- Mar 14, 2017
Jan Caron authored
docs: moved up one level. plottools: added some default label sizes. version: added to VCS and added a TODO (switch to Git) fielddata: added rot90 for ScalarData, lot of small changes.
- Jan 22, 2017
Jan Caron authored
diagnostics: now takes magdata as input instead of a vector. Plotting routines for diagnostics added. fielddata: Added quiverkey if b_0 is provided. phasemap: If appropriate unit is provided, will be labeled as "Gain Map". scalebar: Cleaned up and clipping added.
- Jan 09, 2017
Jan Caron authored
reconstruction: jutil.TakeTime is now used here. scalebars: Module which allows nice scalebars to be displayed in all plots. This is the new default and can be turned off. ramp: Now stores everything from the dataset directly to self, instead of keeping a reference to the DataSet (construct without Dataset in future!). projector: tqdm now uses tqdm_notebook if used in IPython Notebook! magcreator: Added functionality for smooth vortices (see de Graef et al.). kernel: Corrected behaviour of slab geometry (u and v were still switched!). dataset: phasemappers now accessable as dictionary or list. The append function now also takes lists (but projectors and phasemappers can in turn not set directly anymore). Se_inv will be updated automatically. diagnostics: Functionality to access total, directional and magnitude error, according to Kemp et al.
- Sep 01, 2016
Jan Caron authored
Addition of plot_field for FieldData as alternative to quiver plots. PhaseMap phase plot now has an option to cut outliers (e.g. difference plots). IO of PhaseMaps now can handle different file extensions in one loading. Phasemap creator GUI now uses IO loading. Replaced flatten with ravel (memory efficiency). Renamed non constant variables to lower case (not UPPER CASE anymore).
- Jul 26, 2016
Jan Caron authored
New API module unclutters the namespace (import pyramid.api as pr).
- Jul 17, 2016