Updated to work with Python 3!
GUIs now import .ui-files directly.
- .hgignore 1 addition, 0 deletions.hgignore
- .idea/.name 0 additions, 1 deletion.idea/.name
- .idea/Pyramid.iml 0 additions, 22 deletions.idea/Pyramid.iml
- .idea/codeStyleSettings.xml 0 additions, 13 deletions.idea/codeStyleSettings.xml
- .idea/dictionaries/Jan.xml 0 additions, 3 deletions.idea/dictionaries/Jan.xml
- .idea/encodings.xml 0 additions, 6 deletions.idea/encodings.xml
- .idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml 0 additions, 90 deletions.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
- .idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml 0 additions, 7 deletions.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml
- .idea/misc.xml 0 additions, 14 deletions.idea/misc.xml
- .idea/modules.xml 0 additions, 12 deletions.idea/modules.xml
- .idea/scopes/__c.xml 0 additions, 3 deletions.idea/scopes/__c.xml
- .idea/scopes/__init__.xml 0 additions, 3 deletions.idea/scopes/__init__.xml
- .idea/vcs.xml 0 additions, 9 deletions.idea/vcs.xml
- .idea/workspace.xml 0 additions, 1500 deletions.idea/workspace.xml
- pyramid/__init__.py 2 additions, 7 deletionspyramid/__init__.py
- pyramid/colormap.py 2 additions, 2 deletionspyramid/colormap.py
- pyramid/fft.py 10 additions, 15 deletionspyramid/fft.py
- pyramid/fielddata.py 18 additions, 30 deletionspyramid/fielddata.py
- pyramid/forwardmodel.py 2 additions, 2 deletionspyramid/forwardmodel.py
- pyramid/kernel.py 5 additions, 3 deletionspyramid/kernel.py
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