limit])
extent = np.ravel(list(zip((0, 0, 0), (field.dim[2], field.dim[1], field.dim[0]))))
if grid:
mlab.outline(vecs, extent=extent)
if labels:
mlab.axes(vecs, extent=extent)
mlab.title(title, height=0.95, size=0.35)
if orientation:
oa = mlab.orientation_axes()
oa.marker.set_viewport(0, 0, 0.4, 0.4)
engine = mlab.get_engine()
scene = engine.scenes[0]
if view == 'isometric':
elif view == 'x_plus_view':
elif view == 'y_plus_view':
if position: = position
return vecs
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ __all__ = ['new', 'savefig', 'calc_figsize', 'use_style', 'copy_mpl_stylesheets'
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def new(nrows=1, ncols=1, mode='image', figsize=None, textwidth=None, width_scale=1, aspect=None, **kwargs):
def new(nrows=1, ncols=1, mode='image', figsize=None, textwidth=None, width_scale=1.0, aspect=None, **kwargs):
R"""Convenience function for the creation of a new subplot grid (wraps `~matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`).
If you use the `textwidth` parameter, plot sizes are fitting into publications with LaTeX. Requires two stylesheets
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def savefig(fname, **kwargs):
plt.savefig(fname, **kwargs)
def calc_figsize(textwidth, width_scale=1, aspect=1):
def calc_figsize(textwidth, width_scale=1.0, aspect=1):
R"""Helper function to calculate the figure size from various parameters. Useful for publications via LaTeX.
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