- Oct 29, 2014
Jörn Ungermann authored
Jörn Ungermann authored
Jörn Ungermann authored
fixed some minor compilation bugs and updated to current jutil. prepared jutil reconstruction routines.
- Oct 28, 2014
Jan Caron authored
Jan Caron authored
Still to do: PhaseMapperElectric does not work 3D reconstruction does not converge
Jörn Ungermann authored
- Oct 27, 2014
Jan Caron authored
New structure with (hopefully) no redundancy.
- Oct 06, 2014
Jan Caron authored
- Sep 26, 2014
Jörn Ungermann authored
- Sep 25, 2014
Jan Caron authored
minor changes to plotting methods (PhaseMap now plottable without colorbar). phase_map: gain can now be set to 'auto' (5 fringes, determined by max. phase). renamed 'density' to 'gain' (makes more sense). regularisator: started to include norms and more kinds of regularisations. mag_slicer: GUI which can go through loaded magnetizations along the major axes. paper 1: minor changes to the scripts for the results.
- Sep 01, 2014
Jan Caron authored
Many Doctring corrections, all plots now have a "show" parameter to not show a plot at the end of the method (needed for guis and such). magdata: quiver_plot: axis switch for x-projection, implemented logarithmic arrows and scaling feature. projector: added to_mag_data() method to directly produce a projected magnetization distribution. gui/create_logo: removed (obsolete and unuseful). gui/mag_slicer: added!
- Aug 24, 2014
Jan Caron authored
- Aug 19, 2014
Jan Caron authored
regularisator: new module to represent different regularisation strategies costfunction: changed to use the new Regularisator classes, changed arguments! dataset: fixed bug that always displayed the own phase maps instead of provided reconstruction: changed to use the new Regularisator classes, changed arguments! scripts/rueffner_file: tried to avoid Memory Error (no success) scripts/zi_an: added holographic contour plots with overlayd magnetization scripts/reconstruction_sparse_cg_test: now uses Regularisator classes and plots phase differences (original - reconstr.)
- Aug 17, 2014
Jan Caron authored
projector: ALL projectors can now handle arbitrary dimensions dataset: reverted to old strategy (dimensions must match) reconstruction: least square method now also with regularization of order 1 scripts: cleanup and streamlining, added projector_test
- Aug 13, 2014
Jan Caron authored
dataset: phase map dimensions do not have to match anylonger (just with the connected projector) reconstruction: simple least square: added regularisation of 1. order scripts: stuff which will be cleaned up in next commit
- Aug 12, 2014
Jan Caron authored
- Aug 06, 2014
Jan Caron authored
magdata: implemented save_to_x3d (Bielefeld collaboration) template.x3d: template for the x3d output (header file with spin-blueprints) numcore.kernel_core: implemented multiply_jacobi_T_core scripts: added vtk scripts for full nanowires and segments script to process file by Daniel Rüffner
- May 15, 2014
- Apr 17, 2014
Jan Caron authored
package: some minor corrections (mainly import statements), some old functions were revived (e.g. in MagData) scripts: adaption to the new structure and sorting (more work is to do here...) _version: __version__ string is now imported from this file phasemapper_core.pyx: added to separate the corresponding numcore_functions from kernel_core.pyx
- Apr 16, 2014
Jan Caron authored
Renames: datacollection --> dataset optimizer --> reconstruction scripts: interactive_setup is now implemented in an extended Spyder startup file. some other scripts are now the rest is NOT adapted, yet, which is the next task at hand furthermore scripts will be sorted and unused ones deleted in the next commit
- Mar 11, 2014
Jan Caron authored
not represent the correct matrizes (hopefully, now they do). >>> PACKAGE forwardmodel, kernel, phasemapper: b_0 is now again inherent part of the kernel. projector: Corrected .jac_T_dot, now delivers product for the correct matrix. >>> SCRIPTS simple_reconstruction: Does simple compliance tests for 1 and 2 projections and tests a simple solver via scipy.sparse.linalg.cg for the reconstruction.
Jan Caron authored
documentation: minor changes and updates of docstrings
- Feb 10, 2014
Jan Caron authored
regrid: Added many scripts for regridding by Jörn logging: Introduced logging scripts: Added Scripts for regridding and simulating stuff for cooperations removed: Unused test scripts structure: Many new restructuring aspects already implemented
- Jan 02, 2014
Jan Caron authored
modularity and compatibility with future algorithms and ideas.
- Dec 05, 2013
Jan Caron authored
(At the moment a bit slow, optimization with Cython seems necessary).
- Dec 03, 2013
- Nov 28, 2013
Jörn Ungermann authored
- Nov 23, 2013
Jan Caron authored
phasemapper: added Kernel helper class with methods to calculate the jacobi matrix or to multiply a vector with the (transposed) jacobi matrix without explicitly calculating the full matrix magcreator: added Shape.ellipsoid numcore: added (experimental) speed-up for jacobi-matrix (not faster) scripts: modified get_jacobi to test the new Kernel class, tests: test_compliance now also searches and creates a list of TODOs
- Nov 18, 2013
Jan Caron authored
phasemapper: new function get_kernel() for convenience, mag_real_fast() for calculation of the phase with pre-computed lookup-tables projector: single_tilt_projection() now works as intended Added scripts for the creation of core-shell-structures Added script for charge calculation by contour integration Added script for creating tilt series of core-shell-structure for reconstruction Various minor modifications, mostly nomenclature and streamlining
- Sep 18, 2013
Jan Caron authored
- Aug 25, 2013
Jan Caron authored
pyramid: all docstrings in numpydoc (package installed) format (used by spinx) holoimage: removed error, phase was falsely multiplied by pi/2 magcreator: removed create_mag_dist_comb, renamed functions for disc and vortex magdata: Allows creation of empty MagData objects and easy adding of magnitudes phasemap: Allows units to be set for plots, added 3D plot phasemapper: Electrostatic component implemented projector: Projection now includes thickness profile docs: support for html, latex and pdf (experimental), use "make *" in shell scripts: new structure, deleted some compare_* functions, added test_methods .hpignore: now also ignores *.c and _* files (_build used in docs)
- Aug 13, 2013
Jan Caron authored
holoimage: changed colorwheel (now without axes) magcreator: create_vortex now also allows a 3D-center (2D is extracted) magdata: new methods: get_mask() and scale_down() phasemap: changed plotting defaults (new kwargs) phasemapper: started on electrical contribution
- Aug 09, 2013
Jan Caron authored
- Jul 25, 2013
- Jul 24, 2013