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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 by Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
# Author: J. Caron
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"""This module provides the :class:`~.DataSet` class for the collection of phase maps
and additional data like corresponding projectors."""

import logging
from numbers import Number
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from pyramid.kernel import Kernel
from pyramid.phasemap import PhaseMap
from pyramid.phasemapper import PhaseMapperRDFC
from pyramid.projector import Projector

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
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import numpy as np
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__all__ = ['DataSet']

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class DataSet(object):
    """Class for collecting phase maps and corresponding projectors.
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    Represents a collection of (e.g. experimentally derived) phase maps, stored as
    :class:`~.PhaseMap` objects and corresponding projectors stored as :class:`~.Projector`
    objects. At creation, the grid spacing `a` and the dimension `dim` of the magnetization
    distribution have to be given. Data can be added via the :func:`~.append` method, where
    a :class:`~.PhaseMap`, a :class:`~.Projector` and additional info have to be given.

    a: float
        The grid spacing in nm.
    dim: tuple (N=3)
        Dimensions of the 3D magnetization distribution.
    b_0: double
        The saturation induction in `T`.
    mask: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=3), optional
        A boolean mask which defines the magnetized volume in 3D.
    Se_inv : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=2), optional
        Inverted covariance matrix of the measurement errors. The matrix has size `NxN` with N
        being the length of the targetvector y (vectorized phase map information).
    projectors: list of :class:`~.Projector`
        A list of all stored :class:`~.Projector` objects.
    phasemaps: list of :class:`~.PhaseMap`
        A list of all stored :class:`~.PhaseMap` objects.
    phase_vec: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=1)
        The concatenaded, vectorized phase of all :class:`~.PhaseMap` objects.
    count(self): int
        Number of phase maps and projectors in the dataset.
    hook_points(self): :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N=1)
        Hook points which determine the start of values of a phase map in the `phase_vec`.
        The length is `count + 1`.
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    _log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.DataSet')
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    def a(self):
        """The grid spacing in nm."""
        return self._a

    def a(self, a):
        assert isinstance(a, Number), 'Grid spacing has to be a number!'
        assert a >= 0, 'Grid spacing has to be a positive number!'
        self._a = float(a)

    def mask(self):
        """A boolean mask which defines the magnetized volume in 3D."""
        return self._mask

    def mask(self, mask):
        if mask is not None:
            assert mask.shape == self.dim, 'Mask dimensions must match!'
            mask = np.ones(self.dim, dtype=bool)
        self._mask = mask.astype(np.bool)

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    def m(self):
        """Size of the image space."""
        return np.sum([len(p.phase_vec) for p in self.phasemaps])
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    def n(self):
        """Size of the input space."""
        return 3 * np.sum(self.mask)

        """Number of phase maps and projectors in the dataset."""
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    def phase_vec(self):
        """The concatenaded, vectorized phase of all ;class:`~.PhaseMap` objects."""
        return np.concatenate([p.phase_vec for p in self.phasemaps])
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    def hook_points(self):
        """Hook points which determine the start of values of a phase map in the `phase_vec`."""
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        result = [0]
        for i, phasemap in enumerate(self.phasemaps):
            result.append(result[i] +
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        return result

        """List of phase mappers, created on demand with the projectors in mind."""
        dim_uv_set = set([p.dim_uv for p in self.projectors])
        kernel_list = [Kernel(self.a, dim_uv) for dim_uv in dim_uv_set]
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        return {kernel.dim_uv: PhaseMapperRDFC(kernel) for kernel in kernel_list}

    def __init__(self, a, dim, b_0=1, mask=None, Se_inv=None):
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        self._log.debug('Calling __init__')
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        assert isinstance(dim, tuple) and len(dim) == 3, \
            'Dimension has to be a tuple of length 3!'
        self.a = a
        self.dim = dim
        self.b_0 = b_0
        self.mask = mask
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        self.projectors = []
        self._log.debug('Created: ' + str(self))
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    def __repr__(self):
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        self._log.debug('Calling __repr__')
        return '%s(a=%r, dim=%r, b_0=%r, mask=%r, Se_inv=%r)' % (self.__class__, self.a, self.dim,
                                                                 self.b_0, self.mask, self.Se_inv)
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    def __str__(self):
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        self._log.debug('Calling __str__')
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        return 'DataSet(a=%s, dim=%s, b_0=%s)' % (self.a, self.dim, self.b_0)

    def append(self, phasemap, projector):
        """Appends a data pair of phase map and projection infos to the data collection.`
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            A :class:`~.PhaseMap` object which should be added to the data collection.
        projector: :class:`~.Projector`
            A :class:`~.Projector` object which should be added to the data collection.


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        self._log.debug('Calling append')
        assert isinstance(phasemap, PhaseMap) and isinstance(projector, Projector), \
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            'Argument has to be a tuple of a PhaseMap and a Projector object!'
        assert projector.dim == self.dim, '3D dimensions must match!'
        assert phasemap.dim_uv == projector.dim_uv, 'Projection dimensions (dim_uv) must match!'
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        """Create a list of phasemaps with the projectors in the dataset for a given
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            Magnetic distribution to which the projectors of the dataset should be applied.

        phasemaps : list of :class:`~.phasemap.PhaseMap`
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            A list of the phase maps resulting from the projections specified in the dataset.

        self._log.debug('Calling create_phasemaps')
        phasemaps = []
        for projector in self.projectors:
            mag_proj = projector(magdata)
            phasemap = self.phasemappers[projector.dim_uv](mag_proj)
            phasemap.mask = mag_proj.get_mask()[0, ...]
        return phasemaps
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    def set_Se_inv_block_diag(self, cov_list):
        """Set the Se_inv matrix as a block diagonal matrix

        cov_list: list of :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
            List of inverted covariance matrices (one for each projection).


        self._log.debug('Calling set_Se_inv_block_diag')
        assert len(cov_list) == len(self.phasemaps), 'Needs one covariance matrix per phase map!'
        self.Se_inv = sparse.block_diag(cov_list).tocsr()

    def set_Se_inv_diag_with_conf(self, conf_list=None):
        """Set the Se_inv matrix as a block diagonal matrix from a list of confidence matrizes.
        conf_list: list of :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (optional)
            List of 2D confidence matrizes (one for each projection) which define trust regions.
            If not given this uses the confidence matrizes of the phase maps.
        self._log.debug('Calling set_Se_inv_diag_with_conf')
        if conf_list is None:  # if no confidence matrizes are given, extract from the phase maps!
            conf_list = [phasemap.confidence for phasemap in self.phasemaps]
        cov_list = [sparse.diags(c.ravel().astype(np.float32), 0) for c in conf_list]

    def set_3d_mask(self, mask_list=None):
        """Set the 3D mask from a list of 2D masks.

        mask_list: list of :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (optional)
            List of 2D masks, which represent the projections of the 3D mask. If not given this
            uses the mask matrizes of the phase maps. If just one phase map is present, the
            according mask is simply expanded to 3D and used directly.


        self._log.debug('Calling set_3d_mask')
        if mask_list is None:  # if no masks are given, extract from phase maps:
            mask_list = [phasemap.mask for phasemap in self.phasemaps]
        if len(mask_list) == 1:  # just one phasemap --> 3D mask equals 2D mask
            self.mask = np.expand_dims(mask_list[0], axis=0)  # z-dim is set to 1!
        else:  # 3D mask has to be constructed from 2D masks:
            mask_3d_inv = np.zeros(self.dim)
            for i, projector in enumerate(self.projectors):
                mask_2d_inv = np.logical_not(self.phasemaps[i].mask.reshape(-1))  # inv. 2D mask
                # Add extrusion of inv. 2D mask:
                mask_3d_inv +=
            self.mask = np.where(mask_3d_inv == 0, True, False)

    def display_mask(self, ar_dens=1):
        """If it exists, display the 3D mask of the magnetization distribution.

        ar_dens: int (optional)
            Number defining the cell density which is plotted. A higher ar_dens number skips more
            arrows (a number of 2 plots every second arrow). Default is 1.


        self._log.debug('Calling display_mask')
        if self.mask is not None:
            zz, yy, xx = np.indices(self.dim)
            ad = ar_dens
            zz = zz[::ad, ::ad, ::ad].ravel()
            yy = yy[::ad, ::ad, ::ad].ravel()
            xx = xx[::ad, ::ad, ::ad].ravel()
            mask_vec = self.mask[::ad, ::ad, ::ad].ravel().astype(
            mlab.figure(size=(750, 700))
            plot = mlab.points3d(xx, yy, zz, mask_vec, opacity=0.5,
                                 mode='cube', scale_factor=ar_dens)
            return plot
    def phase_plots(self, magdata=None, title='Phase Map',
                    cmap='RdBu', limit=None, norm=None):
        """Display all phasemaps saved in the :class:`~.DataSet` as a colormesh.
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        magdata : :class:`~.VectorData`, optional
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            Magnetic distribution to which the projectors of the dataset should be applied. If not
            given, the phasemaps in the dataset are used.
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        title : string, optional
            The main part of the title of the plots. The default is 'Phase Map'. Additional
            projector info is appended to this.
        cmap : string, optional
            The :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` which is used for the plots as a string.
            The default is 'RdBu'.
        limit : float, optional
            Plotlimit for the phase in both negative and positive direction (symmetric around 0).
            If not specified, the maximum amplitude of the phase is used.
        norm : :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` or subclass, optional
            Norm, which is used to determine the colors to encode the phase information.
            If not specified, :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` is automatically used.


        self._log.debug('Calling phase_plots')
        if magdata is not None:
            phasemaps = self.create_phasemaps(magdata)
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        [phasemap.plot_phase('{} ({})'.format(title, self.projectors[i].get_info()),
                             cmap=cmap, limit=limit, norm=norm)
         for (i, phasemap) in enumerate(phasemaps)]
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    def combined_plots(self, magdata=None, title='Combined Plot', cmap='RdBu', limit=None,
                       norm=None, gain='auto', interpolation='none', grad_encode='bright'):
        """Display all phasemaps and the resulting color coded holography images.
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        magdata : :class:`~.VectorData`, optional
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            Magnetic distribution to which the projectors of the dataset should be applied. If not
            given, the phasemaps in the dataset are used.
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        title : string, optional
            The title of the plot. The default is 'Combined Plot'.
        cmap : string, optional
            The :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` which is used for the plot as a string.
            The default is 'RdBu'.
        limit : float, optional
            Plotlimit for the phase in both negative and positive direction (symmetric around 0).
            If not specified, the maximum amplitude of the phase is used.
        norm : :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` or subclass, optional
            Norm, which is used to determine the colors to encode the phase information.
            If not specified, :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Normalize` is automatically used.
        gain : float, optional
            The gain factor for determining the number of contour lines in the holographic
            contour map. The default is 1.
        interpolation : {'none, 'bilinear', 'cubic', 'nearest'}, optional
            Defines the interpolation method for the holographic contour map.
            No interpolation is used in the default case.
        grad_encode: {'bright', 'dark', 'color', 'none'}, optional
            Encoding mode of the phase gradient. 'none' produces a black-white image, 'color' just
            encodes the direction (without gradient strength), 'dark' modulates the gradient
            strength with a factor between 0 and 1 and 'bright' (which is the default) encodes
            the gradient strength with color saturation.


        self._log.debug('Calling combined_plots')
        if magdata is not None:
            phasemaps = self.create_phasemaps(magdata)
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            phasemaps = self.phasemaps
        for (i, phasemap) in enumerate(phasemaps):
            phasemap.plot_combined('{} ({})'.format(title, self.projectors[i].get_info()),
                                   cmap, limit, norm, gain, interpolation, grad_encode)
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