Johannes Wasmer authoredJohannes Wasmer authored
KKR introduction
- master-thesis speaking notes for this slide
- KKR SCF cycle
dft20 lecture 20 KKR
- p. 18
- 1) potential V -> solutions R, H
- from iffMD KKRimp tutorial: this is the single-site problem
- from dft20 p.27: secular equation: local solution of TISE in each cell with basis RL YL
- from iffMD KKRimp tutorial: t = V + V G0 t = ∫_V ∑_L J V R
- 2) Algebraic Dyson equation -> structural GF
- the ADE IS the SGF
- the SGF contains all possible scattering paths btw any two cells
- Sol found by Fourier transform (k-space), matrix inv, back-transform (otherwise infinite sum)
- from msc2a. for KKRimp, one gets the impurity region block GII from impurity SGF inversion in real space and discarding all blocks GRI, GIR, GRR. Host G0 enters as a boundary condition but does not change.
- 3) GF = SiSca + Musca(structural GF)
- 1) potential V -> solutions R, H
- p. 18
dft20 lecture 20 KKR
- From lit-rev - kkr.org
In order to solve the Schrödinger equation, the scattering properties of each scattering center (atom) are determined in a first step and described by a scattering matrix, while the multiple-scattering by all atoms in the lattice is determined in a second step by demanding that the incident wave at each center is the sum of the outgoing waves from all other centers. In this way, a separation between the potential and geometric properties is achieved.
A further significant development of the KKR scheme came when it was reformulated as a KKR Green function method [75, 76]. By separating the single-site scattering problem from the multiple-scattering effects, the method is able to produce the crystal Green function efficiently by relating it to the Green function of free space via the Dyson equation. In a second step the crystal Green function can be used as a reference in order to calculate the Green function of an impurity in the crystal [77], again via a Dyson equation. This way of solving the impurity problem is extremely efficient, avoiding the construction of huge supercells which are needed in wavefunction methods.
- Observables and electron density
- from lit-rev - kkr.org
[…] charge density \(n(\bm{r})\) can be directly expressed by an energy integral over the imaginary part of the Green function
- from msc2a_theory
The integral sums over all occupied states up to the Fermi energy \(E_F\) at zero absolute temperature
- expensive energy integrals are calculated efficiently via contour integration (less E points)
- from lit-rev - kkr.org
- Some KKR applications besides impurity embeddings
- surfaces, layered systems, transport and spectroscopic properties, linear-scaling DFT with accurate long-range interactions (KKRnano), disordered systems (CPA), conventional superconductivity (BdG-DFT), etc.