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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jul 21, 2015
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Dedicated class for polynomial ramps of arbitrary order! · d136112f
      Jan Caron authored
      Cleanup and documentation!
      ramp: New class for polynomial ramps. Instantiated in the ForwardModel.
      forwardmodel: Now uses new ramp class.
      phasemapper: Ramp functionality moved to ramp class.
      reconstruction: Ramp order not used, ramp can be now retrieved from the ramp
                      class after reconstruction.
      analytic, magcreator: Better and consistent definition of pixel centers and
                            their influence on the phase.
      testing: Minor corrections for new syntax.
  2. Jul 16, 2015
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Phase offset and ramp can now be fitted! Many updates and fixes to plotting! · 622c59d8
      Jan Caron authored
      colormap: New module with colormap subclass which has special functions to
                calculate directional rgb-colors, now used in many plots!
      __init__: On star import now also has abbreviations for a few modules.
      fwd_model: Now has flags for fitting an offset and/or ramp.
                 CAUTION: will be moved next update to new class!
      magdata: Removed colorwheel stuff (all moved to 'colormap'). Overhaul of quiver
               plot in 2D and 3D. Now shows mask and uses new colormap for angular
               color coding.
      phasemap: Now uses the new colormap for holo plots. Removed color wheel (moved
                to the new class). Added function to add ramps.
      phasemapper: Now handles also offsets and ramps in the phase.
                   CAUTION: will be moved next update to new class!
      projector: Fixed bugs in SimpleProjector. 1) leftmost pixels are no longer moved
                 moved to left corner of padded projection (when dim_uv is not None).
                 2) odd padding when using dim_uv are now handled properly (one more
                 pixel on top and right if necessary).
      costfunction: n is now taken from the fwd_model instead of the data_set.
      dataset: Introduced the count variable which gives the number of images.
      magcreator: In the process of updating, more on next commit.
      reconstruction: Also handles ramps and offsets now, properly extracts them after
      regularisator: New argument 'add_params' is used to cut off input (for offset
                     and ramp) which are not used in the regularisation.
      scripts: several small changes...
  3. Feb 03, 2015
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Mainly implementation of diagnostics class! ... And stuff! · fc55842d
      Jan Caron authored
      docstrings: updated!
      costfunction: CFAdapterScipyCG obsolete, deleted estimate_lambda()
      dataset: use_fftw and threads obsolete
      diagnostics: implemented stuff... much stuff...
      fft: Docstrings and implementation of threads
      magcreator: fixed bug in slab (dimension mix-up)
      phasemap: plot now also returns colorbar
      reconstruction: PrintIterator and optimize_simple_leastsq obsolete
      regularisator: Docstrings
      scripts: minor modifications
      scripts - reconstruct_random_pixels: now use optimize_linear
      testcases: analytic, compliance, kernel, magcreator, magdata, projector
  4. Dec 09, 2014
  5. Nov 24, 2014
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Big Bunch of small updates! · 4ab7bc63
      Jan Caron authored
      setup: Changes to, pyramid.version to fit to numpy and jutil
             now uses __all__ magic and supports from pyramid import *
      tests: changes to test_compliance/magcreator/analytic (should now work)
      collaborations: added several scripts for Patrick
      reconstruction: added batch file for the reconstruction of several configs
      test methods: (unfinished) scripts for fftw tests and kernel comparisons
      paper 1: ch5-4 changed padding values to 0, 1, 3 and 7
      plotting: deleted lines (have to be done manually now or via Spyder)
      logging: now named _log instead of LOG (private variable instead of constant)
               also some logs were disabled, because Pylint says they are slow...
      reconstruction: now has info argument (pass a list in which cost info is copied)
      phasemapper: changed sign of constant PHI_0, is now correctly positive (instead
                   the negative z-integration is taken into account which was not done
      kernel: now uses FFTW, numpy code was changed accordingly and is still available
      phasemapper: also uses FFTW now, work in progress: FFTW for jac_T_dot
  6. May 15, 2014
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Further optimization · ce62f949
      Jan Caron authored
      pep8: optimizations
      phasemapper_core: numcore module for phasemapper
      scripts: compatibility with new structure
      reconstruction: new scripts
  7. Apr 16, 2014
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Documentation and cleanup of the pyramid package! · 6fc82b2f
      Jan Caron authored
      datacollection --> dataset
      optimizer      --> reconstruction
      interactive_setup is now implemented in an extended Spyder startup file.
      some other scripts are now
      the rest is NOT adapted, yet, which is the next task at hand
      furthermore scripts will be sorted and unused ones deleted in the next commit
  8. Jan 02, 2014
  9. Dec 03, 2013
  10. Nov 23, 2013
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Jacobi-matrix calculation via new Kernel helper class! · ebd9398e
      Jan Caron authored
      phasemapper: added Kernel helper class with methods to calculate the jacobi
      matrix or to multiply a vector with the (transposed) jacobi matrix without
      explicitly calculating the full matrix
      magcreator: added Shape.ellipsoid
      numcore: added (experimental) speed-up for jacobi-matrix (not faster)
      scripts: modified get_jacobi to test the new Kernel class,
      tests: test_compliance now also searches and creates a list of TODOs
  11. Aug 25, 2013
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Sphinx and NetCDF4 support implemented, new features for pyramid objects · c1d56ac8
      Jan Caron authored
      pyramid: all docstrings in numpydoc (package installed) format (used by spinx)
      holoimage: removed error, phase was falsely multiplied by pi/2
      magcreator: removed create_mag_dist_comb, renamed functions for disc and vortex
      magdata: Allows creation of empty MagData objects and easy adding of magnitudes
      phasemap: Allows units to be set for plots, added 3D plot
      phasemapper: Electrostatic component implemented
      projector: Projection now includes thickness profile
      docs: support for html, latex and pdf (experimental), use "make *" in shell
      scripts: new structure, deleted some compare_* functions, added test_methods
      .hpignore: now also ignores *.c and _* files (_build used in docs)
  12. Aug 13, 2013
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Final version of paper scripts · 975e30c2
      Jan Caron authored
      holoimage: changed colorwheel (now without axes)
      magcreator: create_vortex now also allows a 3D-center (2D is extracted)
      magdata: new methods: get_mask() and scale_down()
      phasemap: changed plotting defaults (new kwargs)
      phasemapper: started on electrical contribution
  13. Jul 17, 2013
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Implementation of numcore and small changes · 4b3922c3
      Jan Caron authored
      numcore: deleted c1, c2, c3, name changes in phase_mag_real
      analytic: name change beta to phi
      phasemapper: changes to include numcore
      test_compliance: also checkes .pyx files now
      setup: now works properly (hopefully on other systems, too)
      compare_discs: added script to compare discs
  14. Jul 10, 2013
  15. Jun 12, 2013
  16. Jun 06, 2013
  17. May 23, 2013
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Completed the restructuring of the package · f62f0ab4
      Jan Caron authored
      scripts: changed scripts to work with the new syntax of the package
      PhaseMag and MagData: added load and save options for NetCDF files
      MagData: changed 3D-plotting to use mayavi (faster and better looking)
      test: added more TestCases for various modules
      phasemapper: added computation method to use mx and my (now standard)
      compare_method_errors: first draft of script to compare the different errors
  18. May 18, 2013
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      Completed new program structure! · 9d34cde6
      Jan Caron authored
      Scripts are nearly adapted to the new structure and easier to read.
      (Except analytic module and scripts get_jacobi and inverse)
  19. May 15, 2013
  20. May 07, 2013
  21. May 06, 2013
    • Jan Caron's avatar
      scripts: Splitted the main in several smaller scripts · 78d70d7c
      Jan Caron authored
      test: changed the dataloader TestCase
      pyramex: first experiments with Cython and SCons
      dataloader: changed the order in which the dimensions are saved,
              z_len is no longer part of the magnetization (this was the reason why
              we had to divide by res, which is equal to z_len for calculating coeff)
      magcreator: shapes are now separate functions, mag_shape is now an argument for
              one unified create_hom_mag-function
      phasemap: unification of the phasemap-functions in real space (just the pixel-
              field is calculated different now)
  22. Apr 30, 2013
  23. Apr 29, 2013
  24. Apr 26, 2013
  25. Apr 18, 2013
  26. Apr 12, 2013
  27. Apr 10, 2013
  28. Apr 05, 2013